Welcome to the Tagging Discussion forum. This forum was created to allow for an easier, more organized, and more transparent process when it comes to modifying tags on Derpibooru.
To use this forum, simply post a new thread with a title stating what you are requesting, such as “Alias Lyra to Lyra Heartstrings”, “Add a description to the Octavia tag”, and so on. In the body of the post, include a link to the affected tags first, and then an optional description. For example, here would be a valid post:
Topic: ‘Witch hat’ should imply ‘hat’
Body: witch hat -> hat
(optional description goes here, but wouldn’t be necessary for such an obvious request)
After a request has been posted, other members may weigh in and reply if they have something to add. If no one provides a reasonable objection, the request will be handled fairly quickly. Otherwise, discussion will continue until a decision is made by site staff.
Please remember to subscribe to this forum if you would like to be notified when a tag modification has been proposed, so that you can weigh in if you’d like.
If you would like to suggest aliasing artist tags due to an artist changing their name, please do so in this thread
Finally, as a reminder, please do not post overly NSFW or spoilerific topic titles out of respect for others.