Fallout Equestria Thread (NSFW)

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Now that G4 is finished and complete (including the IDW series), I wonder is there are still FOE fic writers out there who plan to write a FOE fic, but with this new content delivered from the comics and show.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Background Pony #967F
I am thinking more about something like a “What if…?” sceneario.
Why have seen throught the series and comics how easily is for the ponies to enter into total war againts other races, specially with Yaks, Abyssinians, Dragons and Griffons. Right now, I cant see the zebra nation as this global superpower that the fic tried to show to us when, in my opinion, we have more reasonable options.
We saw that Yaks can get easily offended and declare everyone with war, and we saw in the comics how both Yak and Dragons almost entered into a war if it wasnt because Spike interviened. We saw that the Griffons had a deal with Equestria about giving them a high portion of their territory, and both were at risk of war if it wasnt because the missing page was found, what if that page was never found? We saw that the throne of Dragon Lord can be taken by the wrong hands, what if a more ruthless dragon took over the kingdom and decided to provoke a massive full invasion againts Equestria? And we witnessed the Abyssinias being ruled by a paranoid king who was afraid of magic, and their kingdom is so advanced, they even had anti-magic technology to counter-attack ponies and powerful beings like Discord.
Heck, and dont forget the School of Friendship. Just because some children went missing, all the creatures were threating each another with a full World War.

So I’m new to Fallout: Equestria. Didn’t even read ten fics. But one of them is ElbowDeepInAHorse’s Fallout Equestria: Renewal.
Not what you’re asking for, Equestria was still fighting zebras. But it is one fic that changes the past of FO:E before exploring a different brave new world. And like the description states, it’s “a standalone story taking place within its own universe whose history and events have been re-imagined.”
Changing the major players from before the war might be enough work in the background that at this point, the writer may go ‘might as well make my own AU’ and then it’s not a FO:E fic anymore, but its own thing. Still inspired by the original fic but just not in the same universe.
An even bigger change than the Remains fangame’s storyline, because that one only changes Littlepip’s journey… The present of the wasteland.
Not saying what you’re wondering about won’t happen, but that may require a lot of work before it gets off the ground. Especially that season ten was only done recently and… the IDW comics seem to have a very, very poor reputation?
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

I will take a chance to read that later.
I just feel it would be somewhat refreshing to move on from the kinda “outdated” lore that FOE had (only S2 was aired at that moment) and add more things to it. For example, most of the communities of the wasteland was only reduced to ponies, and one or two griffons in there. Dunno, but I think it would be kinda refreshing to see how other races had to deal with the war and post-apocalypse. Imagine encountering a group of readers comfomed of ponies, dragons and yaks…
Of course, to add this, the story must now include this creatures and their kingdoms into the new FOE lore. How did they dealt with the Great War, who was allied with who, and most importantly, who triggered the bombs first. Not only Ponies vs Zebras situation anymore. Yes, I know this may redone the entire of the worldbuilding, and pretty much create a new AU, but for me, that is welcome.
>the writer may go ‘might as well make my own AU’ and then it’s not a FO:E fic anymore, but its own thing.
But what makes a FOE fic a FOE fic anyway? It is obligatory to pick elements from Kat’s fic to make it into a FOE fic? It is necessary to follow its rules and use the “Equestria vs Zebras”, “The Ministries”, “The Enclave Pegasus” and everything over and over again to make it a FOE fic?
Not gonna lie, this is the problem I have with recent FOE fics. The world of FOE has been overused for years. Many people tried to separate their stories away from Littlepip’s universe, but most of them are not that original or good tbh.
And yes, I am aware about the IDW series reputation. But I think it did a decent job expand the world building a little bit (except Season 10 thought)

I will take a chance to read that later.
Spoilers in the comments if I recall right. And also quite a few references to rape, including an attempt on the main character, but apparently rape is a ‘must-include-in-every-fic’ thing in the FO:E fandom anyway? From what I’ve seen at least.
And while the Enclave are also pegasi in this, they’re definitely not kkat’s Grand Pegasus Enclave. And no artificial alicorn either. And you might like this one, even though the enemy country is still zebras, a lot of scenes in the fic are from the pre-war era.
For example, most of the communities of the wasteland was only reduced to ponies, and one or two griffons in there
I remember someone on FIMFiction being annoyed that there were so few fics with non-ponies. So maybe writers simply aren’t interested in bringing in more species. I know that in the comic I’ve been failing working on for a year, I include only ponies for example. Because they’re the ones who interest me.
Really, the only reason I care about the Enclave at all is because I found out they were pegasi. Never even paid attention to them in the original games. I’m basically into FO:E because of a tiny percent of the universe: Littlepip, Velvet and the Grand Pegasus Enclave mostly. And the Remains versions of them at that.
The other nations don’t seem to interest that many people (compared to those who prefer ponies) in G4 itself, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same in FO:E.
But what makes a FOE fic a FOE fic anyway?
My post’s first draft had the same question: what makes a FO:E fic FO:E? That’s not a criticism mind, ‘based-on FO:E’ fics are good too. In fact, I started reading Renewal precisely because it was its own take on that world, because Remains got me interested in ‘AUs of an AU’ like that.
So like I said I’m new, so I don’t know how overused the world was… other than ten whole years being an insane amount of shelf life for one fic. I don’t know the difference between old and recent fics either, because I have a hard time finding one that interests me. And the ones that do always end up including something eyerolling (like the edge-mandated rape).
But I guess that, simply, many people are happy with that world and so write specifically in it, like others have been writing in G4’s world for ten years.
I figure it’s just a lot of work to make something new, especially if you’re already happy with what’s there… or don’t care about the previous world when you’re dealing with, say, alicorns or the Enclave, who’d have been there regardless of who Equestria was fighting at the time.
But all in all, yeah, I’d love more independant takes like Renewal. Especially if they involve the Crystal Empire… without Sombra, because that’s narrative pigeonholing at this point.
Or even just, like you said, how the other species are dealing with the apocalypse those two asshole countries inflicted on them, just like sometimes I go ‘so, how’s Europe in the Fallout universe anyway? Or Australia?’
And with G5 coming, there might be more chance to have new blood and new versions of Fallout: Equestria.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Oh, we can agree about the Grand Pegasus Enclave was pretty well written, it was memorable and probably had more interesting elements than the original Enclave that we had in the games. I grew fond of that faction, and I must say that its probably one of the best parts of the fic. Still kinda bugs me that they got some levels of incompetence, in favor of the main protagonists so the could be taken down easily.
Heck, I see some fics treating them like buffoons, which is a red flag for me while reading a FOE fic.
Yeah, i think its kinda difficult to replace them. If one plans to do it, it must be a very different Enclave anyways. I remember trying to figure out myself on that, but I only come up with the unicorns being the Enclave, or the hyppogriffins.
The other nations don’t seem to interest that many people
I think people should give it a try, but I am certanly that is because the races were introduced too late, and how most of them werent a big deal. I think it was only Saddle Arabia the only kingdom (besides Griffonstone) that most people wanted to see? And I dont think the reformation of the changelings didnt help either.
That may explain why almost anybody dont want to try to explore a world of Fallout with more than just three races. But think they should give them a try, I feel reading a story about a pony and his young dragon companion would be interesting to read. Yeah, people of this thread has told me that already. Fans are satisfied with the FOE universe that we have already. So, why trying to correct or “fix” something that is not meant to fix, or is good anyway? Sure, you can try, but I dont think it will hit as big as how the original was.
…Oh, and that ‘must-include-in-every-fic’ thing about rape, probably you can blame Proyect Horizons for that. Not sure if you read it already, but take this more like a warning than an spoiler: There is a huge chunk of a chapter exclusive about raiders raping the main protagonist in a very gruesome way, along her companions. All of that being explained in third person. It was so hard and bad to read, that the author put a “No Russian”-like warning in the start of the chapter if you want to jump it.
And thanks to that, you can tell how there is a good amout of fics including graphic scenes of rape.

(wall’o’text incoming)
Oh, we can agree about the Grand Pegasus Enclave was pretty well written, it was memorable and probably had more interesting elements than the original Enclave that we had in the games.
I appreciate the differences between the two Enclaves.
The games’ Enclave is a network of glorified vaults. There’s no difference between the Enclave and its people. There’s no culture to speak of because everyone born there is just the brainwashed extension of the top dogs’ will.
They’re basically an army without the country that goes with it. And that army’s mission is to purge all the world of everything that’s not them. So there’s no room to be anything else than the Enclave for the people there, just whether they agree with the mission or not.
And since that mission is all black, they’re also harder to work with than the Brotherhood of Steel, which is in a similar ‘vault with a mission’ status before they go and expand/change their mission (see the East Coast).
The Grand Pegasus Enclave and the pegasi aren’t the same though. There’s room for a pegasus to be non-Enclave, and there’s culture to be found outside of it because of that. They’re an actually country because they’re an actual people.
So, much more room for inspiration, change… and straight out removing the Enclave if you want, because there’s still something left of pegasi once it’s been ‘impeached.’
Still kinda bugs me that they got some levels of incompetence, in favor of the main protagonists so the could be taken down easily.
Didn’t finish the fic yet because the beginning’s so slow and dull (to me). But they basically bounced off the entire wasteland, didn’t they? Even though they were basically Warhammer 40,000 space marines attacking a feudal world in a surprise attack?
Could be because Littlepip literally couldn’t have won without the incompetence, or maybe the Enclave doesn’t have experience waging large-scale operations. They may terminate anyone one on one or squad versus squad, but the poorer-equipped and -trained folks in the wasteland have the actual warfare experience (and fortifications).
Or maybe they’re just not used to fight someone who actually fights back, either at all or long enough to be a problem. Because they’re ridiculously superior to everyone they ambush out of the sky.
Going from hit’n’run ops against smaller, unprepared targets to open warfare with everyone knowing you’re the enemy, basically. On a complete whim too, if I read the wiki right.
I remember trying to figure out myself on that, but I only come up with the unicorns being the Enclave, or the hyppogriffins.
Crystal ponies can use their city as their own Oil Rig, if nothing else. Maybe Empress of Ponykind Cadance is preparing a Great Crusade to reconquer the wasteland… but at this point it’s Unification Wars: Equestria rather than Fallout: Equestria.
You don’t actually need to have an Enclave around though. Or even pegasi… Maybe I’ll delve into that Scorched Plague idea I’ve had one day, haha.
I think people should give it a try, but I am certanly that is because the races were introduced too late, and how most of them werent a big deal.
To be fair, when you’re not interested, you’re not interested. If people write for fun rather than because they’re paid to, they’ll tend to use their limited time on what they want to write about.
I’m interested in expanding/tweaking the world of FO:E for instance, but only with alternate takes on the original storyline. What if Velvet went a different way after she left the Stable? What if Littlepip joined the Enclave instead at the end? This kind of crazy AUs.
(Not that I’m capable of completing even one chapter of anything, mind.)
But expanding the other species doesn’t interest me in either setting, and all the wishes, contests, events and/or commissions in the world won’t change that.
With something this niche, those last three things are your only chance to get someone else to write them, I think. Unless you start writing those ideas yourself and they catch someone’s inspiration (like Remains intrigued me enough to want to write a comic set in that world).
…Oh, and that ‘must-include-in-every-fic’ thing about rape, probably you can blame Proyect Horizons for that.
Yeah… I didn’t read it either, and everything I’ve read about it tells me that’s a good thing.
Shame, because apparently it was the earliest/biggest expansion on Enclave lore.
Maybe Velvet can meet Glory in that fic…
But rape does feel like a staple of the genre. Kinda like cannibalism in the games. Or like a box on a checklist, the same way natives and train attacks must be in a western (see: Over a Barrel).
So if Fo:E got rebooted to tie in with later seasons, maybe the “Big 5” could be combined somehow?
That’d require the writer(s) of the reboot to like all those fics, I think. And that’s not a given.
And if some don’t inspire them (to put it mildly) and they include it because it ‘has’ to be included… Results tend to be messy.
Plus, some people may want an ‘enhanced edition’ of Fallout: Equestria… and ONLY of that. “What are these OCs I never heard about doing in Littlepip’s story?”
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

(Foil Hat)
Trying to figure out some Russian filly’s perks

I got most of them:
“Large Ears”
Either “Vermin” or “Harm”
“Dexterous Hooves” (Level 1)
Either “Burning” or “Incombustible”
“Little Gladiator”
“Battle Cry”
“Aegis of the Indestructible” (or “aegis of non-destructive”?)
“Hard Childhood”
“Wasteland Gift”
“Young Oppositionist”
“Blessing ???” (VBD??? The image shows her with bat wings and her mane on fire?)
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