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I would imagen both Fuzzy Buzz’s reaction to Queen Crysalis AND Fluffle Puff reaction to King Metamorphosis
Since he’s a genderswap, you mean Fuzzy Buzz?
Well, Thank You for providing your critiques, politely I might add. (No, I mean it.) I should consider your suggestions.
I think it just needs to match his female counter part more. Smaller but sharper face. No extra adornments like the eyebrows. Longer, skinnier body- just a bit sharper to give it a more ‘male’ look (Chrysalis is gangly and skinny- as a male; he would still retain that. Puffed out chest is still good though). The helmet/crown is a little confusing. I’m sure just using the original crown (once again, maybe sharper) would do. Kudos on the clean vector though.
I’m sorry you don’t like it. I based his “Overdecorated” design on Solaris and Artemis.
Fair call. If nothing else, I can at least see where you’re coming from with the idea of it being an over-complicated design.
Over designed. And I don’t understand why trend of ‘how to make it male’ is adding strange eyebrows and a beard.