Artist -

Deletion reason: No reason given
Artist -

Spoony Bard
@Ball Joy  
“I’m a Celestia fearing Pegasus, and LUNA DAM PROUD!”
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Pegasus culture:
Loyalty until death, strength through unity
Artist -

Spoony Bard
Deletion reason: No reason given
Background Pony #AF5B
Headcanon Time.  
Celestia sent them on their quest to inspire the citizens of her kingdom to believe in something bigger than themselves. To believe in what they can accomplish together. When she was very young, a vain Celestia basked in the glory that she received from her subjects, ignoring her friendship with her sister Luna. Because of what happened with Nightmare Moon, Celestia felt intense guilt and wished to spread of philosophy of friendship to her subjects to ensure they would not repeat her mistakes.
Lord WyrmSpawN
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Thread Starter - MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
And I remember someone saying the elements were what they based their whole society on.
Ha ha.
Revenant Wings
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Not-So-Stoic Royal Guard
Soarin’s seems like a decent fellow, as does Bulk. And most ponies seem to want to help out and we hardly ever see an irritated or angered background pony.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I do got to wonder if anypony else in Equestria takes the whole “Friendship is Magic” thing seriously. Cause it seems like the Six are the only ones actively practicing this philosophy.
Background Pony #A084
They didn’t even send him a Get-well-card or some flowers. The Wonderbolts sure know the true meaning of Team Spirit.
Background Pony #890E
I wonder if there’s a genetic hierarchy with pegasi as well. Like in real life, there’s horses that are breed specifically for racing, I wonder if there’s animosity for having an “incorrect mate” that “sabotages” the genetics for future racers in a family.

And they might not ALL be jerks. Soarin’ seems like a cool guy, at least.
Artist -

Spoony Bard
maybe it just a female talented flying Pegasus thing

If you take Fluttershy’s backstory in Cutie Mark Chronicles and Hurricane Fluttershy, it’s possible.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Thread Starter - Transformers Thread

That fits nicely with my headcanon of Surprise from G1 being Rainbow Dash’s older sister and the record holder for “youngest Wonderbolt in history.” Dash really looks up to her in particular, hence why she’s trying so hard to make it into the Wonderbolts: to make her sister proud. The idea of her projecting an image fits nicely with this; she can’t believe that her cool older sister would join up with a bunch of jerks.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Also worth considering that Rainbow’s pretty rude and egotistical herself. She’s certainly improved since the earlier seasons, but it’s still a part of her personality.
Revenant Wings
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Not-So-Stoic Royal Guard
Artist -

Spoony Bard
are you talking about her job or you know, “it”
Revenant Wings
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Not-So-Stoic Royal Guard
Oh, please. Spitfire’s probably thinking “Rainbow Dash is better at it” even before she tried out.
@Star Cavalcade  
I’m now beginning to think it’s something of a projection problem. Rainbow Dash was a big fan of the Wonderbolts ever since she was a filly, so she’s had at least 10 years or more to build up this image of them in her head as being cool, awesome, and heroic. She’s had three major times where they were at minimum supportive - “Sonic Rainboom”, “The Grand Galloping Gala”, and “Hurricane Fluttershy” - so she’s beginning to think they meet those expectations. Problem is those three are all showing a social facade (with the possible exception of Soarin) while “Wonderbolts Academy” and this episode show more of what they’re like behind the scenes, a side of them that’s more rude and egotistical (not sure if those are the right words). RD may not be coming to grips with this due to wishful thinking; she’s built up the image in her head so much that she can’t bear to see them portrayed in a negative light even in front of her face. In short, she’s might be in denial of them being as rude as they actually are because she wants to believe something else.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

>implying this is a cultural thing and not just toppest cunts
Artist -

Spoony Bard
Depends on the context but how is anything like bully or murder. where talking about Ponies from a show aimed at kids on the internet not some news article about some kid been found dead or a terrorist attack. lighten up for buck sake.

Well, if Hearths Warming Eve is anything to go by, pegasi culture used to at least look kinda Spartan. Maybe some of that’s stuck around.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Thread Starter - Transformers Thread

Except that it’s been established that the only time she WASN’T voiced by Kelly Metzger was her two lines in “Sonic Rainboom.” Mind you, I don’t know why she started doing the voice differently, but it’s always been the same actress.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pegasi culture just seems crueler and more hostile with every look we get at it.
Background Pony #126F
I’m starting to headcannon that all pegasai or at least Cloudsdale pegasai grew up in the school of hard knocks, which makes them inherent hardasses.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

So “having fun” is a good excuse? Wow. Imagine that. I should go around and bully someone to the point of having that person commit suicide and laugh at their friends and family about their loss. When I’m finally caught and put into court, I’ll be able to break free simply by uttering “I was just having fun”. (or do something 1000x less dramatic)
Or I (but mostly you) could realize that “having fun” isn’t a justifiable excuse.