I will take a chance to read that later.
I just feel it would be somewhat refreshing to move on from the kinda "outdated" lore that FOE had (only S2 was aired at that moment) and add more things to it. For example, most of the communities of the wasteland was only reduced to ponies, and one or two griffons in there. Dunno, but I think it would be kinda refreshing to see how other races had to deal with the war and post-apocalypse. Imagine encountering a group of readers comfomed of ponies, dragons and yaks...
Of course, to add this, the story must now include this creatures and their kingdoms into the new FOE lore. How did they dealt with the Great War, who was allied with who, and most importantly, who triggered the bombs first. Not only Ponies vs Zebras situation anymore. Yes, I know this may redone the entire of the worldbuilding, and pretty much create a new AU, but for me, that is welcome.
> [@RogueBadnik](/forums/writing/topics/fallout-eqeustria-thread-nsfw?post_id=5153701#post_5153701)
>the writer may go 'might as well make my *own* AU' and then it's not a *FO:E* fic anymore, but its own thing.
But what makes a FOE fic a FOE fic anyway? It is obligatory to pick elements from Kat's fic to make it into a FOE fic? It is necessary to follow ithes rules ofand use the "Equestria vs Zebras", "The Ministries", "The Encloave Pegasuds" and everything over and over athsgain to make it a FOE fic?
Not gonna lie, this is the problem I have with recent FOE fics. The world of FOE has been overused for years. Many people tried to separate their stories away from Littlepip's universe, but most of them are not that original or good tbh.
And yes, I am aware about the IDW series reputation. But I think it did a decent job expand the world building a little bit (except Season 10 thought)