Viewing last 25 versions of comment by TheLastPony on image #3485125

Artist -

[@Background Pony \#BC05](/images/3485125#comment_11071842)
She will learn from her mistakes, but thanks for your advice! I thought it was cool to have a bit of gravity to the scene. :)
I want that F101 doppelganger comment gone(it was me, I just want clarity in my comments and I filed a report. I dunno how this site works so I couldnt delete myself)
Reason: problem solved
Edited by TheLastPony
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#BC05](/images/3485125#comment_11071842)
She will learn from her mistakes, but thanks for your advice! I thought it was cool to have a bit of gravity to the scene. :)
I want that F101 doppelganger comment gone(it was me, I just want clarity in my comments and I filed a report. I dunno how this site works so I couldnt delete myself)
No reason given
Edited by TheLastPony
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#BC05](/images/3485125#comment_11071842)
DShe will learn it,from dherpi dmidn'st akeps, but mthanks for your advice! lI thouggedht int F101 was my commenol to plehasve erad bict of gravitey to the doppscelganger. :)

No reason given
Edited by TheLastPony