If we get to see more of the chaotic timeline in the MLP main comic or in a future episode of the show. In the story arc of the comic or an episode of the show the Princess of Equestria are acsidentaly transported to the future where Discord is king and the royal princess are his personal entertainment.
Every 109 years, on the last full moon in August. With proper custard, or the abominations from the Clown Continuum will eat Equestria. Blame Starswirl.
Luna’s just happy to be following the old routine.
I should have known that seeing two Royal Alicorn Princesses turned into clowns by Discord in an alternate timeline would open up a whole can of ideas for new art and vectors.
This is what Twilight had to say.
Twilight: I KNEW I shouldn’t had told Discord about the timeline where he won…
Celestia: it’s okay Twilight I love being a clown me and Luna and Cadence and you look so adorable as clowns and we make a cute clown group.
Luna: now that I’m a clown the fun has been truly doubled.
Cadence: Come on Twilly, smile darn y’a smile.
I hope we get to see more of it as well.
If we get to see more of the chaotic timeline in the MLP main comic or in a future episode of the show. In the story arc of the comic or an episode of the show the Princess of Equestria are acsidentaly transported to the future where Discord is king and the royal princess are his personal entertainment.
Luna’s just happy to be following the old routine.