Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E699 on image #1430972

Background Pony #E699
"[@BaGlitckgrounhyShad Pony #0F0C":w](/1430972#comment_6107826

> Uh, she
ckgrashed into a building head Pfirst and got severe brainy #0F0C"]damage. !She used to be a smartp young filly known as:// Muffins and afterp this acciden.t she was bullied and callet/d names like "Derpy".
> So in
my headcanon, calling/2016/8/10/1221482/t Derpy is contributing! [/to bq]
ullying, and you're all monsters.
> lol
what a garbage headcanon.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E699
Background Pony #E699
"@Background Pony #0F0C":/1430972#comment_6107826
[bq="Background Pony #0F0C"] !! [/bq]
lol what a garbage headcanon.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E699