@Background Pony #1B90
>Be on.
>Go along with the joke, either way you want. Communist or Capitalist.
>Mention Glim, against or for.
The only reason I have the = instead of the milk is because of BABS, and how much I was talking about Starlight, and I got a few pictures with a guy holding up a well-made flag.
(By the way, guy that had the flag, if you’re lurking, PM me if I can upload that pic. I’ll make any edits you want to cover up your face and badge, if you want that.)
I Support our glorious leader, Starlight Glimmer URA!
P.S. This was the best April Fools joke I’ve ever had, I found it very funny the “Default” Filter as “State-Approved Content”.
Well done to you and the staff for coming up with this. Can’t wait for next year.
You participated. So which do you want? Equality or Milk?
@northern haste
If you participated in the event you get one of the badges.
Equality badge for Supporting Glimmer’s Reign. Milk for picking the losing side.
you are reformed! your my student!
I’m curious, too:
@Background Pony #1B90

your current filter.Edited
>Be on.
>Go along with the joke, either way you want. Communist or Capitalist.
>Mention Glim, against or for.
The only reason I have the = instead of the milk is because of BABS, and how much I was talking about Starlight, and I got a few pictures with a guy holding up a well-made flag.
(By the way, guy that had the flag, if you’re lurking, PM me if I can upload that pic. I’ll make any edits you want to cover up your face and badge, if you want that.)
How did one even participate tbh. 🤷
Both badges make me laugh how ever!
At last, Can we snuggle now?
much appreciated c:
If you check your profile, you should see your very own Equality.
Should show up on comments soonish.
P.S. This was the best April Fools joke I’ve ever had, I found it very funny the “Default” Filter as “State-Approved Content”.
Well done to you and the staff for coming up with this. Can’t wait for next year.
Edited because: Grammer
Actually I am more into equality. Just look at my very first submitted arts :D
So it’s equal sign =
Well, Russia’s still around, so did they really lose?

your current filter.Noooooo I’m completely reformed. I swear.

your current filter.The Milk badge is for supporting the winning side.
This is why I’m still skeptical. I’m not sure if you’ve entirely changed your ways yet, but I’ll give you a chance to do so.
EDIT: Let the records show I was all over BABSCon supporting Starlight Glimmer.
pretty sure I participated
You participated. So which do you want? Equality or Milk?
@northern haste
If you participated in the event you get one of the badges.
Equality badge for Supporting Glimmer’s Reign. Milk for picking the losing side.
OMG i need this badge.. it’s my favorite dessert