Due to a heavy style evolution that happened when I ate some serious weed
I’m redoing the faces on the cards
I wanna hear opinions, obviously, but right now the most important thing to me is that you all understand: This is a permanent style change. I will be drawing pony faces like this from now on. I have wanted them to look like this for like 7 years, and I finally figured it out. I apologize if you like the old style, I will not be going back, I’ll be developing the new one.
Shoot, that’s rough. Here’s hoping things stabilize for you soon.
I’ll draw more Chryssi once the cards are done, don’chu worry.
Right now life is very “Moving across the country to get away from my burned down town” and I haven’t had a lot of free time to enjoy myself and draw fun pic-a-tures.
That one got uploaded here in April of last year. But yeah, it was less than two years ago, I just went by Derpi saying that one was uploaded 2 years ago.
I drew thissun last year in June! :D
But I def get where y’all’re comin’ from.
I can probably do some minor edits to this one and satisfy a few of ya!
Indeed, that expression makes a world of difference.
I wanna see where your new style goes.
Sweet! I’m looking forward to seeing how this evolves. ^_^
If I’m to say for me, it’s less the style and more the expression that’s changed. Older had a clearer smile, the lidded eyes and eyebrows were more alluring/sexy while they look sorta judgmental now, and I personally like slightly upturned/short snouts for the cute factor.
Larger ear isn’t much of a change, but combined with the longer snout, if I didn’t know the character and just stumbled across the image elsewhere, I’d might have assumed it was an Egyptian themed fennec fox.
Alrighty then, ‘pology accepted, though not really needed I guess? You’re good we’re good.
I’m trying my best to think of ways to get people on board with the new style, so hearing what people liked about the old one helps a lot, I’ll be working a lot alongside my fans (as usual) as well as my haters who give no creative input other than “I hate your art” and trying to make this work for as many people as I can.
Obviously everyone won’t like it. No reason to strive for that.
@The Smiling Pony
That didn’t come out how I wanted to…
I wasn’t trying to be a dick, sorry if it came out that way. I was a pretty big fan of the old style and will miss it, and found the wording in the Description “off” to me somehow.
You’ll be happy to know I will be making attempts to shorten, rounden, and en-boopable-ify them over time!
Opinions have more reasons than just “I want you to change something.”
I love to hear what people think, especially when a major change to my style is happening. Input can help.
For example, a friend said “You should try adding a line or some shading to the top of the snout to make it look more flat and 3D” and I did, hence the shading there.
A follower suggested I redo the ear, which is why the ear got redone.
And, hearing how many people liked the old faces is making me consider ways I can capture what people enjoy about the old faces in these new faces.
There y’go. Done being a dick now?
I like the old style far better
>I will not be going back
So… whatever, then?
One actual opinion I have is that the face now feels like it has way more “eye” than it did before. With the face getting bigger I guess that makes sense but seeing it side-by-side with the old version makes it more noticeable. Maybe when you draw a new card (that wasn’t originally drawn in your old style) it won’t be as noticeable to me.
Like I said, Jay: this is your artwork, so you do you. I personally think the old style is far cuter/sexier, but that’s just one man’s opinion. Looking forward to seeing what comes next. ^_^
mindthat this style’s gonna stick around.I feel bad for anyone who genuinely dislikes this one, since it’s here to stay.
I likes me some cutie horse faces!