@Background Pony #E2AA
I was thinking that the only ones possible to be alive would be Twilight (since she became immortal and the new Celestia (since Celestia lived to be 1000 or more) ) And Flurry heart who is the youngest Alicorn, being the youngest she’d probably still be alive and be Luna’s size. But if they are alive they are in hiding for sure. They don’t want to be found for some reason.
Well, it doesn’t mention that Twilight and most of the others are confirmed alive in the G5 comics during the time where Sunny and her friends are around, except Discord, and as the comics mentions, he is a lord, so thus, he is still able to live. This proves that Twilight and her friends are gone at this point. The reason is unknown.
I just love these “what if” pictures where the artist draws G4 characters in G5 style, meaning they are still alive (in the G5 comics, Discord is actually the only survivor of the G4 universe left). I can’t wait to see more. This artist is doing great.
Cadence’s hair is massive. I’m not quite sure I buy the unicorn horns I think they’re a bit too up and down and low on the forehead but still this is pretty awesome so good job
ale Nie zapominaj, że Twilight miała moc alikorna i mogła wskrzeszyć swoje przyjaciółki. no i może nawet siebie
I was thinking that the only ones possible to be alive would be Twilight (since she became immortal and the new Celestia (since Celestia lived to be 1000 or more) ) And Flurry heart who is the youngest Alicorn, being the youngest she’d probably still be alive and be Luna’s size. But if they are alive they are in hiding for sure. They don’t want to be found for some reason.
Well, it doesn’t mention that Twilight and most of the others are confirmed alive in the G5 comics during the time where Sunny and her friends are around, except Discord, and as the comics mentions, he is a lord, so thus, he is still able to live. This proves that Twilight and her friends are gone at this point. The reason is unknown.
Actually, we don’t know yet if characters such as Twilight Sparkle or Flurry Heart are alive
This is very good work, I almost went looking to verify if this was legit!
Edited because: Added stuff