Funny thing is, I heard originally Loony Tunes wasn’t originally entirely aimed at kids. In fact, back in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, they were considered quite “edgy” for their day.
Toplists are for tools
Cracked recycles this crap every few hours
My web ads try to cheat me into clicking them by offering various lists
I have much more reliable sources if I for some reason wanted to know the actual top examples, tyvm
the games are recyclerecyclerecyle mostly. but compared to the anime they are fresh as purified water/thing but even then it’s less of a problem. the anime, it just doesn’t bother a lot of the time.
adding pokeman anime is BS, it can only be enjoyed by kids, hell, why you think they keep repeating the same plot? they know that when one generation of kids outgrows it and ragequit, a new generation of kids will take over.
For me,there is no big deal,at least we’re on the list and Looney Tunes is first because of its longetivity IMO.Once again,at least,we’re on the list and also it’s just a Mojo list
(Also i never understood Phineas and Ferb appeal but that’s just my opinion