He did that. At the very end of his arc. We never see more prolonged effects of his leadership because he was never given a central role again. All we truly have is Ocellus’ word on the state of the changelings and she barely acknowledges her society throughout the remainder of the series.
Thorax was a really weak leader and they should have pushed him much more. Having to keep order in his hive, prove his dedication to his people and other things.
I’ll probably have to wait for either the S07 Premier or Finale before we see fan art of Thorax snapping Chrysalis’ neck, then loudly sobbing because lol, I couldn’t save the last of my kind. X3
Yep, plus his design is ugly. Vote for Chrissy as the changeling leader! :D
The only one strong enough to resist the pony propaganda and don’t bow before them!
Every action I take, no matter how violent, or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people. And now I have no people.
My soul. That is what you have taken from ME!
And this is going to escalate before the others arrive. I know I’ve seen the screenshots, but really, if Thorax and Chrysalis duked it out one on one, it would have had that feel.