The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions)


skeksisgirl asked:
Wait… I missed something… who is Sarah Z?
Some idiot who got mad at tue Steven Universe video and hastily shoveled out a “response” that was full of completely made up statements and falsified nonsense.
It got moderately popular by being passed around Steven Universe and Brogressive subreddits.
I love how Lily is calling Sarah Z an idiot when Lily again seems to think Sarah Z’s Bad Media Criticism video was all about her SU video.
anonymous asked:
I’ve noticed that in videos featuring you even for a second the comments are solely about you, you’re like a black hole that only sucks in idiots and it’s great to watch the worms squirm.
Some people are obsessed with me
Says the woman who slanders Josh, her former friends, Rebecca Sugar, Gamers and anime fans when ever she can.
anonymous asked:
Haven’t you considered that the Diamonds aren’t like other fascists because their morality is culturally different from ours?
“You killed my Aunt, you killed my Grandmother, you almost killed my Auntie Val AND you tried to kill my mother. I don’t know who the fuck you are and I don’t care! I don’t care who you are, I don’t care why you’re here, and I don’t care what you think is best. You tried to kill my mother, I’m going to put you in the fucking dirt for that!” - Magselyn Crane to Jehovah
Another person’s idea of morality doesn’t matter to the poeple they hurt. Their perceptions mean nothing when they are being judged.
Yet you seem to think everyone you ever hurt in the past is wrong to be mad at you.
whitesnakestanduserworld asked:
Sorry to bother you but recently, contrapoints made a video on “are traps gay” thoughts?
I gave up on Contrapoints when she said “I’m an indoor tr***y”
I don’t know how anyone is not yet sick of her humoring scumbags.
Look in a mirror.
anonymous asked:
By boyfriend said he dosent like the Gillette commercial. Should I dump him?
You should start by saying “That’s kind of a red flag there.”
Yeah random woman who might just be Lily asking her self a question. Just dump your boyfriend because of what Lily says and because of an opinion on an ad. Oh and Lily when Josh saw the red flags you got triggered when he ended your friendship.
anonymous asked:
to add onto the Gellete thing, I don’t get people who are going “hOw BAd waS ThE TOxiC maSC uLInITy at NoRMandy?” Like they were going to kill Nazis and save Europe not beat their wives and call each other gay as an insult
Since there were a lot of Nazis there, pretty fucking bad.
The commercial was “Don’t catcall and harass women.”
If you’re mad about that, you’re the kind of creep who catcalls and harasses women.
Are maybe Lily the ad was worded in a way that still came across as saying all men. Oh wait that is right in your world all men are a have mind even if they have left leaning ideas and all men are monsters. I forget Lily is the mature one here /s. Okay everyone let’s see how well people will react if a feminine product ever calls out women who abuse their male loved ones or catcalls male workers or harasses men.
(addendum) I think I found a comment that better fits why Lily is missing the point of why people don’t like the Gillette ad.
Oh wow, you really hurt my feelings because your opinion of a complete stranger really matters to said complete stranger. I’m gonna go cry now.
There’s literally nothing wrong with this ad. I’ve genuinely watched it, and it’s short and to the point that men shouldn’t be beating each other/others or harassing people and that people who excuse men doing this are making the situation worse. It’s not “demonizing men”
That’s the problem! Men already know that! It acts like it’s this huge problem and that most men aren’t decent/good people who don’t know you should be beating each other up or harassing people. Treating men like they’re toddlers who don’t know how to behave is indeed demonizing!
it literally shows what it wants to happen, it SHOWS men stopping the issue DURING THE AD. It shows an adult man separating the two boys fighting, it’s shows a man telling the other men harassing the girls at the pool to stop.
That’s Gillette telling men how to act. Gillette’s basically going “men are often these sexist stereotypes but here’s how to actually be a man” which is wrong because most men already know not to be an asshole. There are some asshole men, yes, but there’s also asshole women - that’s just life. It’s not a men’s problem though and it sure as hell isn’t needed to act like this is a major problem for men. It definitely isn’t a good idea to patronize your consumer base.
Again, this ad is sexist.
Here is the full link for where I got the comment from.

Most of the whining about me putting reponsibility on Sugar comes down to the point that Sugar is not in control of what the crew is doing. That they can write and produce episodes without her input or approval.
AKA: She’s not doing her job.
The only real refutation would be to say that Rebecca Sugar is not actually the executive producer despite her claims to be so.
Telling me that the crew runs around with little oversight only affirms what I’ve been saying about Sugar’s laziness. Because she SHOULD be exerting more authorial control. She SHOULD be paying attention to what the crew writes. She SHOULD be the final word on what does and does go in.
If she’s not doing that, SHE IS NEGLECTING HER JOB. And as a result, all my criticism of her laziness and putting the responsibility for shit like Concrete and Sugilite on her shoulders IS FAIR.
Telling me she is not actually doing what she’s supposed to do is an affirmation, not a refutation.
Stop getting mad at me for shit she’s doing.
Funny coming from someone who whined about people telling her that she overused a joke in her She-ra video and getting upset over people telling her that a two year old getting a crush isn’t all that realistic.
anonymous asked:
Why do you keep talking abput Steven Universe even though you said you were done with it?
Because I have no self control
How many times have I shut down this blog again?
explains the whole never shutting up about everything else you hate either. Maybe someone can give her good advice.
anonymous asked:
Maybe you dhould work on developing self control.
Maybe you should work on fucking off
Oh wait she can’t take good advice I forget.

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Here is one that feels talk worthy.
anonymous asked:
Why do you continue to call people pedophiles when drawings aren’t illegal?
Pedophilia does not actually mean you’ve committed a crime (not yet at least) but rather that you are someone who is sexually aroused by children. You may not be doing anything illegal, but you’re still a gross and dangerous pervert and that’s exactly what I’m going to tell people.
That’s the great thing about the Court of Public Opinion. What’s legal and illegal is irrelevant. For the same reason we rage against corporations. It’s not illegal to pay people barebones wages, but we’re going to bury you in negative PR for it regardless.
It might not be illegal to draw underage children in sexual situations (unless you live literally anywhere BUT the US) but if you think that’s such a clever comeback I dare you to say it in a job interview.
You may not have committed a crime (technically) but you HAVE broadcast that it would be EXTREMELY unwise to leave you unattended with children and your opinions on what constitutes harmful material is entirely based on what you personally like.
Here’s a reality for you: You would not be seeking this material out for your own personal pleasure if you didn’t already want to fuck kids. The one thing you’re right about is that drawings won’t turn people into pedophiles, but that’s because ONLY pedophiles are interested in it to begin with.
Miss me with that “It’s not harmful” shit. Psychologists who study deranged and dangerous cretins like you have all said that violent pornography harms the psyche of an individual and their perceptions of the people it portrays. So I’m going to trust the psychologists over a greasy, defensive pedophile lashing out in anger.
There’s a reason you like this material: It’s because you’re aroused by children.
Get therapy.
Yet you defended Stockholm till Josh used it against you. You have no right to pull the “get therapy” card when you made a fanfic that had messed up stuff in it and then act like you are the only one allowed to do that. Oh and who are these psychologist?
Funny how when it comes to porn suddenly people become a horrible human being who can’t tell reality from fantasy when I am pretty sure a person would already have to be messed up to try anything they see in fiction. I mean I am surprised she didn’t make a jab at gamers in this seeing as she seems to think they are on the same level as ISIS just because of a handful of horrible people in GamerGate.
Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Wallet After Summer Sale -

She really needs some mental help as well reevaluate her life decision speaking of it.
||there some people that still defend the ad in question ||

Here are archive links I saw on Kiwi Farms that felt talk worthy.
I keep looking at all of these (really fucking awesome) comics involving you and that Pokemon and I keep thinking “THAT’S the Pokemon that has weird results with the safe search off?!”
Well it is worth pointing out that I deliberately tell Mikaila to draw her as more violent and monstrous than canon. In canon they don’t have sharp teeth, claws, or roar.
In canon, Gardevoir looks vaguely like a human woman and has feminine design elements, and that was all it took for weebs to go completely overboard.
Considering how quickly people sexualized My Little Pony and Venom this isn’t as much of a surprise.
You know a Kiwi Farms user pointed out that Lily (along with most Social Justice Warriors types which is also an overly abused word sometimes) seems to sound very puritan and shocked that rule 34 is a thing. As for me not bringing up what a user used. Lily, you and Mikaila don’t seem to know how the internet works.
Apologies for the Q slur, but legit something I saw on Twitter: “Apparently the fact that I self-identify as queer bothers some people. To that end: QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER, ect” What is wrong with some people?
You know what reading this made me think of?
“The game opens with the very Assassin’s Creed-esque disclaimer to the effect of “A lot of people are going to be saying very horrible racist things in this game, but please understand we had to put all that in to accurately bring the era to life. I want you to think about it: not putting it in would’ve been even more racist. Right. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, N****R! N****R!  N****R!  N****R! C**N! C**N! S**C!."” - Zero Punctuation, Mafia III 
Same energy, same intent, same level of sleaze, same open contempt for other people.
Yet this is the same person who was saying people where wrong for calling out Battlefield V for all the stupid stuff that its creators where pulling.
wait, were you referring to Zero Punctuation as contemptuous and sleazy or the thing he was criticizing? or was it both?
The latter
Honestly I get people who want to self-identify as the Q-slur, but to have that level of open contempt for others is pretty impressive.
Since I’m not stupid and I know EXACTLY who it was who tweeted that in the first place, I’m going to take the exact logic used and apply it to another term. And while I’ve generally avoided talking about people who only use the Q-slur as a self-identifier (except when they overlap with the people pushing the umbrella term) I want those of you who do to at least consider this.
If you decide to keep doing it anyway, then whatever. But just… consider it for a moment. Here we go:
I’m technically on the autism spectrum (I say “technically” because I’m really well adjusted and had decently okay support growing up and so I practically pass as neurotypical) so what if I decided to self-identify as the R-word?
And not just that, but actively push for it to return as an umbrella term for neurodivergent people and refer to those people as the “R-Word Community” and tags like ActuallyAutistic as “R-Word Positivity” and “R-Word Activism” despite the MANY complaints it will draw and actively sneer at people who object and call them a shill for Autism Speaks.
I mean I know a lot of people have experienced a lot of hateful and violent things associated with the term, but in the oh-so precious 60′s it was practically normal! I know it makes me sound like a regressive, antipathetic asshole to literally everyone around me, but who cares as long as it’s MY identity right?
I mean I know I could choose from 200 other words or make one from whole cloth if none of them work, but out of all the possibilities I’ve decided that the best decision is to use a hateful and regressive word that has been a slur for decades and which many people associate with bigotry, discrimination and violence.
I mean, it doesn’t matter how many people I hurt or make feel unwelcome or trigger unnecessarily as long as I’M pleased with myself and I’M satisfied, right?
Real talk: When I released Slurred Speech, there were people in the comments saying that they self-identified as the Q-Slur, but that they were going to cease using it in any other context other than referring to themselves after I explained that the word has a very hateful and deadly legacy attached to it. All other blanket and umbrella uses of the term I alluded to above they would stop using as well because of this. They even wrote it as “Q-Slur” instead of writing it out in my comment’s section.
There were even a few who said they were going to take the initiative and look for another word to describe themselves.
You know what that’s called?
It’s called having a fucking heart.
Think about that for a bit.
You know that your not the only one with a form of autism and is able to pass as normal right? Oh who am I kidding Lily has to make her self feel like the only one who is an adult (which is a very funny thing coming from Lily but that point is later.) Oh and speaking of having a heart. Where was your heart when you told people to draw art of Ink Rose’s ponysona with other female MLP analysis in romantic scenarios and keep on mentioning it to her and to abuse the DA mention system just because she didn’t like an Overwatch ship? By the way long after she said this she soon backpedaled and was all oh people just misunderstood what I said.
Where was your heart when you kept on making jabs at Josh that slowly became more and more mean-spirited? I know you didn’t have no heart when Josh ended your friendship and you kept on insulting him and anyone associated with him when the poor guy just wanted to be left alone but you kept pushing and pushing till Josh felt like he had to use a C&D on you.
This is a big problem with you Lily. You acting like you are such a moral and just person but the truth is you are the very person you whine about in your videos.

anonymous asked:
Men are overrated creatures aren’t they?
Yeah they are.
Sonetimes I wish we really did live in a society that oppresses straight, white, cis men.
Not for any ideological reasons, but just because it’s so ridiculous that they screech and whine and cry about being oppressed and we don’t even get the cathartic fun of actually being on top for once?
I feel ripped off! This is bullshit!

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Here is the only one I feel like talking about.
anonymous asked:
nothing about you is “well adjusted”
Sure not NOW! But before 2018 tore me to pieces I was such a friggin’ adult!
Because when I think adult I think turning on friends for trivial reasons, withholding evidence of a persons horrible behavior, constantly slandering someone after they end a friendship, generalizing people based of a handful of horrible people, making fanfics with questionable or messed up stuff in it to then label other people doing the same thing in fanart or fanfics as messed up. Anything else I am missing that makes this post more ironic?

You know I know I already talked about these two but I can’t help but find it funny.
Apologies for the Q slur, but legit something I saw on Twitter: "Apparently the fact that I self-identify as queer bothers some people. To that end: QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER QUEER, ect" What is wrong with some people? 
You know what reading this made me think of? 

“The game opens with the very Assassin’s Creed-esque disclaimer to the effect of “A lot of people are going to be saying very horrible racist things in this game, but please understand we had to put all that in to accurately bring the era to life. I want you to think about it: not putting it in would’ve been even more racist. Right. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, N****R! N****R! N****R! N****R! C**N! C**N! S**C!."” – Zero Punctuation, Mafia III 

Same energy, same intent, same level of sleaze, same open contempt for other people.
So Assassins Creed can apologize ahead of time to people it might offend but not Mafia III and I like how Lily has said how game makers should be able to do what they want and then she whines about Bayonetta and Quite.
anonymous asked: 
Why do you continue to call people pedophiles when drawings aren’t illegal?
Pedophilia does not actually mean you’ve committed a crime (not yet at least) but rather that you are someone who is sexually aroused by children. You may not be doing anything illegal, but you’re still a gross and dangerous pervert and that’s exactly what I’m going to tell people. 

That’s the great thing about the Court of Public Opinion. What’s legal and illegal is irrelevant. For the same reason we rage against corporations. It’s not illegal to pay people barebones wages, but we’re going to bury you in negative PR for it regardless. 

It might not be illegal to draw underage children in sexual situations (unless you live literally anywhere BUT the US) but if you think that’s such a clever comeback I dare you to say it in a job interview. 

You may not have committed a crime (technically) but you HAVE broadcast that it would be EXTREMELY unwise to leave you unattended with children and your opinions on what constitutes harmful material is entirely based on what you personally like. 

Here’s a reality for you: You would not be seeking this material out for your own personal pleasure if you didn’t already want to fuck kids. The one thing you’re right about is that drawings won’t turn people into pedophiles, but that’s because ONLY pedophiles are interested in it to begin with. 

Miss me with that “It’s not harmful” shit. Psychologists who study deranged and dangerous cretins like you have all said that violent pornography harms the psyche of an individual and their perceptions of the people it portrays. So I’m going to trust the psychologists over a greasy, defensive pedophile lashing out in anger. 

There’s a reason you like this material: It’s because you’re aroused by children. 

Get therapy.
Lily: Drawing and making fanart with foalcon, loli, shota themes makes you a pedophile
Also Lily: Now pardon me while I make a story where a two year girl discovers she is a Lesbian and then get triggered when people bring up how unrealistic it is.
Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Wallet After Summer Sale -

||Most of the posts are pokemon releted though it maybe possible to find the non pokemon ones if you well enough to read them ||

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
yeah I couldn’t really find anything in these links that felt talk worthy when I looked yesterday. Though I did think of stuff in the above post to talk about that I didn’t think to add when I first talked about them.

robicoolbear asked:
Do you have any tips on coping with the loss of a pet? My sweet boy (golden retriever) is nearly 12 and is quickly declining in health. We have no idea how much longer we have with him. I want to be at least a little prepared.
I’ve lost two dogs.
I didn’t cope with shit. I’m still mad at my parents for putting them down.
anonymous asked:
Your parents put your dogs down? Was it because they just didn’t want to pay the medical bills? That’s what happened to my dog
anonymous asked:
Do you have any thoughts on Incineroar being the newest Pokémon rep in Smash? Personally I like them because of their literal flexing at every possible moment.
How many times do I have to say I don’t care about Super Smash Brothers before you get it?
Just look at this gentle soul everyone. /s
anonymous asked:
Wow it’s been forever since I’ve seen an adult accept that their favourite things are for children than just ranting how the series is dying and writing a essay of why they’re not pathetic for enjoying something made for kids.
Historically I’ve ranted about cartoons being WAY too desperate to be seen as mature and something adults should enjoy.
Ironically I rant about Friendship is Magic dying for that exact same reason: It routinely disregards kids in favor of pandering to the adult fanbase. It was why I got into this genre of videos, because discourse was too dominated by pathetic baby-men who want everything to be edgy for the sake of their own insecurities.
Yet you don’t see why gamers aren’t found of people like Anita trying to steamroll into gaming and treating them like scum.
anonymous asked:
I know you don’t like the smash games but I want to thank you for ignoring the hype and treating it like what it is (a party game). Sometimes my sisters get annoyed with me when I play because I always pick the same character and button mash the whole way through, but I’m uncoordinated and just wanna watch Kirby beat up link while chatting with my best friend. I find the serious tournament people annoying, they don’t seem to be having fun
Honestly if Smash Brothers was just another release that’d be one thing. But the fact that it gets such a massive profile and focus always confused me.
Nintendo Hype in general confuses me, probably because I was a child of PC Gaming and had to grow up with whatever games my father also happened to be interested in. But I don’t get the frothing hype surrounding Nintendo properties, and Smash Brothers in particular.
I think it really is rose-tinted goggles, of which I generally don’t have an issue with. Personal experience has left me unwilling to trust nostalgia and I tend to have a sour look toward a lot of the things I liked as a child.
How hard is it to understand that Nintendo games are mostly hyped because for the most part Nintendo games are well made and tend to not fall into most of the modern gaming traps? As for Super Smash Brothers how hard is it to get game where a bunch of Nintendo and stating with Brawl 3rd party characters beat each other up? Man Lily really is a stick in the mud.
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