I had a little debate whether i should follow Edward Kenway’s cinematic trailer model or his in game model but i ultimately picked the in game since his robes have more character than his trailer version. I also tried fitting as many details and Edward’s accessories and weapons but alas the pony anatomy can hold so little for what i can compensate. I also noticed how dirty Kenway’s robes were so i played around with the texture and so far i think i should have done this with my previous works.
So what can i say about Rainbow Dash as the pirate turned assassin, Edward Kenway? For me it was a no brainer. Living life for the thrills whether sailing through the high seas or soaring above the skies, plundering ships or fighting of a hoard of changelings and all sorts creatures. Oh and may i add that Edward can sail through the storm while Rainbow Dash literally brings the storm, so in other words there is no rest for these thrill seekers. Theres also some similarities between these characters and the group they come to be associated, the Wonderbolts and the Assassin Brotherhood where they were not immediate members until later sequences and 6 seasons later. Come to think of it both leaders, AhTabai and Spitfire had their doubts if they got what it takes to become members of their order.
Oh and if you happen to like shippings, i know a certain James Kidd/Mary Reed would fit the bill perfectly with A.K. Yearling/Daring Do since both have secret identities and are associated to RD and EK if you know what i mean.Finally i also realized something about Edward that his reason for being a privateer and his quest for riches was meant not only for personal gain and his pirate empire but also for his wife, Caroline Scott. and even after years of separation, it seems that the element of loyalty was with Kenway this whole time. Oh and there both awesome.
Well thats my opinion, hope it helps.Only 2 of the mane 6 remains and when i hit the end, im gonna include extended members and fan favorites on the list.More pony assassins and a request to go! Hail Sithis Everyone!