Duckman and Dan really would work well together, you should def find a torrent or something. He’s somewhere in between George Carlin and Lewis Black in angry rantings. Also he has some hilarious imagine spots such as the intro to this episode. Kinda surprised to find full episodes on youtube. Thought their content ID system was supposed to take that shit down.
Yeah, I forgot. Unfortunately, hot, yet possibly painfully skankish girls (Not all of them maybe skankish, but since I’ve never seen that and never want to, I shall think that all of them are like that.) fare better than inspired writing, great voice acting and excellent animation.
I also forgot about Kardashians, Honey BooBoo and Big Brother. (They were other shows I was gonna mention, but forgot that they even existed.)
A movie with Dan, Pinkie Pie and Duckman (I haven’t seen that show, how good is it?) could be the greatest thing a human being can think of. You, kind sir, need a cookie.
@rserp8 Well, to be fair to executives everywhere, tits sells, especially attractive tits. You’d have been better off trying to compare it to Kardashians or Honey Booboo, both of which have much higher ratings but no attractive people anywhere
@rserp8 Only the first 3 seasons are acceptable because they seem to have started with archetypes in mind and searched through their applicants for people that fit those roles. It got them decried as ‘too scripted’ and so they began only taking on ‘real people’ instead (ie, the incompetent and the douchebag need only apply) I think the ones who really killed ‘reality tv’ were Trump and Big Brother. Nearly every show after followed one of their formats to the letter, only ever more retarded and with worse and worse people selected to participate. Unrepentant bitches used to be a bad thing, for example. Only Shannon Doherty was allowed as the ‘token bitch’ on any show, real or fake.
And then this appeared. Now all of a sudden every reality show needs at least 3 or more, and they all have to constantly be in the same room as each other for maximum dramatics.
@rserp8 Dan needs a movie. A crossover movie. With Pinkie Pie and Duckman.
I know it’s a fan pic. I used it because I thought it was funny and that kinda fits to something that Dan would do. Yes, we shall miss that jerk. :)
So, which reality TV shows you think are actually good? I think I heard Survivor was not bad. I just thought they were all bad after hearing about that piece of crap “Jersey Shore” one too many times.
Reality TV is not inherently bad, but it’s flooding the airwaves because it’s (relatively) cheap and has a tinge of “authenticity” that appeals to a bunch of people. (Never mind that most of it is either scripted or massively edited to come out with the narrative that’s wanted.)
Just want to point out that the bottom picture is actually a fan made pic of Dan in Silent Hill and not a real episode, possibly because such a thing would be so incredibly awesome as to destroy the known universe.
Dan Vs. will be deeply missed. It made me laugh like no other show ever had before.
I wasn’t trying to say my opinions better than anyone else’s, I was just stating how TV (both animated and live-action) has severely dumbed down over the years. I respect your opinion as much as you do with mine, it’s just that Dan Vs. was a really special show to me and to a lot of other people (It may or may not have been a special show to you, I don’t know.) and that’s because it gave us something special that few other shows (Like MLP;FiM.) ever had and that it being cancelled made me want to scream Hub’s name into the Heavens the same way Dan would when something pissed him off. (That would be awkward and stupid in real life, but it’s plausible.) But then again, another part of me tells me to just be happy that it lasted longer than other shows, move on and eagerly wait for what Hub Network has to offer in the future.
Thus why I’m making a pilgrimage to re-visit all the old classic TV Shows like All in the Family, The Jefferesons and Sanford & Son 70’s TV was the BEST TV!
I will not deal with it because of the stupid facts that Two and Half Men has gone completely downhill since they fired Charlie Sheen (Hell, I don’t know if it was even better.),
both SNL and The Simpsons have greatly lost their touch after 30+ years, and on the Simpsons part, making it into a clusterfuck of bad jokes and facepalming morals,
The real Housewives is just centered on spoiled women that get to be on TV for no reason whatsofucking ever, (Ooh, you’re TV. Good for you. No one cares. Now fuck off and die.)
Family Guy is supposed to be “the greatest show on Earth” evn though the characters are almost universally unlikable, the show’s writing is miserably terrible, the already-horrible plot is ignored for a few seconds for idiotic cutaway gags and cheap, pathetic laughs, the execution is completely poor and is just utter stupidity for 22 minutes, (Although I will admit, it was actually good and funny when it first aired, but after that, it is just complete stupidity that can’t die, even after being killed twice.)
and honestly, there are seriously people on this Earth that would rather watch this…
over this?
I know I’d get hate for my earlier comment. I just think that TV is now being run by immature little brats who don’t know what quality or taste is. (And watching Dan Vs. on YouTube right now just makes the wounds hurt a lot worse.)
Well, now I am pretty sure that TV is run by retarded monkeys, always renewing shows that have overstayed their welcome (Like The Simpsons, Two and a Half Men and unfortunately, SNL), dumb talent shows that no one gives a fuck about and shows that are just plain stupid, while the shows that people actually like are shitcanned and sent to TV Hell, despite having excellent writing, great acting and overall stellar execution of the whole show.
All I can say is fuck The Real Housewives, fuck America’s Next Top Model, fuck Two and a Half Men and fuck Family Guy! Dan Vs. deserves a lot better than most of those wastes of space out on television right now.
I thought I heard Dan Vs. was cancelled back in March, but even so sad to see it go. It was one of the few non Pony shows I watched during the Hub’s first year (the reason I didn’t see a lot of it after season 1 was because stupid Comcast suddenly changed Hub from a basic cable channel to a “premium” one back in 2011, and I never found episodes got uploaded online as often as Ponies).
Hope the Dan Vs. team moves on to something good. At least I know I’ll still be hearing Curtis Armstrong (Dan’s VA) in American Dad.
That’s simply the American way of writing dates. And don’t say it makes more sense, because neither system works well. The “proper” way to write a day is year/month/day. This makes both sorting and expanding to include time/era information logical and painless.
Ideally, 2013-10-18. Year, month, day. It has the rational progression of the day-month-year ordering, but it is easier to sort in temporal order.