Over 100 of moons and moons had gone after Twilight had moved to Ponyville. Diamond Tiara lost her votes for president as filly, but years later Diamond Tiara became the Mayor of Ponyville as Mayor Mare had to retire and move to Silver Shoals. Years passed and Ponyville had 500 years anniversary with a big party. Future Diamond Tiara, future Silver Spoon and future Twist all grabbed a big, pink, clear, shiny, squeaking, round balloon that september day for hours. Adult Diamond Tiara then felt how Silver Spoon brushed the big, pink, clear, shiny, squeaking, round balloon against her static hair as Twist watched and rubbed herself under her legs that september evening for hours.
All the student 6 got a big, round, shiny, pink balloon one July afternoon under the annual and biggest Midsummer Grim Grinning Gala in a park outside Ponyville by the Nightmare Night statue. There was fake tombstones, big, round, shiny, pink balloons, pumpkins in all sizes, ponies dressed like old horror and scifi movie characters, amusement stands and much more under the Grim Grinning Gala. A group from Canterlot played music from old movies with a disco beat that a group of ponies danced and sang along to. The old abandoned amusement park house by the park was used by tourists every Nightmare Night, and it was an mental institution many many moons ago before it got abandoned where everypony moved out quickly. Dangerous and missing patients from the closed institution had still been seen along with the mentally ill ghost mare from a grave only named Mother. The Mane Six and Spike was sent on an map mission to that abandoned haunted house years ago, but the six ponies and Spike and ghost hunters all ran out as there was an angry Poltergeist inside. Back at the Grim Grinning Gala in the park at 3AM was cow, the two birds, the pony, the reptile and the insect they all grabbed the creaking big, pink, very shiny, balloon with their hooves and claws that autumn evening in a dark and quiet forest by the park until midnight. After that was the dragon petting the yak on her two horns with the creaking big, pink, shiny, balloon non stop until the morning as the four other horny creatures watched the dino give that big cow her very long horn balloon massage in the quiet and dark forest non stop until the morning.