Background Pony #74BF
Because Hasbro bought them in 2016 they can really do much in the next year similar to how Warner Bros bought Midway which includes Mortal Kombat in 2009 and didn’t start working on Mk till June of that year Boulder could not cuz they never worked on Features flims and was working on shows commissioned by Networks before Hasbro bought then

Memer and adventurer
@Background Pony #E324  
Hmmm…it just doesnt seem limited. We have 2 totally new toy series out in 2020. A RR themed one, and a baby G4 one. Plus new individual toys, books, comics, manga, etc…plus the existing toys that are still being manufactured…  
When G3 ended, they didnt really get any new toys after the animated stuff ended, if I remember correctly.  
Plus for real, what do you think of the weird date/progress difference. According to the leaks, G5 is all planned out, it just needed animation, basically. But here in 2019, nothing is done for the 2021 movie, it only entered production a few months ago.  
The leaks clearly show the film in production in 2017. I do not get that.
Background Pony #74BF
And Boulder having problems of their own finding a movie studio
Background Pony #74BF
Still they’ll still doing limited merchandise though

Memer and adventurer
@Background Pony #E324  
Yeah, but according to the leaks, G5 was in development in 2017. They didn’t wind down merchandising then, and 2020 seems pretty dang full.  
New toys, three or four new AR books, a new manga book, more comics, the (very expensive) stage show…I don’t know…2020 feels like any other pony year, just without FiM…  
And out of curiosity, what do you think about the problem with dates?  
The leaks said G5 and the 2020 movie began production in 2017. They had concept art finished, story done, etc…  
But Hasbro announced the 2021 movie, and they had begun pre-production in either late 2018 or very early 2019. They literally only began concept art on the 2021 movie in April, according to Boulder…  
That is really weird. Especially the concept art, they already had concept art for the movie done in the leaks.
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Au revoir.
Background Pony #74BF
Since G5 is in development Now they’ll only make limited merchandise

Memer and adventurer
@Background Pony #E324
People throw the idea that G4 is ending around way too often. Bear in mind Hasbro did not actually say that, just the leaks that are two years old and now contain faulty info.  
Hasbro is making G4 stuff for 2020, and most professional sites are saying that the 2021 movie is probably G4, since Hasbro only said it was not a sequel to the 2017 movie in regards to it being a direct story sequel. Though, that does mean no Shadow Tempest or Queen Nova, which does make me sad…  
But anyway, all the official info and even recent info we have has never mentioned a reboot or new generation.
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You and your friends will always live on in our hearts and imaginations, lovely Miss Rarity. ;_; ❤

Memer and adventurer
Nick was just clarifying how exactly Katrina, he, and DHX were taken off the project. We knew from Katrina that they were removed in 2018, with S2 in 2019 being their last work, but Nick revealed that they had attempted to make a 3rd season. Apparently, Hasbro just wanted to hand it over to a new team at Boulder.  
To be fair, I think season one and two also have different teams that worked on them.
Background Pony #74BF
Of the G4 EG is ending yes
Background Pony #74BF
It was mostly they use ToonBoom is really hard to do

Memer and adventurer
I hear you. DHX are seriously an amazing team, and they gave MLP a new chance at life, at the time, possibly it’s last chance after G3.5.  
I wish Katrina, Nick, and their team had a chance to finish what they started…  
Still, I’m glad Boulder is so passionate about MLP. Alot of folk were worried Rainbow Roadtrip would be good, but very different than the MLP we all know and love.  
Good to see Boulder does understand what makes FiM special, and is looking to carry that on rather than change it.  
Personally, I think when Boulder takes up EQG, it won’t be too different. It may or may not be season 3 of thewe series, but Boulder did do the summertime shorts web series about 2 years ago, and those were really fun!
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

So apparently, we took this out of context of thinking that it’s actually the end of EQG.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Good Doggo
Comparing the leaks with what is happening right now pretty much their plans have changed since then, G5 was supposed to land in 2020 per the original leaks, however it seems it was pushed back to 2021 with the movie has a starting point. EQG per the same leaks was in fact going to have a Season 3 and go through 2020 after FiM ending however with these tweets it seems plans has kinda changed.
We will see EQG? Of course but we aren’t sure if it’s under the same G4 flag or they will reboot the series as well like the main one.
Background Pony #74BF
It mostly a G5 version

Memer and adventurer
Hmmm…not sure. Hasbro never mentioned whether G4 is ending or not.  
The leaks are two years old, and the 2017 movie sequel never happened and the 2020 movie never happened. Hasbro mentioned the 2021 movie is stand alone and that it is simply not a narrative sequel to the 2017 movie.  
Plus, G4 is still getting a surprising amount of content in 2020, just in different forms than TV.  
So…I have no idea.  
But yeah, Boulder is in charge of EQG now. They seem really talented, and are definitely passionate about MLP, so I’m looking forward to whatever is next!
Really wish Pony news was “reported” by people who were not so…apocalyptic though lol.  
Every scrap of news I can find is “PONY IS ENDING!!” rather than actually thinking through things or looking into what they post…  
Gets kinda frustrating when you browse EQD, read the headline, read the article, then read the tweet and find out he wasn’t talking about a recent attempt, and that we really don’t have any new info on EQG…he was just adding onto what Katrina said months ago.

Thanks. Still, seeing that tweet today brought it home to me. The DHX team have done a wonderful job with EQG, and they won’t get the chance to wrap it up properly or say goodbye to the characters properly. Even if Boulder do take it up, it’ll be a different approach, perhaps unrecognisably so. It’s made me feel a bit marshmelodramatic!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Good Doggo
Well at least G4 EQG, because whichever Boulder is doing it’s pretty much oriented to G5.

Such a drama queen…

Memer and adventurer
Clarification, Nick Cafalone’s tweet is basically a clarification of Katrina’s tweet.  
To summarize what is going on with EQG at the moment, in 2018, Katrina and her team, including Nick, made a pitch for a third season done by them. Hasbro turned them down and informed them that EQG would not be worked on by them or DHX after season 2. They also clarified that EQG was not ending, just not being done by Katrina, Nick, and their team.  
Katrina made it clear neither Nick nor her, nor any of them know what is coming next for EQG, though she said it was possible season 3 would be done by a new team with Boulder.  
A few weeks later, Boulder mentioned EQG is theirs to work on now, but they were not working on it at the moment, effectively placing it on hiatus.  
Then Nick tweeted about season 3 in response to a question, and Nick’s tweet is not a new update, just a clarification on Katrina Hadley’s tweets from a few months back.  
At the moment, EQG still belongs to Boulder, we are getting something new, just not yet.  
It could be a third season. It could be a new series. If the leaks are accurate, it could be a new generation.  
We do not know, neither does the director of EQG, and neither does Nick Cafalone. Is that frustrating? It is to me, but hey, EQG is not ending.