I had enough proof. I’m so proud of being part of you, people. So proud. After more than 30 messages, not a trace of triggering. Instead, I see self criticism and respectful debate and showings of disagreement. No trolling or merciless whining, just debate.
Even fanbases that claim to be more serious get more easily triggered, believe me.
All communities which lasts for more than a year or two will eventually have to come to terms with questionable decisions made by the staff, or rather staffs as more and more are involved in creating content for a successful IP.
What differs is how those decisions are dealt with, if healthy, constructive criticism is allowed or shoved in with the rest and dismissed as white noise. ALL series eventually have their Twilicorns, Starlights and Equestria Girls, it’s inevitable. What isn’t is how dissent is handled, respectfully or by being dipshits about it.
I remember when TLJ came out, and the main Star Wars reddit had a pinned topic which stated in bullet points the kind of anti-argumentative spin you’d expect from hardcore fans, stuff like “IT’S OBVIOUS FROM THE START X WAS PLANNED, STOP SAYING OTHERWISE!” and ended with “THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED, STOP ARGUING NOW!”. Biased admins will often do their best to stifle any healthy discussion by claiming that by preventing all of it, it can’t be seen as unhealthy. This is the kind of bullshit that deserves a spot on those lists, not typical arguments.
Derpygate is directly the fault of the brony community at large. Did you not all collectively decide to name her “Derpy”? An ounce of thought to the implications of such a name would’ve prevented the whole ordeal. I will never forgive you all for turning a beautiful character into a minefield of politics. I can’t say her name without feeling like an asshole. Because you all stereotyped her based on her eyes. “Oh, she has crooked eyes she must be clumsy and clueless aren’t we so clever?” And you didn’t even think for a second how the word is used to demean people with actual intellectual disability.
And yes this fandom is toxic depending on where you go. 4chan is awful, obviously, but this site can get toxic too. I’ve seen pedos, pedo defenders, and nazi love. I much prefer the collector community, but unfortunately they aren’t as into g4.
Yeah, we have our moments. And even with it being watchmojo, they’re probably not too far off on some of it. Goodness knows I’ve had my share of legitimate sympathy for the show staff, with some of the garbage they get at times.
The only stated reason for us even being on this list is that we create porn.
Regardless of whether I agree with that or not, I can understand them finding it a bit much, considering the intended audience. And yeah, I know, every show has some, but I don’t think they have people producing it at the same level we do, for the most part.
But the way the fandom handled Derpygate was 10 times worse.
I wish I could disagree, but I was around when all that happened, and yeah, there were some people who really took it too far. And some of the other controversies after, I think we can all admit, haven’t always been handled the best either.
Well, look at Star Wars fans and Trekkies threatening each other even on live TV.
Look: I’m an active part of several other fan communities: Closing Logos, Osamu Tezuka, James Bond, cinema in general, retro Sega consoles and my fav sports team, and bronies are NOT, by any means, the worst of the bunch (nor the best).
I don’t think the MLP fandom is toxic either. All this so called drama is just people having different opinions which is true everywhere in life. And then there are some extreme people which can be found everywhere, too.
After reading this, I see this fanbase is mature enough to not get triggered by trivialities, so despite our obvious flaws, again, I see I did well on joining the herd despite not actually watching the show: I love you and your creativity.