If you’re talking about fantasy yuri, maybe. But you also must take into consideration “straight guy goggles”. i.e. you have a bias towards anything involving females. So when it comes to yuri or yaoi fantasy, without any bias, I would say both are equally pure. Real life relationships on the other hand are anything but pure (in general). And that goes for both sexes.
@Background Pone #0000
I think that’s the beauty of art, everyone has different interpretations and sometimes might be deeper than what the artist intended. One person could look at a picture of a window and see the black curtains and say they represent the artists depression and inner desire to let the light into their lives. The artist could say they’re just friggen curtains. Some options are more correct than others but that doesn’t really invalidate all other options.
Okay, so I have a comment that might be looking too deep but even though this is probably just meant to be a silly edit I’m going to overanalyze the fuck out of it.
Imagine for a moment that in the waking world that Sweetie Belle is a lesbian or whatever - but hasn’t accepted it. Now in the context of this image this is a nightmare. She’s afraid of being defined by it. She’s afraid of everybody seeing at a glance that she is one. But as I think about this image and about sexuality as a whole I’m drawn back to a line Luna had in this episode:
“[Worrying about getting a cutie mark] is the same as worrying about who you are. That is all a cutie mark is. If you can not accept who you are, life might seem like a bad dream.”
That’s my “It’s probably not that deep but I’ve been thinking about this a lot.” analysis of this post.
On the flip side, I’ll say it’s an equally important lesson that just because you start off on the wrong hoof doesn’t mean you can’t make amends down the line. Maybe Diamond Tiara’s reformation serves as a lesson for girls like her that just because you’re raised by a snotty, arrogant brat doesn’t mean you have to be one. It might get girls who have mothers like Spoiled Milk Rich to realize they can be better than that, that they can choose to be decent.
I think the greater flaw is that, before Crusaders of the Lost Mark, there wasn’t much build up to DT having any decency in her; Silver Spoon showed more hope for redemption (and I’m sure many expected her to be the “bully who spends a day with the nice kids and reforms because of it”). An occasional scene here or there would have created some anticipation for DT being reformed.
But I think the underline message of making peace with a former enemy is a beautiful one in its own right. Yes, you must take care to protect yourself from the truly bad people of the world, but not every instance of adversity equals a complete, irredeemable monster. DT represented the CMC’s greatest challenge, and by making peace with her, by helping her make peace with herself, they moved past adversity and realized their true calling: helping ponies understand themselves. Meanwhile DT opened her heart to friendship, stepped out of her mother’s shadow, and found herself in a happier place because of it. No more wasting time being a bully; now she’s free to grow into a mare of her own making, just as her new friends are doing.
This is more better than images includes nudity