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Taurus Applejack, Star of Honesty, blessed with Taurus’s Goddess ClothAfter the Betrayal of the Sun Crysis, Applejack set forward the Corona Temple, to assist the rest of the Zodiac Knights and take down the evil sun. Amidst the chaos, Taurus Constellation sparkled, and in a last cosmic bliss, with star dust the Goddess Cloth was forged.Crossover between My Little Pony and Saint Seiya Souls of Gold
Weeeeell.It’s time i give Taurus the justice it deserves. AJ only loses vs Wyvern Tempest and of course, Chrysalis.
When the time came to face Mizar and Siren (In my fanfic), i made AJ to defeat them no problem. It was my “buck you” to Kurumada for making Aldebaran lose in such pathetic fashion, 3 times… :’(
Now who is she losing against?
-0.3 Speed
Whene entering a Room with enemies Isaac gains +0.065 Speed/t.
Once Isaac’s speed reaches 2.0, he gains the “My Little Unicorn” effect for 5sec and loses the speed bonus from Taurus afterwards.
Nah, Applejack is best Taurus Saint. XD
Thank you. I know some of you are thinking “this again?” but damn, i really like the black BG better than the original galaxian background