Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary - Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rainbow Rocks with an art event! Here

Viewing last 25 versions of post by Applepie1973 in topic Days of Summer Part 1 & 2 [NSFW]


Nostalgia Purist

Human Snips and Snails was together at a party one evening in Canterlot High School that was decorated all over with clear, large, shiny ballroounsd in many shapes. The two human kids thvery glot a bunchg of clear, shiny, balloons at the party. Even if the two kids with a balloon phobia was very afraid of balloons especially scared Snails was they feeling hard and hot un der their legs by cathcing a large, clear, shiny, very long, curved, grey squeaking balloon from the evening until the end of the night non stop. Scared but also relaxed Snails held a creaking very large, creaking, clear, shiny, pink, round balloon he rubbed between his legs from the early morning until the next afternoon non stop as Snips watched as Snips rubbed himself between his legs from the early morning until the next afternoon non stop.
No reason given
Edited by Applepie1973

Nostalgia Purist

Human Snips and Snails was together at a party one evening in Canterlot High School that was decorated all over with clear, large shiny balloons in many shapes. The two human kids they got a bunch of clear, shiny, balloons at the party. Even if the two kids with a balloon phobia was very afraid of balloons especially scared Snails was they feeling hard and hot un der their legs by cathcing a large, clear, shiny, curved, grey squeaking balloon from the evening until the end of the night non stop. Scared but also relaxed Snails held a creaking large, creaking, clear, shiny balloon he rubbed between his legs from the early morning until the next afternoon non stop as Snips rubbed himself between his legs from the early morning until the next afternoon non stop.
No reason given
Edited by Applepie1973

Nostalgia Purist
No reason given
Edited by Applepie1973