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I kind of agree with you. By this point most of Chris’ followers are a bunch of A-Logs who don’t have a life themselves and have nothing better to do than watch his every step. The second I saw that PSN Tracker on the CWCki I lost all faith in them.
I don’t hate Chris nor want to see him suffer… I just think he’s involuntary funny =/
And who does he hurt by doing this except himself ?.Look,i understand that Chris is guilty of stalking himself but it’s highly ironic that his detractors sunk at his level of creepiness and still claim a moral upper hand of superiority.the only people who should have dealt with Chris is the police of Virginia,not a bunch of bored teenagers who made everything,Chris paranoia is justified,people legitimately make creepshots of him.And no ,it’s not okay even if it’s Chris and he done that himself.An eye for an eye make the world blind.
Edited because: Rule 7 edit.
Think about it this way : Who is the more pathetic ? Chris or the 4Chan zombies that document obsessively his every moves and track his location using EXIF photo data ?
Circa 2007,it was Chris who willingly divulged those information,now they have to use hacker method to stalk him.The moment when they got the extra mile to found Chris status,they changed from mere trolls to full fledged stalkers.
How do you choose what make you laugh?
And there isn’t more wholesome worthwhile forms of humor to be had?
A good laugh is good for the body and soul…
And there’s really nothing better that they can do with it? How is this even remotely productive?
nah… just in free time
And that’s worth dedicating your life to pursuing?
Maybe your reactions are really funny?…
My thoughts exactly. As someone who has actually dealt with similar obsessive trolls, you do have to wonder why they waste so much time and effort harassing and following people they shouldn’t even remotely care about. It’s almost as if they are proud that stuff like this is their life.