Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
Really? Even THAT is too long for you? I understand you not wanting to read a whole wall, but THIS? At LEAST read the last two parts.
I tried to be civil about this and end this in a friendly way that doesn’t lead to any insults, but I see being civil is beyond your capabilities.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
Bad game is bad.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
I asked for examples so I could prove you wrong. Not my fault you’re too lazy to read any of it.
You don’t always have to state your opinion anyway, ESPECIALLY if it’s something as small as a penguin from a game showing up. Honestly, was the presence of that penguin really enough to warrant you insulting the game? I don’t like the Elder Scrolls series (heck, I don’t like ANYTHING made by Bethesda), but you don’t see me seeing a Skyrim reference and insult the game and everything it stands for. I can keep that for myself and appreciate an image regardless. YOU, however, see one pixelated penguin and go all “Starbound is trash because it has things I don’t like”. If you’re in any way a decent person, you’d know how to keep your hatred for something to yourself instead of forcing it onto others. I’m not telling you to like the game, just that you shouldn’t insult it just because you don’t like it. You could’ve put your opinion in a less insulting way, but noo.. You HAD to insult the game (which, I’m sure, goes against the site’s rules).
All your “evidence” is based on your opinion, and opinions rarely count as evidence. You call Starbound’s way of storytelling lazy and boring, but I think it encourages exploration and it creates an in-universe lore. You say it’s a rip-off of Terraria, I don’t see any similarities other than the 2D, side-scrolling, pixelated adventure playstyle, and if you consider that enough for a rip-off, then every First-Person Shooter is a rip-off of Doom.
I’m saying this one more time. You can either end this right now without replying, or we can keep doing this until we both run out of things to say. Be smart and be the first one to walk away from it. You have your opinion, I have mine. You hate the game, and I like it. Let’s agree to disagree and end this.
One thing I’d just like to put here: Don’t insult a game just because it’s not your style. It makes you look like a much-less-than-friendly individual.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
I read your other huge walls of text except for that last one. The only reason I was writing them is because you were asking for examples of what they did wrong and other things, then you started responding with walls of text.
Again, I didn’t realize when giving an opinion I had to disclaim “THIS IS MY OPINION” because most people are smart enough to realize when someone says “this thing is bad” that it’s an opinion. I never said “no one can possibly like it,” I was expressing surprise that there were people who did like Starbound because it is a bad game. In all fairness, the game deserves the insult for being so terrible. My first comment wasn’t trying to shove anything down anyone’s throat and if that’s the way you took it, that’s not my problem.
But there’s no convincing you, no matter how much evidence I provide, you ignore it and shout “BUT THAT’S NOT A PROBLEM” despite things like bad story and bad combat and boring exploration clearly being bad problems.
2D No Man’s Sky is absolute garbage and the only reason anyone even knows what it is is because it rode the coattails of Terraria to popularity.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
You type huge walls of text yourself and refuse to read walls of text yourself? Also, took you a long time to finally reply. I thought you’d do the sensible thing, keep your unpopular opinion to yourself and not reply.
If you just kept it to “It’s bad in my opinion” instead of “Uhmigud, dis is utter tresh and no one can puzible liek et!” The way you try to “share” your opinion is more like trying to force it down my throat like it’s a fact. “Wow, people actually like this trash heap of a game?” Your surprize to people liking it is a fact, but the rest was nothing but an INSULT to the game. No opinions there.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
I’m not reading all that, lol
Starbound is absolute trash, that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. I have plenty of good reasons for coming to that opinion, if you don’t like it, well idgaf.
EDIT: Also I didn’t realize I had to say “THIS IS MY OPINION” when giving an opinion. You need to stop assuming when someone says something, they mean it’s a “fact.” The facts of Starbound lead me to the opinion that it’s trash.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
You can end this right now by deciding not to respond to this, as I won’t stop defending a game I like, especially when someone likes you calls it “garbage” just because you personally don’t like it.
You never see the effects because, again, you were blown as far away as possible. Which is obvious as you escape in a fully functional and lighted ship and end up stranded in a damaged one, with barely-functioning lights, no fuel and the need to reboot SAIL. You realise “blown away” isn’t necessarily literal, right?
If you paid attention to the pre-Ruin cutscene, you’d see Asra using the portal to get to the Ruin. It’s, again, explained in dialog that Asra believes the Ruin will spare humanity, which it obviously won’t. No one would believe that a creature bent on destroying all life would spare humanity, so brainwashing is the only explanation for it.
Well, if the two types of enemy spawning are considered one attack, then every attack from, say, Dragon Ball is a Kamehameha, just because they’re all energy beams? And yeah, like it’s completely impossible for monsters to have a similar appearance, kind of like, I don’t know, all the different varieties of animals on Earth? It’s still a better boss than, say, the Erchius Horror, with only an attack to spawn Moontants and a plasma beam attack that can be defeated by doing the same thing three times, which can be excused by it being the first boss fight you get. Stationary bosses aren’t a bad thing, as long as they have a way of defending itself. I doubt you can defeat the Ruin without taking some hits yourself.
Then why do you have to fight giant monsters in Terraria? What ARE those monsters? Where do they come from? And why are they so interested in fighting you? Not even a HINT at what’s going on. Just “Boom, giant monster”. You call Starbound’s monster origins lazy, yet Terraria doesn’t give ANY origins. Even Minecraft had the common sense to have you at least find a portal to another dimension to fight the Ender Dragon.
Oh, the over-the-top, overstating-its-welcome sarcastic laugh. Very funny. Whenever you click on an “important item” when looking for clues to an artifact, you get a message from Esther Bright giving you some backstory on the race you’re currently investigating. The mission briefings and debriefings themselves tell you more of the story, but you’re probably too lazy to read a short bit of text like that and just click “accept” and “finish” without thinking twice.
I can’t believe I have to tell you, AGAIN, that the codexes are optional, and the only one you sort-of need for the story is given to you as a quest reward to explain the relationship between Asra and Esther. The true story is, again, given to you through dialog and the messages you get through missions, which you’re, again, too lazy to even bother reading.
Right, you don’t like seeing the same buildings. But you don’t stop to think that they look the same because they’re pre-rendered buildings, just like the villages and temples in Minecraft? Even if they added several kinds of the same village, you’ll run into the same ones over and over again anyway. Unlike the 3D adventure games, where it’s a pre-designed world with limits to how far you can go and every single building was seperately designed, Starbound is procedurally generated, so they NEED pre-designed villages, dungeons and temples that randomly spawn. What, you want them to painstakingly design EVERY SINGLE PLANET, in a game that creates a completely random galaxy?
Nothing in that first comment said anything about it being an opinion. It was an outright insult to the game and everyone who enjoys playing it. You called it garbage instead of just “I don’t like it”. It’s a bad game in your opinion, but it’s not a fact. I could say Skyrim is a terrible game because “it’s 3D so everything is pre-rendered, you never see something new in the environment and you can’t go anywhere you want, and you waste too much time collecting better armor or weaponry and selling stuff”. Oh yeah, and you started insulting the entire game and the players just because this image happened to have a Starbound penguin in it? You could’ve just ignored that and moved on, but by insulting the game, you were practically BEGGING for the players to start defending it.
Again, if you really want to end this, just click away without replying. I’ll keep defending a game I like, but you have no reason to keep returning other than to spread your hate.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
I realize not everything makes it into a game, I’m an avid gamer and I’m learning the skills to make my own games because that’s what I want to do. But over 1200 things removed is absolutely absurd. There is no justifying it.
>The Ruin was out to destroy all life  
Yes, I know this. My point is, you never see the effects of it besides the intro.  
>Who’s to say Earth was it’s first target?  
No one specifically, but I’d say the lack of any signs of it elsewhere is a good indication.  
>blown as far away from Earth as possible  
Citation needed. I saw a ship flying as you’d expect a ship to, not being “blown away.”  
>core of the Ruin, it’s heart, blah, blah  
This has nothing to do with anything and not relevant to my questions.  
>Asra plotting to free the ruin, which is why you fight her before the heart  
Then still, how was it able to attack Earth when it was still locked away and how did she get there if the portal was locked?  
>Clearly the Ruin can’t go to the Ark  
This isn’t what I was asking. Where is The Ruin physically? I assumed the Ark was it’s prison since there’s a big magical portal that sends you to the Ruin and The Ruin is supposedly imprisoned and the Ark is this all important location.  
>Ark is portal to the surface of The Ruin, can’t fly because it would destroy anything coming  
Then how did Asra Nox get there?  
>Asra Nox was quite obviously manipulated and brainwashed  
Citation Needed, sounds like you just came up with that.  
>gaining her trust and then easily brainwashing her and her army  
Citation Needed. Where does it say the Ruin specifically brainwashed her? Again, it sounds like you’re making this up on the spot.  
>Three attacks?  
Yes. Eye beam, tentacle and enemy spawning. Lets ignore the fact that most of the other bosses spawn enemies anyways, so this isn’t even a unique ability.  
>Summons animals from all over the galaxy  
You mean the lame monsters made from random parts? Gotta say, I didn’t find those interesting when finding them on random planets, which is only compounded by the fact that you quickly start seeing parts used and reused over and over and again nothing feels unique.  
>Obviously it can’t move around, it’s stationary  
Maybe if they had an ounce of creativity they could have made an interesting boss. It being stationary is one of my complaints. Big epic final boss is the lamest fight in the game (which is really saying something, since all the bosses are terrible) and it can’t even move.
>A poor story is better than no story. A poor boss explanation is better than none.  
This is a bad argument in and of itself. Terraria never felt the need to lazily explain where their bosses came from and that’s fine with me. Adding in a cheap codex giving some poorly written origin story would take away from the experience.
>The main story is told to you in quests  
The quests of the main story is clicking on objects and doing boring dungeons. There was no sense of truly learning more about the universe or uniting the various races. It was nothing more than  
>click stuff  
>do dungeon  
>meet boring two dimensional character that might as well not even exist  
>collect key  
Again, poorly done and boring.
>M-m-m-m-m-muh codex!  
Lazy story telling. I know the origin of the glitch and it’s nothing more than a stupid excuse to add more silly BS (robots living in castles) to their game. When I play Warcraft, I don’t get a book as a quest reward telling me vital story information or background lore or anything. I get normal quest rewards. When I play Legend of Dragoon, I don’t get a book after every boss telling me what happened in the story because playing the game IS the story, they tell you the story as you play rather than making you go through a boring squence of events then giving you an item to explain the story.. I don’t know why you can’t comprehend that Starbound’s codex system is insanely bad storytelling, but I assume it’s because you can’t accept criticism of Starbound. I’ve provided ample examples and even then you skirt around the issue or ignore. I mention the time wasted by 1200 things not making it into the game and you go “well of course not everything is going to make it into the game!” completely ignoring the man hours it took for that stuff to be made and ignoring the absurdity of that many things being removed.
I like exploring in games, but there’s no point to exploring in Starbound because it’s so poorly done. Everything looks the same. Read carefully this time. During my play time, I kept running across the same towns, the same dungeons, the same landmarks on planet after planet after planet after planet. What’s the point in exploring if I’m going to see the same things over and over and over again? Exploration isn’t fun when the only thing to explore is a depressingly generic universe. I love exploring in games, but Starbound does it poorly since everything looks the same. I never said I don’t like exploring and I’m not sure where you got that from.
>your entire last paragraph  
I just left my opinion on a picture and you had to come charging in to defend it, immediately assuming I was claiming that my opinion was law or something. Since then I’ve given my personal reasons for disliking the game, which you argue constantly that I’m wrong and even when I bring up facts you either gloss over them, justify them or simply ignore them. Your stubborn defense of this trash heap of a game is pretty amazing actually. Even I can admit there’s faults in all my favourite games, but not you. Starbound is clearly a flawless masterpiece in your eyes, you can’t even admit to the tiniest of faults with it.
I think I’m about done here anyways, I’ve wasted too much time arguing with someone way too headstrong to even accept simple facts. If I ever finish my Starbound review, I might link it here so you can see it (and maybe see some reason or what I’m getting at,) but besides that I’m done.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
There’s NEVER a moment where EVERYTHING makes it into a game. There’ll ALWAYS be stuff that are added, removed or flat-out cancelled. Not to mention that it’s only done because the fans WANTED it. The development team relied mostly on feedback from people playing the Nightly Build (AKA, a test version of the game that got updated daily so players could provide feedback on what to keep, what to throw away and what to add). The promised content was either unable to be made, or the fans themselves didn’t want it.
The Ruin was out to destroy all LIFE, not all planets. Who’s to say Earth was its first target anyway? If it destroys the entire planet, obviously, there wouln’t be many that lived to tell the tale, and if they did, no one would’ve believed them. And if you paid any attention, you’d know that, when you escaped, you were blown as far away from Earth as possible. In other words, you’re pretty damn far away from the Ruin.  
The main core of the Ruin (its heart) was obviously trapped inside the fleshy monster that destroyed Earth. That’s why, when you go to it, you land on top of the Ruin’s exterior and have to dig your way down. The heart is still trapped.  
Again, in-game dialog says that Asra was plotting to FREE the Ruin, which is why you fight her as a mini-boss before fighting the Heart itself.  
The Ark is obviously somewhere far away, was created by the Cultivator and could originally only be reached through ancient gateways. Clearly, the Ruin can’t just go over there.  
The Ark is a portal directly to the surface of the Ruin. Clearly, they can’t just fly to it, because it’d see anything coming and destroy it right away.  
Asra Nox was quite obviously manipulated and brainwashed by the Ruin into becoming its puppet. Clearly, destroying a puppet is a waste of time, so the Ruin kept her as some sort of guard. Use your brain, if your goal is to destroy all life and there’s this one person with a cult and a hatred for all life but humanity, you merely have to appeal to that, gaining her trust and then easily brainwashing her and her army. It’s typical manipulation.  
Three attacks? Let’s see.. Laser eye, tentacles, summoning wild animals from all over the galaxy, all the while endlessly spawning weak, Ruin-specific flying enemies. Even if we don’t count every planet biome type, it has two attacks that spawn different enemy types. Would you rather fight an Erchius Horror with just more health? Obviously, the Heart of the Ruin can’t freely move around. Much like the Horror AND the first half of the Avatar of Kluex fight, it’s stationary.
Indeed, Sandbox games don’t need a story, but having one, even if it’s a poor one, still adds more than just “You don’t know anything, you have absolutely no purpose, have fun.” Terraria has no story, yet it still tried to have this big monster for you to fight. What is that monster? Where’d it come from? Why are you the one fighting it? No explanation at all. A poor explanation is better than no explanation. The main story is told to you in quests and ONE Codex entry that’s GIVEN to you before fighting the Ruin. The other Codex entries tell of different stories that give each race its own lore. Obviously, Chucklefish established the backstory behind the Glitch LONG ago. They’re robots stuck in a simulation and are unable to advance beyond that, which is a good thing, as every non-broken simulation ended in the subjects destroying their creators. It’s not even a Codex that explains it, it’s common knowledge for ANYONE curious enough to look around. As I said many times before, the Codexes that actually explain story elements aren’t in random containers. In fact, the most important one is outright given to you as a mission reward.
You played a game that’s ABOUT exploring and complain that you don’t like exploring? That’s quite honestly the most idiotic thing you could ever do. If you don’t like exploration games, don’t play them. But also don’t go around insulting them.
I’ll keep this as simple as possible: If you don’t like the game, you should just stay the heck away from it and stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us. Just blacklist the bloody tag if you hate it so much. Unsubscribe to the conversation and just don’t come back just to spread your hatred.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
We’re not talking about a few flaws here.
No, none of the removed stuff was necessary, but you have to take into consideration the amount of time that was making all that stuff in the first place. We’re talking about over 1200 things removed, that represents the time spent coding them, making the sprites for the objects, animations, etc. That is an absolutely absurd amount of things to be REMOVED by any standards. I still stand by that fact and the fact that promised content went unfulfilled and the game isn’t “Dark and Mature” like they promised it would be.
>At least it has more of story  
But this game barely has even that and what they do have is abysmal.  
Let’s just solely look at The Ruin itself.
The game starts off with it destroying Earth.  
Why doesn’t it destroy any other planets, you would get a sense of the true danger of The Ruin if you stumbled across the ruins of other worlds, especially if it has the general set up of a regular world (Village type you’re used to destroyed, etc)  
Why can’t we return to Earth later on (the ruins of Earth infested by The Ruin would be a good build up to a final encounter with the final boss.)  
If The Ruin is still in it’s prison, how is it able to destroy Earth?  
It’s prison is breaking down (if I recall correctly) so maybe it had some sort of ranged attack, what’s the range on this attack exactly?  
Why is it’s prison breaking down, is this simply the age of it’s prison or was it sabotaged by Asra?  
If The Ruin can attack Earth through it’s prison, why are there no signs of The Ruin at the Ark?  
Is The Ark simply a portal to The Ruin or is that the prison itself?  
If it’s just a portal, then why are the keys to it so important? Furthermore, if it’s a portal, then that means The Ruin is still out there, why not just fly to it?  
Why is no one but Esther concerned about this horrible monster that threatens the entire universe?  
Considering The Ruin is in it’s prison, how did Asra Nox get there?  
Considering it’s a final boss fight, why is it so painfully underwhelming? It’s got three attacks and is nothing but a boring slugfest. (Yes, I have beaten The Ruin, I had to when recording footage for my own review which I haven’t gotten around to recording the audio for, yet. Procrastination sucks.)  
Why is Asra Nox convinced The Ruin will spare humans after it destroyed Earth?
I’m sure there’s more I don’t recall at the moment. You kept going on about Sandbox games not needing a story, then complained about Terraria not having one for the bosses. Here’s how I see it. Terraria never tried to force this idea of having some grand story, it was simply a game and you inferred your own story from it. There are unnatural monsters and corruption, the more you try to purify the world, the worse it gets (Wall of Flesh causes Corruption/Crimson to spread faster and creates more of it and the Hallow, defeating the mechanical bosses awakens Plantera, defeating Plantera, opens the Jungle Temple, defeating the Golem causes the cult to appear that summons the Moonlord) yet it doesn’t NEED poorly written lore books after the boss to tell you what it was you just fought. That’s my biggest gripe with the Codex system in Starbound is that it’s such a lazy way to tell a story. Again, my favourite game is Morrowind, you have to read EVERYTHING a character tells you for the story, but at least I’m talking to a character rather than reading some book left in a chest. In Legend of Dragoon and Breath of Fire III (in my top 5 favourite games) none of the bosses drop a book to tell me what they are or what their purpose was. Putting a cheaply written book to justify the existence of a boss (or to justify any of the poor decisions made by Chucklefish (Robots living in castles? Really??)) is a cop out of the highest degree. It tells me they couldn’t properly write an engaging, interesting and immersive story for a game, so they stuck a few cheaply written paragraphs in a book, stuck it in a container and called it a day.
Was I too lazy to read the codexes? Yes, this game is boring and tedious enough, I play games to be entertained, if I wanted to read a bunch of short stories, I’d buy a collection of short stories that are actually well written in an actual book and read them. Exploring is boring, I passed the same generic house on countless planets, the same bridge, the same empty shacks, the same house ruins, the same floran villages, the same avian villages, the same apex towns, the same glitch towns, the same dungeons on planet after planet after planet after planet. I found nothing interesting, I found no reason to do any of the quests random NPCs had to offer, I found no reason to go into dungeons just to get another worthless weapon, I found no reason to explore in a game that’s supposed to be about space exploration, I saw no reason to build a colony since it’s nothing more than the same generic NPCs as most other planets with the exception of a few unique skins.
Yes, it’s my opinion that there is nothing of value to this game. You keep harping on “it’s your opinion, it’s your opinion!” but at least I’m able to form my own opinion and not blindly defend a terrible game.
I wanted to like this game, I really truly did want to like this game, it was supposed to be everything I wanted in a space game, but then the developers turned out to be totally incompetent and were more interested in shoving silly and stupid BS into their “Dark and Mature” game like lolpenguinz, cutesy llama people (among other things) and cosmetic junk and wasted countless hours on over 1200 things that never even made it to the final product anyways.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange
But the fact that people think it’s worth playing is enough proof that it’s not “garbage”. It’s a bad game in your opinion. But it has no game-breaking bugs, none of the removed stuff was actually necessary to the game and at least it has more of a story than any other sandbox game. If a few flaws that are unimportant in the big picture make a game terrible, then EVERY game EVER made is a terrible game.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
>in a way EVERYONE agrees with  
I could have all the proof in the world and not everyone would agree to it. Just because some people think it’s worth playing doesn’t mean it’s a good game.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
The game being trash is, again, just your OPINION. You don’t THINK it’s worth playing, but other people do. It’s not a fact unless you can prove it in a way EVERYONE agrees with.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
I’m at work right now, so I can’t give a proper reply right now, but  
>stop letting his opinions blind him from facts  
Fact is this game is trash and had no real substance to it and isn’t worth playing in the slightest. You’re blind to the fact it’s a bad game due to apparently being a fangirl towards it. I’ve provided evidence to support my claims and anyone can see the story is shallow, poorly written and lazily delivered. Anyone can see the combat is a horrible mess.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
Not really, I’m waiting for Orange to stop letting his own opinions blind him from facts. I’m not enjoying this one bit.
I also don’t see why he doesn’t just stop replying, unsubscribe to the thread and never come back. I’m defending a game I like. He has no reason to keep talking.

you guys are actually having fun arent you
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
Question 1. Correct. A truly “garbage” game would be completely unplayable and, as a result, could be considered garbage.  
Question 2. Wrong. The fact that there’s a large amount of people who like the game proves it can be considered fun.  
Question 3. Wrong. The main story is still there regardless of what was removed. Also, I told you to answer with ONLY “Yes” or “No”. I didn’t ask you to write a whole bunch of text to explain WHY you chose that answer.  
Question 4. It’s a bad game for people who don’t like the game. So no, the game is bad in your opinion because it’s not what you want. And again, I asked for only “yes” or “no” as an answer.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
Yes, for the fact development time was wasted that could have been used to, you know, actually make a good game. Not that it actually matters anyways because Chucklefish have proven themselves incompetent. As Tweed said in his review, they try a lot of good ideas and do none of threm well.  
No, the game itself shaped my opinion because it’s a really bad game.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
And I see no evidence that can convince you that your opinions are NOT facts. You don’t like the game, blacklist the Starbound tag, but don’t insult the game just because you don’t like it.
Answer these yes/no questions with ONLY “yes” or “no”:
Is the game playable?  
Can the game be considered fun?  
Do ANY of the removed things ruin the main game?  
Can most of your bad experiences just be because of your opinion and NOT because of thw game itself?
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
lol, you’re giving the game way too much credit, I can see no amount of evidence will convince you that there’s actually really nothing to this game, but if you wanna be blind, then go for it
it’s still trash, regardless, lol
EDIT: And I did play through 1.0 actually and did the main story. It was the most boring and tedious thing I had ever done. Watching paint dry is more engaging and interesting.

you guys done yet
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
Again, each weapon is different. Regular pistols, machine pistols, energy weapons, you name it, and it’s probably in there. From everything I’ve seen of Terraria, people seem to just blindly swing at their enemies with barely any aim. They just click in the general direction. With Starbound, you need to keep track of where you are, where your enemy is, and how much energy you have. Tell me, does a weapon really suck if it does a ton of damage AND fires exploding knifes with it’s alt. attack? That’s Asra Nox’s katana.
It’s not just books in chests. Talk to NPCs, they sometimes give you hints to a story. And by “carve your own path” I mean make up your own story, start a village, do some random tasks you pick up along the way. You know, use your freedom. Besides, what do you do in Terraria? You walk around without a purpose, build stuff and fight a giant, unexplained creature. Starbound at least gives SOME backstory for EVERY boss. And Minecraft? Nothing, no info about anything, you just walk around and build stuff and end up fighting an unexplained monster in an unexplained dimension.
You’ve clearly never played the 1.0 release. More dungeons, more variety in the villages. No two planets are the same in any way except biome type. Hell, even the enemies that spawn aren’t always the same on each planet. Sure, there are a few biome-specific enemies, but there’s also ones that can show up anywhere. And you don’t HAVE to build a colony in a barren wasteland. Just level the ground a bit in any other biome and build a colony there, simple.
Again, you personally don’t consider achievements content, but your opinion is not fact. Achievements were added to the game, so they’re content. Simple as that.
You actually SAID “If a game is garbage, mods won’t fix it”. You’re contradicting yourself here. The game doesn’t NEED mods to be fun, but they do ADD to the fun. More playable races, more planet types that aren’t even necessary but just add more exploration options, new items to use (heck, Frackin’ Universe itself added a whole bunch of stuff based on the Cthulhu mythos). No game is perfect, that’s why mods were made in the first place. Modifications to enhance the gaming experience.
“Stupid silly penguins” are optional and aren’t part of the story, not to mention in-game penguins are mercenaries that you can hire. Cosmetics are, again, optional and don’t NEED to be worn. You’re ranting over things that don’t even matter if you’re playing it seriously. And no, the bit of backstory I told you of merely inspired Nox’s extreme racism to anything non-human, which led to her trying to free the Ruin, being completely brainwashed in the progress and believing that the Ruin would spare humans (which it obviously wouldn’t). Also, I don’t think a “generic villain backstory” always ends with them being someone’s puppet yet at the same time ruling their own cult.
The actual lore-related Codex entries aren’t in “random containers”, they’re found in racial villages, which can easily be found when looking for artifact-related clues. As for “nothing interesting or fun to do”, it depends on your opinion. I find going to random planets and building colonies there fun. I find reading Codex entries interesting. In other words, there IS interesting and fun stuff to do. It’s just not YOUR idea of interesting or fun.
Right, because EVERY Floran you make happens to be peaceful, EVERY Glitch is self-aware, EVERY Hylotl is peaceful and so on. With the new story, you have full creative freedom to, say, make a mentally insane Hylotl bent on controlling the Florans to fight the Novakids. Also, if you had read the very FIRST lore entry (pre-placed in the codex tab), you’d find out it’s not a random ship you escape in. Each Protector-in-training was instructed to build their own ship, which is why you kept the racial ship design and not a generic one. Oh yeah, because a computer program that merely keeps the ship running and provide information TOTALLY needs a personality. If you want an AI with personality, get the A.V.I.A.N. mod, which replaces SAIL with an Avian AI that acts like the typical hyperactive teenage girl.
You called the game “garbage” as if your opinion were a fact that everyone had no choice but to agree with. Nothing about you insulting the game gave a clue to it being an opinion and made it appear like what you said is what everyone else should think.
Agent Orange
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Mercury Shine
lol you don’t swing blindly in Terraria, that’s what gets you killed and there is no repairing items in Terraria either. Not sure where you got that from.
Guns in Starbound are mostly useless and the melee weapons suck. Starbound’s combat is the last thing I’d ever call engaging.
I don’t mind reading, my favourite game is Morrowind and there’s barely any voiced dialogue in that. That said, when a game’s story is entirely confined to books in chests, there’s something wrong.  
>Carve your own path  
What does that even mean? Find a random planet and build stuff? lol
I’ve put many hours into Starbound and I didn’t find anything truly unique or interesting on any planet. Can’t say how many I’ve been to, but I kept running across the same generic racial villages with generic NPCS and generic dungeons that are all copy/pasted across most of the planets in the game. I never said they were EXACTLY the same, but there’s so little difference between them they might as well be.
I’ve tried Starbounds building, it’s tedious and boring like everything else. Hell, Barren planets meant entirely for building on don’t even have significant changes to them if you do build on them and get NPCs to “settle” there. No matter what you do to barren planets, it always has the sound of cold, dead wind with bleak music playing.
I actually said modding makes things better, but the problem with modding is too many people hold it up as this be all end all feature to games. I love modding, I really do, but people put so much emphasis on it that they allow it to affect their judgement of a game’s worth often saying it’s better than what it really is simply for the fact it has modding. Yes, modding is an great feature and amazing things can be done with it, but I don’t believe in the slightest that legitimate issues and shortcomings of games should be overlooked simply because it has modding.
The problem is how they handle everything. Sombra enslaved ponies in MLP, yet the rest of the cartoon is overwhelmingly cute and silly. It’s a similar situation with Starbound. It’s nothing to put in elements that are Dark and Mature, but elements don’t equal the full experience and the full experience of Starbound is stupid silly penguins and pointless cosmetic junk. Also lol at the backstory of Asra Nox, generic bad guy with generic bad guy origin story who only appears three times. Wow, so amazing, I can still feel my heartstrings being pulled at.
The point of talking about the removed stuff was because there was so much time put into all that removed content that was ultimately wasted and it really shows in the final game when there is nothing interesting or fun to do. I stand by the fact there’s no content here. All of the quests are boring. The “Story” is in books hidden in random containers, which is the absolute most lazy way to deliver a story in a game. And besides that, everything else is basically cosmetic.
Yes, I’m more interested in unique backstories behind races than the origin of a tool (I have no idea why Chucklefish decided the Matter Manipulator had to be this all important item, it’s like making a game and saying a Screwdriver is the most amazing tool ever, lol) And what explanation of your ship and “AI”? What, that you jumped on a random ship and escaped? Wow, so amazing. Also the “AI” is little more than a menu with as much personality as every other NPC in the game, which is to say none.
I never said my opinion was law, all I basically said was I was surprised anyone even likes this game.

I’m sure there’s more, but I’m not looking to write an essay here.
bruh you already did
lets just agree minecraft is the best game ever and leave it at that
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Lurking Changeling
@Agent Orange  
Terraria: Swing blindly and constantly need to repair your stuff or make new ones because the old one broke.  
Starbound: Actually aim for your enemy and the biggest problem is running out of energy, which refills quickly anyway.  
In short, Starbound’s combat is more engaging and doesn’t involve blindly swinging around. Not to mention each weapon has something unique to it.
“Codex crap”? You don’t have the right to insult something if you’re too lazy to read any of it. The Codex entries give the game its own lore in addition to the story your character follows. Besides, you don’t HAVE to follow the story if you don’t like it. Finish the first few missions to get your ship repaired, and go carve your own path, simple.
Each planet may have a set case of biomes, but that doesn’t mean each planet is the same. Different villages, dungeons and just more stuff to find. Name one planet-type where ALL planets of said type are exactly the same.
As for stuff to build, Starbound has no block limit, meaning you can make things as big as you want. You can build an entire city with ease if you so pleased. The building functions similarly to Terraria, but has more variety in what you can build and what materials you can build WITH.
Achievements may not do much game-play wise, but they still count as content.
Suure, because adding mods NEVER makes something better, especially when it comes to mods specifically to fix issues.
Yeah, because a race of humanoid plants that eat and kill anything that moves isn’t in any way dark of mature. And a race of fungus creatures that mutate their victims into their own isn’t dark in the slightest. Or what about an entire planet being destroyed along with all its inhabitants? Or the backstory of Asra Nox, who lost her whole village to a group of anti-human murderers?
Most of the removed stuff was done because they had replacements for it. Besides, what use would a mech be? It’ll break over time and probably did less damage than any of the weapons you can carry. It’d just be a vehicle with a weapon, meaning you could just as easily walk and be a smaller target for enemies.
Oh yes, the unique intro story. A few lines of text that goes for EVERY SINGLE PLAYER of that race is much more interesting than giving an explanation behind the Matter Manipulator and spaceship with a personal AI. The new story doesn’t give your character pre-established reason for joining the Protectorate, so you can completely make up your own story.
For someone who doesn’t want to write an essay, you’ve clearly written a whole wall of text. In short, it’s your OPINION and you don’t LIKE the game. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. This whole thing started because you just couldn’t ignore the Starbound tag and just HAD to insult the game, thinking your opinion is law.