Ted Anderson (w) • Andy Price (a & mc) • Sara Richard (sc) • Matt Frank (ric)
“Chaos Theory” Part 1 of 3 - A Rare astrological event has a profound effect on Discord! What happens when Discord turns into a being of pure… order?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet point:
A storyline that will lead to major changes in MLP comics!
You mean the new pony 52. NightLight also shot lightning dust in the head with a bolt of unicorn magic, in order for rainbow to to be able to undo that timeline.
True dat
another fantastic example of why we need to be able to upvote comments
Luna: “Well, that makes sense.”
C: “What do you mean?”
L: “She’s a little hoarse!”
Both: “Do-hohohoho!”
Well, yes, from a purely artistic perspective you’re right. Tirek and Twilight would look better.
But this is in relation to this upcoming 3-parter, where Discord is a villian again thanks to personality inversion.
No. It should be with Twilight and Tirek.
“Muffinmuffin-muffin muffin!”
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Derpy. It’s perfectly safe! Now I’ll just turn on the shrinking ray…”
[Derpy, not shrunken, staggers around with her mane and tail standing on end and smoke rising from her.]
“Whoopsie! Seems I didn’t calibrate it yet. Silly me!”
god, i hope so…
Well, yeah, Tirek would be better. But I meant in relation to this start arc.
Or Tirek, he’s a bit more SatA.M./Archie Robotnik-like.
I actually did a Super Mario version of the famed “Endgame” fight scene from the Sonic #50th issue on DA.
I normally don’t consider myself a good artist, but it’s oddly one of the best things I drew on DA.
We need a Ponified version of this image:
But with Twi and Discord instead!
Yeah, Kermit meanwhile came from “Sam & Friends,” Jim Henson’s first show.
I’d like to see Yorick come back. He was creepy yet kinda cool looking.
Yes, he was used in an ad first, and was alongside Kermit in the pitch for Sesame Street
Wasn’t Rolf appearing in other TV shows & commercials before the Muppets?
Y’know, looking at old commmercials & stuff the Muppets were very edgy even back in the old days.
Look up the old B&W “Wilkins coffee” commercials they did on Youtube.
Hmm. Rolf is also the oldest of the Muppets, and Applejack is pretty much unchanged from G1, so…
Yeah, okay I can see that.
Rolf was one of the least-perturbable Muppets, and tended to use sarcasm the most. Though Applejack hasn’t shown much of an affinity for awful, awful puns.
That’s part of his act.
Certainly you mean Gilda.
And by “Very Special” you mean he’s gonna turn the stage into pizza and brainwash everypony into doing the can can, right? Because that would make my day!
Nightlight is the new element of magic after twilight was turned into a Houseplant instead of himself, leading to him becoming a surely drunk.
King Leo declares war on the surface realm.