That thread was honestly pretty tame by DB standards. But yeah, that counts because it wasn’t you, it was your… persona? That is fictional.
I will admit though, it would be nice to see the tropes on other people in their OOC moments, but it will just lead to an ego-stroking that would make their mods/readers raise their eyebrows at best.
Hey, that’s just how I recognize people around here. It was an inference on my part.
Yeah, I guess that’s true. As for the femscout thing, there was an entire thread about Gundlach getting me high off of medigun fumes after someone broke my bones, which eventually lead to sex and pokemon.
If that were true, pretty much every vocal regular would know of my name. I’ve been in a lot of weird crap.
Also, using tropes for OOC isn’t wise because it goes against fiction. Or what TV Tropes states as such. There shouldn’t be any reason not to include your Fem!Scout thing, though.
Out of interest, what is forbidding us from creating a page of Derpibooru users with their out of character personalities? I personally know nothing of TV Tropes’ rules, so is it the mods or something of that site?
In any case, I wish someone would note my femscout RP side. Probably won’t happen, but meh.
I was on Derpibooru and Ponibooru way before I joined the film night gang. Additionally, there are people here who don’t show up to film night, but know me from my presence here.
Because adding the RP part only is redundant. TV Tropes is about fiction, so unless it’s something specific that can be branched off from the main thing (Movie Night.)
People talking about their RL selves deserve to be on individual pages like everything else that isn’t fictional.
As to why Feral isn’t on the DB user set, I’m guessing adding his name in 2 different pages would just be redundant (I know, I’m overusing it) and he’s just more “well-known” in the Movie Night stuff than on the regular DB shenanigans.
Yeah well, the character tropes have moved away from describing the various users and has gone towards describing the various users as they are when they RP.