@Background Pony #9FCE @Background Pony #9FCE
If you’re signed in and just have it set to post comments and pictures anonymously, then there should be a little edit button on your own comments, just to the right of the reply button.
If you’re not signed in, then that’s not there.
I’ve restored it, but … good luck with it. It seems to be duplicated and perhaps session-dependent or something. If you can get it to work please let me know and I can edit it to fix the post.
@Background Pony #C627
OH are there any pictures of her appearance in New york?
Some companies offer these parade balloons as rentals so it’s possible it’s the same one just rented to a different city for an event
@Background Pony #F225
Yes, but that’s not the only place the Pinkie Pie balloon was seen at. She was also seen at New Rochelle High School, NY. So it seems like Texas isn’t the only one with the Pinkie Pie balloon.
I know I missed em lol
@Background Pony #9FCE
If you’re signed in and just have it set to post comments and pictures anonymously, then there should be a little edit button on your own comments, just to the right of the reply button.
If you’re not signed in, then that’s not there.
Oh that was me.
You really outdid yourself again!!!!
Holy fuff..
Lucky me.~
I can never get enough of these things.
Oh jeebus, yeah that’s a messy link. Definitely a facebook url.
I’ve restored it, but … good luck with it. It seems to be duplicated and perhaps session-dependent or something. If you can get it to work please let me know and I can edit it to fix the post.
[](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/316422001_557078946427304_5233851610221016160_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=t6PHuKqIwLUAX8nFJ7o&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDVDwq5PmeHpmRTGGpoXhFRdTs61IlKBeQoBfkDzWzNpg&oe=657B3B3F)[](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/316103406_509310697924171_6759803245215437723_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=otNPeBi-EzUAX8_U3ud&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDeolmvhxREAw7KcpwoQTcSEJM9axfNs2tOrh58mcIyFw&oe=657B86F8) From these two, sure enough, she was seen there. Now I wonder how Squish will follow up on the sequel…
OH are there any pictures of her appearance in New york?
Some companies offer these parade balloons as rentals so it’s possible it’s the same one just rented to a different city for an event
Yes, but that’s not the only place the Pinkie Pie balloon was seen at. She was also seen at New Rochelle High School, NY. So it seems like Texas isn’t the only one with the Pinkie Pie balloon.
Focus on everything XD
There’s definitely a lot of things to focus on in this picture XD
Alrighty then, that does seem fair.
Thank you 😌
Even spoilered, if the entirety of the comment is explicit, then it’s not ok on safe images.
Agree with this right here 👍