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Updated from >>2123686 (merged) to have Chrysalis’s wings and stomach-bands, as well as a slight tweak to the watermark in the corner.

safe2284772 artist:inowiseei359 cozy glow10288 grogar1537 king sombra17934 lord tirek6486 queen chrysalis44108 centaur4995 changeling70616 changeling queen25748 pegasus544847 pony1714326 sheep2743 unicorn589237 g42126292 bow50384 cloven hooves18425 commission131548 cozybetes1505 cute280756 daily deviation188 female1915404 filly106140 flying59482 gang47 group9700 hair bow29336 high res411987 legion of doom485 looking at you277523 male591189 nose piercing4740 nose ring3357 piercing71448 ram984 septum piercing1291 smiling432473 stallion216622 villains of equestria99


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The Double U
Artist -

Moon Flight
I think they should’ve included The Sirens. Their Return would actually mean something, rather than just have them show up again and do nothing but get replaced with Bad EQG Villians.
Plus it would’ve been awesome too see The Pillars fight Grogar powered Sirens instead of Tirek. Make it more personal.
Background Pony #5768
@Background Pony #FCCB
Honestly, you’re the only person I’ve met whom prefers IDW Sombra over the show one, no offense. Most fans I’ve seen hated the Sombra backstory, and reformation in the IDW comics.
So sometimes it’s better to have an entertaining hammy villain, then one with controversial “character development.”
@Background Pony #FCCB
The fact, it actually caught many fans off-guard kinda proves it’s not bad writing,
No offense, but for the last time, just because you didn’t see something coming, doesn’t instantly make it good writing.
Believe me, this is the same reason The Last Jedi suffered.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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More cushion for the...
@Background Pony #FCCB  
Honestly, you’re the only person I’ve met whom prefers IDW Sombra over the show one, no offense. Most fans I’ve seen hated the Sombra backstory, and reformation in the IDW comics.  
So sometimes it’s better to have an entertaining hammy villain, then one with controversial “character development.”
@Background Pony #FCCB  
I admit, I didn’t like that twist at first, but the more I thought about it, the more clever, unexpected, & original it was. The fact, it actually caught many fans off-guard kinda proves it’s not bad writing, and there was some subtle foreshadowig of it looking back. (Plus, it kinda ensures Discord wouldn’t ever try something like this again, even if he was well-intentioned. So it kinda develops his character a bit.)  
Plus if Groger was a real villain, honestly, he would’ve just been another “Monster of the week,” or the “Thanos of MLP,” and honestly wouldn’t of done anything new or different then the villainous trio already did.
Though, it does make some fans wonder where the real Groger is creating fanfic-fuel.
Background Pony #674A
Worst part of all of this is that Grogar was actually Discord. Thats some M Night Shyamalan levels of crap writing right there.
Background Pony #674A
@Beau Skunky  
There are many fans who would disagree with you. Sombra defeated all four alicorn princesses in the Comics and reformed of his own will. In the show, he was this goofy evil version of Prince Blueblood with no personality or character development.
Background Pony #674A
From left to right:  
Downgraded villain (Comic Sombra was better), Stooge #1, Discord in disguise, Stooge #2 and Stooge #3. The villains were weak in season 9.
Background Pony #EA59
The Legion Of Doom Grogar As Lex Luthor, Tierk As Bane, Sombra As Venom, Cozy As The Brain, Chrysalis As Chameleon.
Or Maybe MLP FIM Leigon Of Doom Meets, DCU Leigon Of Doom Suicide Squad, MCU Masters Of Evil Sinister Six, The Dark Masters, Evil Enforcers Crossover Comparison From Other Animated Series.
Animated Series He Man & The Masters Of The Universe
Animated Series BatMan
Animated Series SpiderMan
Animated Series Avengers Assemble
Animated Series Justice League
Animated Series Digimon Digital Monsters
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Goth Hippie Nerd Pony
This is incredibly well designed.
@Background Pony #3796  
I think Sombra was fantastic in the s9 premiere.  
Seeing him be more like Dracula than Sauron was fine with me.  
And I’ve never seen any villain mess up all of the mane 6 so badly.  
Emotionally and psychologically, I mean.  
He did very good at being bad.
There’s also a tiny chance Grogar will resurrect him again as a wild card,  
but even if he doesn’t, I got to say that Sombra’s last episodes were great.