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Eh, I’ll just put it in with one of my theories that ponies just live a long time.
(Unicorns due to their high level magic can live around a thousand years.
Earth ponies a 3-7 hundred years due to their durability.
I put Pegasi as the shortest lived since I would assume that they have a much higher metabolism. 150-2 hundred years.
Now keep in mind that I usually shift ideas around, so it’s not concrete.)
Background Pony #0C58
That would have been funny, but the colors don’t match (Teddy was blue-ish with orange mane/tail)

Is the stallion with the teddy bear supposed to be Teddy from My Little Pony Tales? The design is different, but this seems almost like a slight reference to that. Considering the reference to G1 earlier in the comic, that’s not outside the realm of possibility.
Duck - Back in the day it was hip to quack on ugly alicorn OCs

Infrequent Shitposter
It’s really great to see that Celestia does have some really, really close friends, but I found myself kind of disappointed by this comic. Confusing timeline-raping worldbuilding, and not a whole lot about Celestia herself at all.