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Originally posted on: February 26, 2022 at 8:25 PM UTC
I Will Reign Soon.
So one of my OCs is called Stardust. And she has a bad side similar to Nightmare Moon, except you cant control it (similar to the story of Jekyl and Hyde) She has to keep up with these changes, to prevent her bad side from reigning supreme over Canterlot. She only comes out on a full moon, and Will do what she can to learn fatal and strong fighting spells to fight off Princesses Celestia, Luna and Twilight, to take over and become Queen of Canterlot. Plunging the kingdom into complete darkness.
that dark side, is called BlackNight!
since Stardust and Blacknight are in the same body, they share the same powers.
and Stardust lives in Canterlot castle, and Princess Luna is her teacher.
Stardust learned how to make stars, star collisions and the northern lights in the sky, ending up earning her cutiemark and in turn, making Luna’s night more interesting and beautiful. Blacknight can do all these too, but she can also take away the light from the stars, and easily block out any light from the sun and moon with how much studying and how powerful Stardust has become whenever she’s in control.
The plan is that once she’s powerful enough, she needs to get used to being in control of stardust’s body all the time, and so will try to learn a disguise spell, to make herself look like Stardust and not pass on suspicion. and since she shares the same memories and all that as stardust, she’ll immediately know who everyone is, as well as the rules during the day time.
These spells she can learn in a hidden section of the canterlot archives.
The main one she wants to learn once she has the basics of her plan ready. Is to be able to move the sun and moon like the princesses can, and keep them at a certain state where no light at all will touch canterlot, and the surrounding farms
If successful, she’ll start with blocking out sunlight and preventing crops from growing.
She will then demand that princess Cadance and Misty (another alicorn oc of mine) ship stock to serve the subjects of canterlot, who will soon fight for food, and it will become survival of the fittest.
As she will drop bags of food at random throughout canterlot, only those who are good to her and are willing to serve her, are fed well, well taken care of and are allowed to live in the castle.
While the others are starving outside.
Canterlot will still run like normal economy, but theres hardly any food apart from the monthly drop off.
She will keep Stardust locked in a mental prison like Luna does with Nightmare moon.
She will lock up Celestia, twilight and Luna, blocking their magic from their horns, and letting them starve to death in the dungeon.
The only ones being spared is Cadance and Misty as they wont know whats going on.
Because Celestia, Twilight and Luna wont be able to warn them of whats about to happen in time. Both kingdoms will send delivery ponies to send stock, thinking its for restaurants and cafes.
But of course, stardust has a way to combat this. After the full moon, Stardust will cast a spell on herself that BlackNight wont know of, making her forget anything she studied last night, which means she will be stuck on the same book forever.
Thankfully. Princess luna knows of Black Night, after witnessing a transformation during a full moon. So she warns Stardust every time its going to be a full moon.
I hope you all like this concept, as it has taken me a rather long time to perfect.
I cant wait to make more content with her and i hope to hear feedback about what you guys thing ^-^
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