How much of an assholee you are does have an influence on what you believe though. I’m not making any statements about any particular belief, just saying, those are usually heavily intertwined things.
Chill, it was just a suggestion, if you can’t help where you live then, there’s nothing that can be done about. I was just suggesting if you didn’t like where you lived, then why not save up, and move? Sorry, if it seemed like I was being facecious. No need to get so bent though.
Ok, first off, I never said whites had it worse then blacks, (and for your information, I’m not 100% white) nor was I trying to accuse you of saying that. NOR have I said Christians, had it horrible in this country, or worse then everybody else. (Heck, some other countries, it’s illegal to be a Christian.) I’m just saying, SOME have had problems with people of differing viewpoints, and such attacking them, as well. THAT’S ALL I’M SAYING.
You can’t deny there’s some hatred to people regardless what their religious belief, race, or whatever is. It’s not the biggest problem in the country, but there’s still a few cases/problems with that out there.
Like there have reports of college professors, and such hassling/berating students for their religious beliefs, and such. I knew a guy who’s parents disowned him, because he converted to Christianity.
Just ‘cause it’s not a common thing, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, that’s all I’m saying.
Also, in regards to your remark, “Cool. I don’t deny you’ve probably been insulted or hassled by atheists. You shouldn’t deny that I’ve been insulted or hassled by countless religious nuts. What’s your point?”
Did you see the other part of that sentence? I said BOTH fanatical Atheists, AND relgious fanatics have hassled me to, so I’ve been in your boat before to.
Let me re-emphesize, I’m not NOT NOT saying Christians are the most “persecuted” people in America. You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying… But I’m sorry, if I didn’t make that clear in my previous post.
AGREED! that’s what I’ve been trying to say actually…
@Beau Skunky
Let us break down your nonsense, item by item, for your joy and edification.
“Maybe I should move if I don’t like it.”
Yes, I should, in the midst of all my current health problems and financial straights be forcibly driven from my home in order to not face harassment and persecution. That’s a reasonable request. After all, why should someone live somewhere, free to believe as they will, if it’s unpleasant? No, obviously if they don’t like it they should just shut up or move. They shouldn’t merely reflect on their experiences and tell the truth about what they have learned living somewhere. No, they should pack up their shit and hit the trail. It doesn’t matter that my farmland is int his area and I use it to sustain myself. It doesn’t matter that all of my family is here and I take care of them. It certainly doesn’t matter that the house I bought and payed for is here. No, I should just move. Duh!
I never assumed that racism against whites can not exist or that people are not hated for what they believe. However, from a SYSTEMIC viewpoint, whites are not oppressed and neither are the majority religion, IE Christianity. Don’t start with that. It’s a road to MRA nonsense and tit for tat niggling over an issue that does not back up your point statistically, at all.
Want to look up the poverty statistics about white vs black? Want to look up incarceration rates? Want to go down that rabbit hole?
Oh, and speaking of statitics:
“It’s debatable that religious people in the US are a majority.”
Oh, is it now?
Christians make up 78 percent of the religion of the US. That means if you talk to 5 people, 4 of them are probably Christian. So no, don’t even try to pretend it is debatable. It’s not.
“I’ve been hassled by atheist and religious fanatics”
Cool. I don’t deny you’ve probably been insulted or hassled by atheists. You shouldn’t deny that I’ve been insulted or hassled by countless religious nuts. What’s your point?
This isn’t some credo against religion but I’m not going to sit here and pretend like somehow Christians in this country have it so very horrible or some such nonsense or carry some mythical “stigma” when I’ve seen, time and time again, the least inclination towards disbelief met with nothing but hostility, mockery, and condemnation.
Well, maybe you should move to a more secular area then, if religious people are that “evil” where you live. Plus it’s debatable if religious people are a “majority” in the USA, or not. There’s states, cities, places even in the USA, where religious people are the minority, or looked down upon.
Also, it’s kinda unfair to assume nobody is ever been hated for what they believe, or what they are, just ‘cause they’re a supposed “majority.”
You sound like that guy who said racism against white people doesn’t exist, just ‘cause white people are a majority. You can’t deny there are some people who hate others of a different race/religion then they are, regardless if they’re the majority/minority, or whatever.
I’ve been insulted, and hassled by both fanatical Atheists, AND fanatical religious people for not believing in everything that they believe in before.
Religion a stigma, as opposed to athiesm? Don’t make me fucking laugh. I grew up in the bible belt and not believing in bronze age mythology is a death sentence here. Don’t even start with your “we’re in the majority but so oppressed” bullshit.
Interestingly, I read a fanfic yesterday involving Sweetie Belle sending a very angry and profanity-laced letter to Celestia, some of it containing her disbelief that she and Luna raise the sun and the moon, and that the Apple Family were building something called a “church”.
@A Sad Pony
It’s not a stigma in America. There aren’t many atheists (or even others of a religion that’s not Christianity) in political office. Certain places are bad to be an atheist (like the Bible Belt).
@Background Pony #AEC3
Yeah, if you ask me, those kinda fantical-Atheists are no better then the fanatical-religious people they claim to protest against.
Blessing a highway doesn’t hurt it. If you don’t believe in God, why should you care?
Don’t care as long as she is open minded. Only atheists I can’t stand are the ones that bark uncontrollably like rabid dogs, like that group in Florida that got so angry a group of religious people “blessed” a highway that the atheists got unholy water to debless the highway.
@A Sad Pony
I see, but yeah, to many people tend to generalize like that, regardless what a person is. Though, yeah, if people hear you’re religious, they tend to write you off as things like…
A “cultist, anti-science, in the dark ages, fanatical, Ned Flanders,” and all kinds of things.
I remember one guy said I was “poison” to society, because I was a Christian.
My sister said, one Atheist person was actually shocked to hear she watches TV, and is a Christian. Being “Christian” doesn’t mean we’re Amish, guys. :P
@Beau Skunky
A “stigma” as in something that people essentially write you off for. People hear you’re a brony, they think you’re sexually attracted to horses. People learn you’re from the Southern U.S., they think you’re part of a bunch of inbred hicks. Having a “mental disorder” automatically means you’re either stupid or ax-crazy. Things like that.
Not as per the Catholic use of the word regarding Christ’s crucifixion wounds appearing on your body.
And maybe it’s just my all-encompassing pessimism, but that’s just how I see it. I’m not trying to start a fight, or belittle anyone who believes whatever.