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bullets fire
Okay, I’ll stop.
sees this picture
I get you’re a pervert (as am I), but I didn’t really know until a week ago, I think.
You already know this. Lol.
They’re just a top priority, right?
We are so alike. :c
That is all.
I know, but I keep thinking self-loathing will help me be more proactive in overcoming my flaws.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, we both are to ourselves and it’s not good.
Mostly. More good than bad came out of it, but something about it made me realize I’m kinda “meh” as a person.
That thread was awesome and you know it.
That thread was ridiculous. And it helped and hurt my confidence.
But I think I got a guy interested in Judas Priest, so I think I liked.
The picture itself was pretty good.
It does nothing for me.
welp, i see
I meant that your interest in crossdressing wasn’t as weird as watersports.
lol,you had to make me notice xD