The Complete Nutshell
Who’d’ve thought that twerp would turn out to be evil. Wow. You think you know a filly.
Thus, Season Eight comes to a close. GOOD RIDDANCE. This season had more leaks than an onion farm!
And all those new creature types! Yak, Hippogriff, Changeling, Kirin… Do you know how long that takes!?
Things to note/not write me about: I couldn’t cram each and every reference, for I do not have a strong will. And as usual, I won’t be doing those of the previous seasons before 5. And now, the cheatsheet.
The References, officially:
1 & 2. The School of Friendship, Chancellor Neighsay, Photo Finish, Smolder, Yona
3. Cardboard Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie, Mudbriar, Geode of Epiphany
4. Multiple Personality Fluttershy, Sandbar
5. Las Pegasus Showmares Granny Smith, Apple Rose, Auntie Applesauce and Goldie Delicious
6. Silversteam, Terramar and Seapony Scootaloo
7. Princess Celestia, Trixie Fireworks, Marshmallow Sun, Celestia Fluttershy, Playwright Twilight Sparkle and Director Spike
8. Gallus, Goth Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Stellar Flare and Firelight
9. Teachers of the Month Rainbow Dash and Applejack
10. Wailing Big McIntosh, Sugar Belle, Sweetie Belle and Delivery Mare Derpy Hooves
11. Winged Spike, Director Ocellus
12. Cozy Glow, Honorary Friendship Graduate Apple Bloom. Empathy Cocoa.
13. Queen Chrysalis as Shutterbug
14. Yovidaphone Yona, Steve Buscemi Discord
15. Gakked Gallus, Sandbar on Mop
16. Twilight Sparkle as Eyepatch, Plainity Rarity, Friendship U Flim & Flam
17. Azurantium trial (this was a pretty uneventful episode)
18. Yovidaphone Yona
19. Dishevelled Trixie and her caravan
20. Wonderbolt Spitfire lectures Washout Lightning Dust THROUGH A STRAW
21. Naval Rockhoof
22. Princess Smolder, Tree of Harmony Twilight Sparkle
23. Autumn Blaze THE BEST KIRIN
24. Deadbeat Dad Sludge
25 & 26. Tirek and Cozy Glow. Cymbal Monkey Pinkie Pie
Maybe they’re still working on it.
Its Season 8 in nutshell
It had it’s ups and downs, but I liked it very much, especially the Student Six.
It sure was.
I think the tree of harmony wanted there to be a school of friendship as well.
And they could have him next season. It’s odd enough they made a completely new opening for only two seasons. It would be even odder if it was only for this season and they made a new one next season (the school is much too prominent in the opening to ignore).
Plus, since it is the last season, there is still a lot of dangling threads to wrap up without wasting a bunch of episodes on a few students. Plus they’d be useless against an actual serious threat like Tirek, Sombra, or Cry.
Except they added Shining to the opening, but didn’t have him in the season at all.
That’s unlikely after they went to the trouble to make that new opening.
Not to mention Shining Armor hasn’t appeared at all.
When Starlight was added, she helped bring other ponies to the screen more often, like Trixie and Maud. That’s where the Young six have seriously failed .