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Then when Rarity turned some Mexican ponies into Classical music player ponies.
When Shining armor built a magicall wall to keep illegal changellings out and finally they where deported from equestria hahah
finally when Rarity said “i didn´t know you could burn Jews” hahahahha
There’s racists up north too, as I pointed out, but the majority of most people south or north look down on racism nowadays. Heck, there’s alot of people of different races where I live, and I’m a mix technically.
“The south” is a region, encompassing numerous people. I’m quite certain that some are racist, and I’m sure that some are not.
To presume otherwise is prejudice.
I was going to ask why, but then I remembered this bit.
>The south is super racist though.
“I hate racists and south ppl”. Good job!
You’re as ignorant as the racists are if you believe that.
Most of us aren’t racist believe it, or not… Forget everything the Tumblr crowd tells you.
And ironically, the K.K.K.‘s HQ is located up north, so it’s not exclusive to the south.
Some parts are, not the whole south…
Blah blah blah. The south is super racist though.
As stated below I think it was meant to be a reference to the short-lived “racist barn” meme.
But yeah, I do see the “unfortunate implications,” it’s bad enough ignorant people in the north think we’re all racist rednecks down here in the south…
I actually got into an argument with a SJW-level mentality person on Youtube about that once. I stated I never once witnessed any racism racist crime where I live, (in fact, in my neighboorhood most people are Hispanic) and he kept insisting racism is commonplace, and accepted where I live, (dispite never living in the south, so he doesn’t even have the “experience” to back it up) and he even bragged about having a black girlfriend, instead of a white one. (What does he want a medal for that?)
I really hate it when guilty-white SJWs brag about how “not racist they are,” while at the same time acting like race is a big deal ironically.
I’m not going to deny there’s a li’l racism out there, but it can be found anywhere, (ironically, the KKK’s HQ are located up north) and most of American society looks down upon such mentality.
Talk about unfortunate implications…
It’s been the official spoiler image for it for a year now ¬_¬
if your making a racist this barn joke.