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+-SH dead source54388 +-SH safe2286885 +-SH hundreds of users filter this tag336 +-SH spike95630 +-SH starlight glimmer62708 +-SH sunburst9342 +-SH thorax5675 +-SH trixie82041 +-SH changedling12213 +-SH dragon92961 +-SH pony1716388 +-SH unicorn590313 +-SH celestial advice1293 +-SH g42128214 +-SH my little pony: friendship is magic269423 +-SH season 72871 +-SH background pony strikes again1366 +-SH female1918233 +-SH hug40211 +-SH king thorax3987 +-SH mare817607 +-SH spike drama117
You’re talking about split second/two second scenes, not actually events that happened that exceeded my “casual hello” statement.
Problem is, sort of after season 7, we don’t see anywhere near as much of Spike being even near with Thorax.
The writers should have had it so they interact much more often.
It didn’t felt like they interacted enough
>Spike and Thorax abandoned and replaced with Starlight and Trixie hanging with thorax
Uh no, Spike invited Thorax to hang out with him in season 7, this is after the trio guy friendship was established a season ago with Spike, Big Mac and Discord. Thorax is far away though and is harder to justify popping up in most episodes. While Throax has been around Spike less than Big Mac it’s establish that Thorax is protective of his little friend and intended or not risked starting a war to help him.
>Spike’s friendship with Ember? Abandoned and replaced
Absolutely not. After Ember introduced Spike to Smolder, Ember and Spike hung out and even toasted drinks together. Spike is still having a relationship with and impacting Ember even into the last season. There’s also the comics too if you care about that.
I agree in that I wish we had gotten Spike and Thorax to work together more or that Ember could have made a surprise appearance and rain punishment to the fake dragon dad. At the same time I see this not as taking away from Spike but Spike’s universe expanding. Think about it, ever since season 6 Spike’s inner circle has grown bigger than his relationship with Twilight: early on there Ember, Thorax, Bic Mac, Discord and Starlight; latter on Smolder, Gable and in a sense Rarity. They all add to the type of person Spike has become, his own and standing outside Twilight’s shadow.
Part of me had thoughts on Spike calling out on this.
Painfully so.
Pretty much wasted potential
That’s all I wanted to see. I wanted to see Spike being friends with Thorax and doing ANYTHING together. I wanted to see Spike learning about Dragons from Ember while he helped teach her about friendship. This would be such meaningful growth for his character.
We never got that…
We got “look, Spike has wings! And NOTHING is different!”
We got “look, this dragon is his dad only not his dad! and it was painfully obvious and everyone would rather forget this episode exists!”
We got “look, Garble is actually a nice guy, even though we gave him ample chances to show some sort of kindness, he showed he has no kindness and wants to genocide ponies, but that’s okay because bongos make laugh”
But Spike actually being friends with Thorax and Ember? Nope.
I don’t get why did the writers just well.. not let Spike hang around Ember or Thorax much anymore.
Or something.
Swept under the rug.
Spike’s friendship with Thorax? Abandoned and replaced with Starlight and Trixie hanging with thorax.
Spike’s friendship with Ember? Abandoned and replaced Smolder being his “friend” and her personality randomly flipping between a bootleg version of ember where she actually cares about him, or turning and being a total butt to Spike because the only dragon who likes spike is Ember.
Spike got thrown under the bus, run over, then the bus backed up, and ran over him again to make sure.
Something honestly did not feel right in that premiere there..
I don’t get why they didn’t have Spike interact with Thorax more. Like much more.
I know right? Remember when I said Spike and Thorax will get more time together as friends? hahaha…
For the record, 2015 me was in the throes of a Total Drama: Pahkitew Island mega-obsession. I had this crazy obsession with Dave at this point, and was sick of the injustice the show and the fandom kept giving him in favor of sucking Sky’s non-existent patookie. While I do stand by some things I said (namely he was very sweet, innocent and kind before Sky-being-an-asshole syndrome took its toll, and that Davella is the OTP), I had some very VERY stupid ideas, a lot of them similar to this whole Spike Justice Warriors affair. It took me until 2017 to get my head screwed on right.
Also, lol the title.
We know that but our point is that it was bullshit from the very beginning
it was always bullshit, like everything titanimal does
I expect him to be able to see the future.
Well what do you expect from Titanimal?
Close enough. Though I don’t really care all that much. I only saw this today.
@Background Pony #EF7D
What I mean is, spike appears in both episodes.