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Background Pony #578C
Chef Unionista ZGU

There is not much to say about this after that tag.
Background Pony #37CE
I’ve created chaos with this post. >:)

@Background Pony #26BA  
Oh no, I’m not saying that the FPÖ supports that. I’m just stating that I am a South Germanic cultural nationalist, specifically with a monarchist bend. Also correction, i mean von Whittelsbach, not von Bayern.
The German Empire was a mistake, Northern Germany is nothing without the wealth of Bavaria and industry of Frankfurt-a-Maim, Baden & Württemberg. Maria Theresa best European ruler Prussians get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Stuggart best city Mercedes-Benz > VW
@Thorned Rose Ninja 
Awesome! What mix?
Thorned Rose Ninja
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Cool, I’m biracial, too! The FPÖ’s an interesting lot.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
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@Background Pony #26BA  
Took ’em right out of my mouth.
Background Pony #EA8B
The FPÖ is not exacty a Monarchist Party.
While they are Nationalistic this is definitely not on their to-do list
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
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And you think the FPÖ’s interested in bringing that about?
I need a name that wasn't taken


The FPÖ is conflicting for me.
On one side as a biracial person some of their views are completely abhorrent… But on the other side I’m extremely pro reinstating the German gentry, propping up a Von Habsburg, Von Bayern, Von Württemberg or Von Saxe-Nassau government and reforming Germany as a decentralized commonwealth with a more southern seat of power.
Background Pony #F7F9
@Burning Zeal  
Sorry for the bump. But it was needed.  
Le Pen can win! Globalist cuck vs Nationalism.
Background Pony #1288
@Background Pony #6D26  
He thinks his side isn’t above it all, ahahahaha!
Background Pony #95D8
Thanks! I make sure to share this in social networks so everybody knows how weird and useless the new internet right is
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Diesmal könnt ihr euren Hitler aber behalten.
Background Pony #79FC
@Burning Zeal
She is a cute chubby Austrian Mare eh? ^^
I’m Sharpy add me on DA if you haben ein account.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
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Wie wäre der folgende Vorschlag:  
Burning Zeal

Partially responsible, yes. But not all of them. And they certainly don’t deserve to be deprived of their own ethnostate; that would be sick.
Funny you say that about Merkel, though. I seem to recall East Germany is the most aggressively anti-multikulti part of Germany. Elite/Populace differences are funny in a queer sort of way.
I hope France wakes up, fast. If I recall correctly, they’re currently the worst off nation in europe, where demographics are concerned.
Thank God for the internet. Without it, the globalists would have won.
A Racist Zebra

@Burning Zeal  
Merkel is an old east block communist, her only love for globalism is that it acts as her personal piggy bank. People like Merkel and Hillary have no love for anything other than power and forwarding their own interests. That’s why she’s knowlingly filling Germany with people totally reliant on the state to use as workers so cheap, it would be considered slave labour.  
And yes, the German people are partially responsible for putting that woman into power, and continuing to let her rule.
Regarding France, well. To look at the bright side! Pretty much no one expected the people of France, (or Europe really) to wake up as fast, and at the rate they have, after a lifetime of media brainwashing and government suppression. The internet right now is the most powerful tool to undo all the bad these twisted psychopaths on top have done to the world.
Burning Zeal

@A Racist Zebra  
Fillon’s crushing Le Pen. Unless she magically undoes ages’ worth of cucking left for moderation’s sake, she’s done.
Then again, they ALSO said the same thing about the Hilldawg, and look how THAT ended; and also Brexit… Nothing to do but pray that the French (and Dutch) pull it together enough to collapse the house of cards.
Also, pfft. Merkel is a symptom of the globalist elite, not the German people. If only we hadn’t killed off two generations of their patriots, and drowned following generations in multiculturalism, maybe they’d have an easier time ousting her. The nations of Europe SOUGHT membership in the EU, they weren’t forced. And now they’re learning what happens when you freely give sovereignty away to a foreign, nationless elite.
A Racist Zebra

@Burning Zeal  
Agreed. But it won’t change the fact that most of us will see the vile EU die in our lifetimes. I predict less than a decade if France leaves.
Letting Germany still be a country after WW1 and WW2 was a mistake.
Burning Zeal

What a damn shame, the loss.
At least the mare’s freakin’ cute.

Tá cairdeas draíochta
Yep, the FPÖ is pretty much “remove kebab” incarnate.
Background Pony #6073
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇬🇧🇮🇹🇦🇹 Anti-Globalist dream team
Background Pony #EA8B
Make Austria Austria-Hungary again!