@Mad Black
But midichlorians being a physical thing within your body would mean that it can be genetic. The Force may appear in the children of jedi, or it may not. It can appear in anyone, across any species, at any time. The Force is said to “choose” those who can wield it.
You misunderstand the concept of Midichlorians, I have read this argument countless times. Midichlorians are just the organisms that enable you to feel the force, they are the eyes that make you see, they do not create the force. And the more M. you have, the better you can feel and use it.
Is it pointless, and obsolete? Yes. But do not let it ruin Star Wars for you.
@Background Pony #2611
Because it’s basically taking Yoda’s whole scene about how the Force is in everything – the rocks, the trees, all living things – and suddenly having him say “LOL JUST KIDDING IT’S STUPID SHIT IN YOUR CELLS.”
Fuck midichlorians. They’re retconned out as far as most fans are concerned.
@Background Pony #2611
I think it has to do with Star Wars being a Fantasy story, and explaining magic by saying “People have tiny organisms in them that let’s them use magic”. That’s just my theory, though.
@Background Pony #2611
It basically takes the magical and makes it mundane. For comparison, imagine if in Star Trek, warp drive was revealed to be fueled by fairy dust, or in Babylon 5, jump gates were revealed to be created by ancient telepathic squids! It just doesn’t fit.