@Background Pony #6858
Human anatomy is not bad. Its just that most biologists compare human anatomy with non-tool using animals which don’t need or have a wide range of motions. Its like comparing a hammer to a swiss army knife. A swiss army knife is never going to drive/remove nails as well as a hammer but the swiss army knife can do so many other things that being inferior in that one skillset is irrelevant.
human anatomy is pretty bad. if you’ve looked at the bones in a foot, theres like 26 bones all trying to hold up the 120lbs or more. the reason being is that a horse’s knees are our ankles and heels. theres really 4 main segments of the legs that bend independently from each other, and these segments had to be pretty mangled so that we could walk. horses sort of walk on their toes. the spine is also bad. the spine is many segments that allow the being to bend and grab stuff or whatever. well the human spine is in a bit of an S shape, which doesn’t distribute weight well upright. L5 is very commonly injured because it supports the most weight. back and foot pain are common because of both these evolutionary fuck ups and our poor lifestyles.
now im not an anthropologist or whatever, but it’s mostly right so who cares? this is a site about fictional horses, not a science exam.
the way the chest fluff or belly button area is drawn makes it looks like some strange wound or gash of some sort. honestly it resembles a vagina. may want to fix that just so it looks nicer.
I hope there can be more of these forming a whole series of such lectures from Ly-ly. :D
The lecturer is Lyra, so I won’t be surprised
The “hoof” should only be the toe area.
pony lower legs are a big foot

your current filter.They are banned for being too spooky.
Human anatomy is not bad. Its just that most biologists compare human anatomy with non-tool using animals which don’t need or have a wide range of motions. Its like comparing a hammer to a swiss army knife. A swiss army knife is never going to drive/remove nails as well as a hammer but the swiss army knife can do so many other things that being inferior in that one skillset is irrelevant.
She doesn’t know. Do you have any idea how hard it is to import a human skeleton?
Every teacher I ever had shaking their heads over this attitude
Lyra is the professor, she knows better!
now im not an anthropologist or whatever, but it’s mostly right so who cares? this is a site about fictional horses, not a science exam.
So whenever they lift their hoof, they’re flipping us off?