Background Pony #9B3F
A cartoon about friendship yet most of the voice actress are from Black Lagoon.  
Admit it we were all waiting for this comic.

Not sure what anyone who came into this comic knowing half its ‘source material’ was expecting…but yeah, Revbow could lay it on a bit lighter in future pages.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
@Background Pony #15F3  
I’d say about a two-pound bag of sand.
Background Pony #FAB3
Let’s change the subject before the mods get involved. What size would you say the breasts of the mane 6 are in this comic? Rarity, Pinkie, and AJ all seem to have E-cups while RD is more B-C cup and Fluttershy is an F-G cup.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
@Background Pony #300D  
inb4 hamfisted rape backstory.
Background Pony #7CBB
perhaps she has reasons to not trust strangers.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
@Background Pony #300D  
I get not being friendly towards him, but so far he has demonstrated to be a spineless coward with little loyalty to his employer, yet she still treats him like he murdered her parents.
Background Pony #7CBB
@Jack Kellar  
ahem like he came from an enemy ship, or didn’t you read the rest of the story? lol
Orphaned Account
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Background Pony #300D  
Spike? “Enemy”? Bitch please.
Background Pony #7CBB
@Background Pony #5ECC  
I don’t see why rd should be nice to an enemy, but thankfully you’re not the creator of this comic lol
Background Pony #DB96
agreed, I have no hope for this comic if this is how she is going to act towards Spike.  
also I watched the anime this was based off, black lagoon. which means if Rainbow is Revy that would mean Spike would be Rock. but Spike acts nothing like Rock from the anime, so why try to make Rainbow like Revy if there not going to do the same for spike.
but that being said despite being a gun wielding psychopath Revy wasn’t this much of a bitch toward Rock, so I don’t see what the point of RD being an ASS toward spike is.
sorry I know I’m ranting here but this just really bothers me.  
oh and P.S despite not being romantically involved, there was definitely something going on between Rock and Revy in the anime.  
but I wont hold my breath for the same thing to happen between Spike and rainbow dash. and I know what BIG sparity fans the creators of this comic are. but I feel because of the anime this was based of spikedash would have been a better choice for this comic. but that’s just my opinion on the matter.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
@Jack Kellar  
I get being a bit of a jerk, but she’s just a fucking asshole.
Orphaned Account
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Well said. I’m getting really irritated at her shit attitude continuing after the first contact, moreso after that shit tier “april fools” mini-comic.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
Yes Rainbow. It also means that you won’t be able to do a damn thing to stop him if he decides to kill you and throw your corpse overboard.
Getting real sick of her shit right now.
Background Pony #5399
Oh yes, it’s a fan comic, that totally excuses bad characterization. Look, I like Pia’s work, but you can at least make an effort to match their personalities closer to the show rather than turn them into freakin’ psychopaths.
And you also just highlighted the reason I hate Black Lagoon; the protagonists are unlikeable scumbags. Forgive me for not wanting to see some of my favorite characters treated the same way.

Beware. The Silly One. It Approaches.

It seems that I have accidentally made a firestorm with one of my comments, so allow me set the record straight:
The only thing I had a bit of an issue with was how Revy Dash is basically shitting on Spike all the time, despite that his existence at the moment was pretty much unfortunate circumstances–in essence, he was not in control at the time. Personally I though that Dash’s treatment of Spike was a bit extreme. None of the others that Spike met were a bit better. Mind you, they have been harded because of the lives they lead at the moment thanks to Solar Flare just about nuking the world. I get that it’s just her personality, and that we have to get used to it. At least the others on the boat have calmed down a bit (no opinion on Pinkie or Twilight since we haven’t seen them yet).
Secondly, to all that have issues with the shippings and that includes me as well, let’s all together put our shipping glasses aside for the moment. There is a real story that is unfolding as we speak, and we don’t need to ruin it with petty arguments. More than likely there’s gonna be something for everyone, including shipping.
We are really still at the tip of the iceberg, even though it’s chapter 5 right now. So maybe we can rein in some of our opinions on things until there is a bit more context to work with.
To FFB, Pia, Hemio, and others–keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t let silly arguments and other stuff discourage you from what you guys obviously love doing. From me and all of us, we will still be here regardless of how you take it, and will stay tuned for what you come up with.
Background Pony #7CBB
@Background Pony #2F55  
this is AU. 10 years of leaving in a world ruled by a tyrant. What do you know what have they had to do in all these years? These sailors were going to kill them anyways, so what else could they do but defeating them someway? Why should AJ and RD trust in Spike? They don’t know him, he’s more like an enemy, so why should they treat him any other way? If you like canon series with the magic of friendship and plots for 5 years old girls, you an stuck with canon, and stop doind nonsence like complaining about it.
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Thread Starter - Five Nights at Freddy's thread
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012
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The Anti-Normies
@Background Pony #2F55  
>complaining about OOC  
>in a fan comic  
>which is a fusion fic of fucking Black Lagoon  
Pls go.
Background Pony #6A99
@animefan14 I agree
Seriosly, we’re not even into the main story and already
-Both Dash and Applejack have pointed guns in Spike’s face.
  • Applejack joked about cutting his hand off.
  • Dash has repeatedly threatened to maim/kill Spike for absolutely no reasonot other than she doesn’t like him
  • Rarity drowned a ship full of sailors… because they put a hole in her boot
    Yeah, Pia is one of my favorite artists but they’ve got the whole cast ridiculously OOC with the exception of Fluttershy (the only one to treat Spike with any decency so far) and possibly Pinkie Pie.
Background Pony #7CBB
they look more like complains. I don’t think the creators feel good reading these kind of comment. It has to be kinda discouraging. Just saying.

Greed is Pure
@Background Pony #300D  
Opinions are opinions. Get over it
Background Pony #7CBB
why can’t you respect the efforts of others? If they’re doing the comic is for something, if you want your ships, go and spend hours and efforts in your own shit. Stop criticizing others decitions and efforts for what they believe and love.
Background Pony #FAB3
What if Fluttershy in this world has a secret kinky side i.e. bondage, s&m, spanking.