Remade with the equestria girls cast, probly the only time ill try to do something like this (taking a pic from someone else and doing it my style) but this was one thing i wanted to do from even before i started drawing digitally
My tumblr
Can’t wait for Applejack and Fluttershy to be added.
This pic is an EQG version of a picture from before EQG existed, so no Sunset.
Technically we don’t know if Fluttershy is fully clothed still. From the angle we see she could have no panties. That is, she opted to remove those first and has just been lucky enough to not have to undress further.
Then again, I dunno if that’s within the rules of the game…
And despite the clear advantage of others, Twilight still has both critical areas covered, Fluttershy has still all of her clothes, and Dashie is still naked.
They all have bra+panties+top+skirt(+socks), but then it’s starting to be unfair:
Rarity +1: belt
Rainbow Dash +2: jacket, shorts
Applejack +2: hat, belt
Pinkie Pie +2: shrug, ribbon
Twilight, Fluttershy have no extra clothing.
Easiest is to group them together as “tops” and “bottoms”, but we can see that Applejack counts the hat as separate.
raises hand
I just wish I was better at poker.
Nah, she’s going to wear really adorable underwear.
>No Sunset
Unfortunate, but understandable considering it’s based on a pic of the original Mane 6.
i was making a joke
Her lack of shame and embarrassment
what makes you think that?
she just goes bottomless