Background Pony #0AA7
Guys, do we need to get the mods here to stop you from fighting?
Background Pony #67AC
@Background Pony #E8D0
Silly background pony. Don’t you know that facts aren’t welcome when talking to a Sanders supporter?
Background Pony #F82A
I think you are irrationally mad at me, bro.
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@Background Pony #E8D0  
“Uh…Well Bernie Sanders is a big librul pothead times infinity! Hurr, hurr, checkmate, commie. ‘Murica, bitch1”
Like talking to a brick wall…from the good ol’ segregationist era.
Semper Paratus

@ pony
Fucking spare me your patronizing one sided history lesson. It doesn’t negate anything I brought up (which you ignored), nor the fact that trump is a huge beneficiary of the same corruption he’s coming down on (ei.buying politicians off, government bailouts and outsourcing jobs, etc.)
Your favorite fascist trust fund baby doesn’t have my vote
Sanders is more akin to fascism than Trump is, after all Trump would be a big evil capitalist.
Background Pony #F82A
Meh, Trump is small fries compared to the system’s owners. They want socialism/communism as a tool to gain more control.
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As if expecting to have your ass kissed at every public event or having protesters beaten the shit out of is better. It was a no win scenario…had He had them thrown out the right would play it off as Sanders “disregarding black people”…he let them have their say and the right seems it an act of weakness. If this event is the one thing after several months you got on Bernie, aside from the GOP straw man, then spare us please
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@ pony
Fucking spare me your patronizing one sided history lesson. It doesn’t negate anything I brought up (which you ignored), nor the fact that trump is a huge beneficiary of the same corruption he’s coming down on (ei.buying politicians off, government bailouts and outsourcing jobs, etc.)
Your favorite fascist trust fund baby doesn’t have my vote
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Lingering Wyvern
Looked more like they were kicking him off.
Background Pony #F82A
Trump vs Sanders will be Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism
Socialism and communism has been experimented with quite exhaustively in the 20th century and directly or indirectly caused the genocide of more than 100 million people. “But my specific form of Socialism/Communism has not been tried yet.” To be fair, socialism can work in rare circumstances but it requires a “Philosopher King” to dole out the resources in a fair manner to lift up the population. The one example in modern times where this has worked is in Libya with Muammar Gaddafi where the country had abundant oil resources letting the “dictator” distribute the riches of the oil and made his country grow and become more civilized. He genuinely wanted his country to succeed did his best to make it happen through his decreed socialism. He tried to play nice with other countries and built up commerce. His downfall and the resulting hellhole his country became was not his fault. Western powers destabilized and ultimately destroyed the country because Gaddafi dared to attempt to form an alternative regional currency in Africa based on gold in direct competition to the monopoly of the Dollar. His country was destroyed by hundreds of Tomahawk missiles and destabilizing arms deals for challenging this monopoly.
Socialism will not work in the United States for the simple reason that the government is corrupt. The government will take the resources allegedly to be redistributed fairly and will clandestinely give the lion’s share to the people who are friends with the dominant party. In the process destroying or diminishing the incentive to be productive. This has happened in the vast majority of socialistic and communistic governments.
Despite the flaws and corruptions that emerge with capitalism in the United States, Capitalism produced the largest middle class in history, allowing almost everyone to live in relative prosperity. In the United States “poverty” means a roof over your head, three meals, entertainment, and other materialistic riches. A poor person in the United States is another country’s rich person.
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@Background Pony #E8D0  
Here’s one more for the road.
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@Background Pony #E8D0  
It’s the republican nightmare scenario, folks. A presidential hopeful giving minorities a platform to speak.
A real candidate would’ve disparaged those two “uppity” women’s entire race with demonstrably false black on white homicidestatistics from a nor Nazi source.
…or better yet just encourage his supporters violent behavior towards dissent and “undesitables” altogether whether it be towards protesters or some homeless Hispanic dude
Background Pony #F82A
Background Pony #67AC
@Background Pony #380E
Have some facts.
Boy, it’s almost as if your “rich people conspiracy” is crap and businesses compete with each other! Tch! Pfft! Kh! Fff! What an absurd notion.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I posting, sleepy
@Background Pony #2EED  
Makes more sense then.
Background Pony #F82A
@Background Pony #380E  
The real elite will kill each other given the first chance. The real elite own the banks that are given loans of billions of dollars from the privately owned and controlled central banks at zero percent interest. Not some tiny loan of a million dollars. The real elite do not produce economic value, they control and in many cases own corporations that are exempt from taxes and sometimes exempt from the law. The conglomerate monopolies are able to buy up any small company that is able to succeed despite the laws and regulations being stacked against the small company because the laws are so stacked in their favor.
The real elites participate in destroying nations using U.S. military as a tool to harvest the nation’s resources. The real elites enforce the Dollar’s status as the world reserve currency because they control the Federal Reserve and give themselves Billions of dollars at zero percent interest. If your country dares to challenge this world reserve currency your country’s leaders are assassinated in favor of more friendly dictators and in many cases your country destabilized into violent war or squalor using the U.S. military or economic sanctions as a tool of destruction.
Trump buys a few politicians here and there to make sure his business is able to continue running without being shut down by the monopoly corporation conglomerates. He does not own the system, he just happened to live in one of the last countries where you are able to make yourself rich despite the progressively mounting odds.
Background Pony #493B
Donkeys. Changelings are jews.
Background Pony #0AA7
@Background Pony #DA1D  
yes, im sure him shaking his arms around wildly when talking about a reporter with arthrogryposis isn’t him mocking his disability at all
Semper Paratus

This isn’t much like /pol/
Background Pony #67AC
Allow me to lift you up from your state of complete ignorance:
  1. Donald Trump does not have a ”hateboner” for Muslims or Arabs. He recognizes that Islamic terrorism is (shocker!) committed by Muslims. In order to avoid bringing people into the country with the intent to spread violence and promote Salafism, he promotes a temporary hold in Islamic immigration until better vetting processes can be established.  
  2. Of course, he’s a little ignorant as to why this is actually happening.  
  3. He made fun of the reporter, yes. But it’s pretty obvious that he wasn’t making fun of his disability. Anyone that’s seen a picture of the reporter and the video of Trump should recognize that. Really the only people I’ve seen that disagree are ones that hated Trump from the start. I know plenty of people that were on the fence about him and not a single one of those actually thinks he made fun of the reporter’s disability.
    But hey. You’ve gone this long with ignorance. I doubt that you’ll be swayed by silly things like facts.
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@Crystal Neighybánya  
Also, I don’t think we would want a president that’s has a || hateboner for Muslims ans people form the middle east|| and makes fun of disabled people.
Background Pony #2CDA
@Crystal Neighybánya
If his deals were so bad how did he get billions of dollars?
Because he’s in the old boys’ club, he knows the right people who will make deals with him because their dads used to golf together and stuff. The American rich elite are an incestuous bunch who’ll always back each other up even when they’re major screwups under the tacit understanding that the others will return the favour when they make a colossal mistake that destroys the jobs of millions. They’ve even figured out how to make the taxpayers bail them out when bankruptcy looms and still pretend that they hate socialism when it comes to actually paying taxes, themselves.
Background Pony #F82A
@Crystal Neighybánya  
If his deals were so bad how did he get billions of dollars?
Background Pony #F82A
For a business a million dollars is pretty small. Also he turned the million into billions.