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Seriously Chrysalis, how well did you think that’d go for you…?



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Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

@Chuy Ryu  
Poe’s Law, my friend.
Like any other sizable community on the internet, the MLP fandom has individuals who believe in extremes. As such, distinguishing between a joke/satire and someone’s legitimate opinion can be difficult at times. It doesn’t help matters that you yourself harbor extreme views about Starlight.
Background Pony #52CD
And then what? If she’d taken over Equestria and drained all the ponies of love, before long, they’d be back at square one, and sooner or later, the fakes in the second plan would have been exposed, as they easily were when Starlight talked to the Mane 6 imposters. Neither of those plans were good either in the long-term.
Sunset fanboys are a lost cause, dude, they’ve been inconsolable ever since GlimGlam showed up and ‘took her place’ in the main show.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

I´m still right though
Can’t even properly end a conversation, can you? We both have our own interpretation of events. No one is necessarily more “correct” or “right” than the other.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

She would not have to do that if she threatened to hurt Spike. But unlike Chrysalis she still had some conscience. Nevertheless she got the crown in the end.
Which just further highlights her incompetence as a villain. Sunset’s so soft-hearted she can’t even bring herself to act like one. And she only got the crown again because Twilight happened to throw it right at her in confusion.
it was just luck she was spotted in the first place.
Still not an excuse to not plan ahead for that possibility.
Sunset WAS a competent villain; not the best villain of all times but still competent.
Of course she wasn’t totally imcompetent; but compared to someone like Chrysalis, she still leaves a lot to be desired as a villain.
We can end it here and agree to disagree.