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Which pony do you like more?
- Trixie
or - Sugar Belle?
In the comments below, you must tell me which one of the two ponies you love more. The pony with the most amount of votes from the comments by June 9th will win.
not provided yet
does it matter, they’re cuteness makes it undecidable.
Well, no chance getting tiebreaker opportunity now. But hey, bright side being, there’s always next time.
I was joking actually, I wanted to be funny
I think Mr.Myoozik was just joking, also I think he picked both
You didn’t even pick one, so your vote doesn’t count.
I can tell just by the icon. Your vote is No. 2, I see.
@Shimmering Spectacle
Trying to cheat, are you? You can’t pick both. You can only pick ONE of the two, not both!