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@Background Pony #D036  
There’s a lot more baffling things in this universe than some supposed oxymoronic opinion I have my comrade.
Macaroni C-Pony
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

She was the one who unlocked everyone’s talent, which they built on from there. The Sonic Rainboom not only gave the Elements of Harmony the magic boost they needed, but the shockwaves CAN shatter SOLID ROCK.
She could go over 9000 mph.  
No joke.
Smashing through the solid ground as if it were lego blocks shows she can take serious punishment. Any other obstacle becomes dust.
Flapping her wings could put out FOREST FIRES, and they’re strong enough to slice off the ROOF of a house.
And cause (non-radiated) NULCEAR EXPLOSIONS
She can hit you with tornadoes, lightning strikes, flash floods, and pretty much unleash Hurricane Katrina weather in “10 seconds flat”
Do not count out Rainbow Dash when talking about power levels. She’s been around the longer than Sonic AND Goku!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

I’ve yet to see something that convinces me that Alicorn!Twilight is actually more powerful than Unicorn!Twilight in any ways. Last time I checked, the later one at least was perceptive and resourceful enough not to fall victim of Chrysalis so easily…
From Twilight’s Kingdom:
Twilight Sparkle: Yes. It’s just… I’m only now learning how to control my own alicorn magic. To take on even more–
Twilight does seem to be stronger/more skilled now than she was before. For example:
The half of the tree she was carrying in Three’s a Crowd is almost certainly MUCH heavier than the Ursa Minor she carried (Ursa Minor flesh would have to be more than an order of magnitude more dense than normal flesh for it not to be), and she wasn’t struggling in the least once she and Cadance broke the roots.
In Every Little Thing She Does, Twilight was transmuting objects many times in succession, while in Too Many Pinkie Pies, she was having trouble transmuting single objects at a much slower speed.
In It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, Twilight easily completely transformed herself and her five friends, while in Sonic Rainboom, she was exhausted after giving a single one of her friends wings.
Her longest distance teleports (other than when she was hopped up on princess magic) was after she was an alicorn, in Every Little Thing She Does.
She also has debuted many new spells since becoming an alicorn, such as AoE motion freeze, a projector spell, the spell to revert Flutterbat, a voice-enhancing spell, and more.
Background Pony #8708
OK? You find the action seems more interesting than the slice of life, but don’t think the action scenes are all that interesting. This tells me that you find the slice of life stuff a lot less interesting. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the fact that you continue to watch a show that barely has any action in it and is almost entirely slice of life, slice of life which you imply doesn’t interest you, is incredibly baffling.
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@Mr. Horrible  
Oh I know. I merely typed I prefer the action and made a correct statement that the show probably won’t ever have an interesting action scene to me.
Mr. Horrible

Man, this is a serialized, 22-minute cartoon about the value of friendship. It is not, has never been, and will never be about fighting. The series simply isn’t constructed to support lengthy, intricate combat sequences, because that’s not what this show is about. It’s not an action-based show.
Complaining that the fight scenes in My Little Pony aren’t exciting enough is like complaining that Dragonball doesn’t spend more time focusing on Gohan’s schoolwork. It’s there, you’ll get to see it, but it’s never going to be the most important thing.
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@Background Pony #D036  
The characters never use any of their full repertoire. Only in Magic Duel was it ever really explored, but it could be argued that was a controlled challenge rather than a straight up fight.
Still, I would love to see some creativity. The season 5 finale had some, but it didn’t go to the extent I wished to make it more believable. A bunch of lasers and a few shield spells is boring to me. It’s something the show has done, repeatedly, to showcase their magic action scenes. Sure there are meta-reasons why, which goes to why I typed they will probably have any interesting action scenes to me.
I don’t think you understand. The action scenes are better to me, but they’re still not good. Simple as that.
Background Pony #8708
If an action scene doesn’t have tension, then the characters feel unstoppable and the scene ends up being boring. Even if we know who will succeed, it should at least feel like there is a risk that they don’t. Regardless, you never answered my first question. You say the show will never have an interesting action scene, yet at the same time you say that The action is more interesting to you. How does that work?
Thread Starter - Artists you miss.

@Background Pony #D036  
I did.
That doesn’t make the action scenes interesting to me.
Background Pony #8708
But didn’t you say that the show didn’t have any interesting action scenes and never would? How much of my comment did you actually read?
Thread Starter - Artists you miss.

@Background Pony #D036  
I know it isn’t, you don’t need to point out the obvious. I just prefer the action scenes because they are far more interesting than the slice of life to me.
The rest is your opinion.
Background Pony #8708
That is incredibly stupid. First off, MLP is not an action show and never has been, Having a few fight scenes doesn’t change that. Second, if you don’t like the fight scenes in the shell, how can you care more about the action then the slice of life stuff, especially considering that there is way more slice of life than action in this show. Third, whether a fight scene is interesting or not is not determined by things like tactics or spells or any of that stuff, it is determined by tension third, whether a fight scene is interesting or not is not determined by things like tactics or spells or any of that stuff, it is determined by tension, and if a fight scene lacks tension, having lots of different spells or advanced fighting tactics won’t make a difference.
Macaroni C-Pony
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

Let’s face it. Twilight Sparkle is capable of Goku level sh*t, with Dr Strange’s powers.
My Little Pony characters are ridiculously overpowered. If you gave Rarity a week of training she could stomp even Tirek.
Someone needs to harvest that rock into a temporary power up spell or something…

Does this matter even if it was true?
Taking in the fact she was a very young teen when she left (~3 years for her, ~10 years for Celestia based on twilight’s student continuity) it’s only natural her prodigy level was pretty damn stronger then Twilight and Starlight for their age, but not the same as their years of usage vs her years of rust.
We already know Sunset’s inate magic with nigh full potential unlocked is not just alicorn level, it’s seraph-level, soul opening, dimension repairing powers.
Sure, pit her rusty unicorn magic against twilight’s immediately and twilight’s would be superior, but have her flex her magic for a month in equestria and the intensity of her magic would have few equals
heck, there’s a reason why they put emphasis that it’s only weaker cause she left as a younger student. The obvious lead-on sentence to that is “Otherwise…she would be much stronger.”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

I….disagree with this staff member. Simply because we have evidence to the contrary. Now, the subject of Sunset is an interesting one in terms on canonicity since she is in a off shoot movie series that may/may not be in the same universe as the shows. But on top of that, there is a comic about the fall of Sunset Shimmer which had two pages I found very interesting.
>>458736 (merged)  
>>458738 (merged)
So, here we see Sunset doing a spell. An age spell. There are few spells that set a pedigree for magical talent. Teleportation is reserved for princesses, Starlight, Radiant Hope and Sunset Shimmer. Another is the age spell. Twilight as a unicorn couldn’t do an age spell, it was too hard for her to do without tapping into her true potential (which she has no control over, but on the few occasions she did do it she turned Spike into a fully grown Dragon).
Why I find these comic panels interesting is because Sunset did an age spell that made a plant seedling hundreds, if not thousands of years older. She did this without any difficulty. When Twilight had all the motivation in the world, she couldn’t turn an unbloomed flower into a bloomed one.
While Alicorn Twilight is another story, but I think we can use what unicorn Twilight can’t do as a show of prowess for Sunset since she can do it both more easily and on a much larger scale.
Thread Starter - Artists you miss.

@Macaroni C-Pony  
Thanks to… a rock.
A mere plot-contrived rock meant to give Chrysalis the threat-level she needed to be believable at all… which happened off-screen.
But I digress and plug.
Macaroni C-Pony
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

The problem is any fight would be like a one on one as a WAR.  
Shielding is the only defense anyone has, and there’s way too many one-shot attacks ANYONE can use.
Chrysalis is the only one who has discovered immunity to magic, Even Discord can’t touch her.
Thread Starter - Artists you miss.

Probably for the same reason Twilight didn’t use any of her spells.
Whatever that is.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Horses in the 🅱ack
Also, speaking of the magic battle in The Cutie Re-Mark. I always wondered, why Starlight didn’t just use her Mark removal spell on Twilight? She would’ve been helpless then.
Thread Starter - Artists you miss.

@Macaroni C-Pony  
Sadly there will never be an interesting fight in the show. If Twilight used half the spells she knows in some sort of offensive form against Starlight in The Cutie Re-Mark their battle would’ve lasted a few seconds in favor of Twilight at best I’m sure.
Yet she didn’t. In fact, almost no one does.
It’s all just lasers. MAYBE throw in a shield or two to make it particularly interesting.
I was hoping that Twilight/Starlight spell repertoire in Every Little Thing She Does would’ve finally been put to good offensive use… but nope.
It’s frustrating for someone who loves the show more for its action aspects than for the slice of life ones.
Macaroni C-Pony
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

Starlight is practically Gohan in this situation. She’s gonna be stronger than Twilight at a certain point. And then she’s gonna get nerfed.  
Sunset is gonna do a Trunks and ridiculously gain a magic increase to rival Alicorn level power, and end up saving the day…again! But then leave…AGAIN!
With how strong these guys are, they could rival the pre Super Dragonball cast.
Neko Majin C
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Twilight's Westley
Stay in school, kids, and you, too, can have god-like powers.

and still, starlight (a normal unicorn who has never been a celestia student or another powerful pony) has the same level of alicorn twilight…  
Background Pony #CEC0
Sunset was not “born to become a princess and replace Celestia”, that’s just what she (wrongly) interpreted it as. She was born to bring magic to and look after another world.
Background Pony #CEC0
Of course Twilight even as a unicorn would be stronger. There’s the little fact that she was prophesied on a tree to be the savior of Equestria thousands of years before she was born, for one.
What’s really annoying is that this confirms that Sunset is far, far weaker than Starlight given that Starlight seems roughly equal to alicorn Twilight in power. And given how angry some people get over her “replacing” Sunset (even in the comics, where Sunset can’t even be on a cover anymore), tidbits of info like this are probably better kept to themselves.