Heh, cute kid, she’s got a good imagination :3 . Might have wanted to make the pentagram bigger, but a sense of scale isn’t usually the forte of the very young. Probably also wants a salt circle for herself just in case it all goes horribly wrong, but sensible safety precautions are also known to be lacking amongst the young.
I can’t shake the feeling that this will all (has already?) ended in tragedy, though…
My advice, study some philosophy. A lot of its bunk, but it teaches you to examine things in a different way. One might say it will make you a cynic, but I don’t believe that.
And study other religions. You don’t need to believe them to learn about them. I know more about Christianity than many Christians I know yet I’m about as far from that belief as possible, but I still like studying it. It will, at the very least, give you a new perspective. And will keep you from looking foolish if you end up in a debate.
Ah… ok, I getcha, I totally agree, in EVERY way, i know I still have SHIT-TONS to learn, and I always will, I learn something new everyday, I just had yet to learn about “that”, thanks for informing me, I’m another step down the road to knowledge. ^^