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Despite having finished all my Christmas shopping I had to set foot into a supermarket this evening. There was something slightly satisfying about the scene of carnage that lay before me =P
Suffice to say 'The season of goodwill' was not being upheld! :P
MLP:FiM owned by Hasbro.
I did, too, but I thankfully got out in time to have dinner with the family.
Also her reaction to the pictures afterwards.
Stellar approves of this plan. Her son, two mares, and alcohol can lead to a favorable outcome.
I finished a few days ago. Hosting my family’s traditional Christmas lunch for the first time and it’s been a juggling act with organising the whole thing on my own and looking after our newborn son, but I think I’m ready.
For Stellar, it will be the same Hearths Warming as last year; wondering where are her grandfoals.