Don’t worry, we’re destroying your home because someone you’ve never met, never heard of, and happens to have hired people who are the same species as you are destroying part of ours.
@SeraphimDawn Arcanum ftw. @Lurks-no-More Uhhhh that was kind of the point? Magic treecats attuned with nature beat up metal birds?
Well also a shittier rehash of Pocahontas and making guy who shoulda been the goodguy into the badguy
Well, yes, “Technology is baaaad!” is a stupid thing. But that’s not what Avatar is about, yet there was nigh endless QQing by nerds who couldn’t help projecting a thing they hated on the movie that didn’t actually contain it.
I’ve seen many medias where the elves were the ones who invent all these ancient sophisticated technologies and have build advanced civilizations far ahead of humans. But they often ditch all the sophisticated stuff whenever they are met with some obligatory catastrophe that consumes their civilizations leaving them in ruins for thousands of years until stumbled upon by humans or whatever.
That’s because “Technology is bad” morals are fucking horseshit.
Protip: Nearly all stories about how technology is the devil are being told though a medium that wasn’t possible without technology.
You wanna have a peaceful race of tribals that don’t use technology? Fine. But don’t parade them as being better or superior to races that do use technology. Yeah, being “one with nature” and “peace within myself” sounds nice, but “not dying of Polio” or “being able to speak with loved ones from far away any time anywhere” sounds nicer.
Ah, but it’s actually rather rare in these days for elves to be portrayed as “Nazi Hippies”. The deer in this, based on what little I’ve seen of them, don’t seem to fit that mold either.
I think a lot of nerds are just allergic to the whole concept of elves, and/or any kind of an ecological parable. I remember the nerdrage about Avatar, and how most of it was not based on anything that actually happened in the movie but rather on the assumption of a stereotypical “tech and science are baaaaad!” narrative.
Somewhat tangentially, people vocally hating on elves are both much more common and much more annoying than elf fanboys these days. This isn’t 1992 any more, and the guy who wrote the Complete Book of Elves for AD&D 2e has apologized for it.