General Tag Discussion

Loves Misty
That would be The Crystalling (the first part to be precise).
That would be The Crystalling (the first part to be precise).
Background Pony #D4EE
At least someone knows what I’m talking about. I clap for you Blissful690.
At least someone knows what I’m talking about. I clap for you Blissful690.


@Background Pony #D4EE
That just looks like a darker skin tone to me, I don’t think that’s supposed to be makeup.
That just looks like a darker skin tone to me, I don’t think that’s supposed to be makeup.
As to why they did that sometimes, I have no idea. Maybe it’s an animation error where they grabbed the shadow from the character’s palette or perhaps they wanted to emphasis the shape of the character’s eyes for some effect.


@Background Pony #D4EE
Oh no, Rarity wears makeup, that’s eye shadow. You can still see it sometimes even when her eyes are completely open:
>>2748085p (merged)
Oh no, Rarity wears makeup, that’s eye shadow. You can still see it sometimes even when her eyes are completely open:
>>2748085p (merged)


![Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

Senior Moderator
Undead inside
@Background Pony #D4EE
That’s just darker eyelids, nothing special. It isn’t eyeshadow either.
That’s just darker eyelids, nothing special. It isn’t eyeshadow either.


OC maker
Does a night light butt tag exist? I looked at 10 different ones and no tag for night light’s blue butt!


IRL 🎠 stallion
Does a night light butt tag exist? I looked at 10 different ones and no tag for night light’s blue butt!
@Background Pony #52BA
I found a new use for associative tagging: the tags for a specific character’s butt and
I found a new use for associative tagging: the tags for a specific character’s butt and
stupid sexy X
tags and the like. Some of the names are clever, but others are unintuitive to find and others are intuitive but not memorable.


![Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

Senior Moderator
Undead inside
@☬ lincolnbrewsterfan ☬
Lets not waste more tagging effort on subjective fluff tags.
Lets not waste more tagging effort on subjective fluff tags.

Background Pony #52BA
Yes, exactly.
Yes, exactly.
But that is the point of the feature-concept of associative tagging: those tags would not need to exist.
But that is the point of the feature-concept of associative tagging: those tags would not need to exist.


IRL 🎠 stallion
To expand on what @Background Pony #52BA said, the point of associative tagging is to obviate the need for cute novelty tags.
To expand on what @Background Pony #52BA said, the point of associative tagging is to obviate the need for cute novelty tags.
Currently, such tags exist because the
tag only indicates that somepony’s butt is visible somewhere in the image. It does not specify which pony it belongs to.That means, for example, if somebody was searching for pictures of Twilight’s butt with more ponies than just Twilight with
Twilight && butt && !solo && safe
, they would have gotten the >>2724130 images that started this discussion in their results. However, that image does not contain Twilight’s butt.Tags such as
were the improvised solution to this. However, there is no consistency to their naming. Not only is this confusing (which part of the name is replaced? Is it twibutt
or flutterbutt
or rainbutt dash
? Is it a pun on the cutie mark like sunbutt
or moonbutt
? Is it something else entirely, like rearity
?), it also leads to requests like @TheGamerPainter made above for each character that does not yet have his own dedicated butt tag.Further, take the case of someone who doesn’t want to see stallion butts today. With a naïve filter of
stallion && butt
, image >>2636942 would be filtered in spite of the fact that Pinkie Pie is the only pony whose butt is shown.With (syntax here is for demonstration purposes only) associative tags, >>2636942 would have something like
Pinkie Pie/butt
and Pinkie Pie/mare
in addition to tags for the background stallions. Image >>2724130 would have Night Light/butt
, Night Light/stallion
, Twilight Velvet/butt
, and Twilight Velvet/mare
. The stallion plot avoidant user could have a filter of {1}/stallion && {1}/butt
to have an accurate removal of stallion butts from their sight. Someone who wanted to search for Countess Coloratura’s butt could search for Coloratura/butt
instead of doing a more general search or wondering what her punny butt tag is (if she even has one in the first place).

![Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

Senior Moderator
Undead inside
Tags do not need to clarify who’s butt is present in the image, that is not what tags are for and this is trying to fix a problem that shouldn’t be one to begin with as it’s needless nitpicking and specificity and also does nothing for lesser characters or OCs and just serves as bloat.
Tags do not need to clarify who’s butt is present in the image, that is not what tags are for and this is trying to fix a problem that shouldn’t be one to begin with as it’s needless nitpicking and specificity and also does nothing for lesser characters or OCs and just serves as bloat.
Solo focus tag could fix your PP example, btw.
Anyway, people need to just deal with the fact that tags do not and should not be specific to every single character’s body part. Being someone who mostly prefers OCs, less popular characters, ponifieds, and males, I am used to not being catered to with a silver platter. It should not be encouraged as behavior when there is still dozens of basic tags barely getting tagged like
or pony
for god’s sake. Stop wasting time with specific butt tags.

IRL 🎠 stallion
For whatever reason, Firefox decided it suddenly didn’t like some image on this page and kept crashing the tab after my computer rebooted, so I have been reduced to phoneposting until this thread reaches its next page break. Even with a bluetooth keyboard, I miss my mouse and easily opening secondary tabs when effortposting.
What are tags for, then? There’s clearly a discrepancy in understanding here. IMO, the more specific and standardized, the better.
What are tags for, then? There’s clearly a discrepancy in understanding here. IMO, the more specific and standardized, the better.
Associative tagging proposals are specifically against individualized cutesy tags for each character. Users will create butt tags regardless of whether they’re supposed to or not (see: the existence of these tags in the first place long predates when I made an account here). Associative tagging admits that overtagging users aren’t going to change their behavior and be satisfied with nonspecific tags while also negating the drive to make up cute terms for each character by standardizing on a way that is the same for every character. Uncommon characters and OCs would be helped under such a system because there would be only one way to be that nitpicky about tagging for all characters.
The butt tags were merely the most obvious use case to spring to mind. An associative tagging regime could also note which character is wearing clothes in images with a mixture of clothed and au natural ponies.
It should not be encouraged as behavior when there is still dozens of basic tags barely getting tagged like female or pony for god’s sake
I fail to see how preventing the tagging obsessives from being obsessive would improve this in any way. The users who want more advanced tagging and the users who don’t tag the basics are disjoint subsets.
Anyway, if you want my thoughts on how to get
and pony
tagged more:- Do
, etc… implypony
? If not, people may tag the breed/race of the pony and not realize that doing so does not also imply the species ofpony
. - Likewise, do the character tags for the M6 and common background ponies imply
for the stallions?). What aboutmare
? I could foresee that the character tags would not have such implications due to R63 being a non-trivial fraction of art. - Has the mod team had discussions on changing the layout of the upload page to have separate input boxes for super-basic tags. Rather than one big box for everything, have subheadings for tags for artist, character (including
no pony
), species, gender, and other tags. IfTwilight Sparkle (unicorn)
does not implyunicorn, female, pony
, explicitly breaking out the boxes for tags would provide a hint that those tags need manual addition.
I do not disagree that there are many undertagged images. When I made the example searches earlier, they all had a term for
NOT solo
and each returned images that should have had the solo
tag. That’s one I can’t think of an automated solution to: my gut feeling says that automatically appending solo
(or even solo focus
) to images with a single character tag at upload would do the wrong thing more often than not.——
RE: point 3 in my list above, that could almost be some kind of use for associative tagging: for each character, separately tag gender and species. The image in my mind’s eye at the moment would be tagged something like the following:
Twilight Sparkle
would be paired with female, unicorn, pony, laughing
, Spike
gets male, dragon, unamused, smoke
, and Rainbow Dash
is pegasus, mare
. The image as a whole would have the rating and artist tag as well as nonspecific setting tags, tree
, nighttime
, and cloud
.The associated tags could be searched for just as tags currently are (
laughing, Spike
would return this image) or in specific (Spike/laughing
would not).——
Of course, if you just want to get rid of the junk tags today, we’ve already got a list going:
- the previously-discussed butt tags
- the
stupid sexy X
spam tags - character-specific
I do not, of course, know whether Philomena allows mods to set up tags to be blackholed (a.k.a. tags an unaware user couldn’t add to any image. Useful so those tags can’t be used again anywhere in the future.)


Anti Fun Officer
“Unicorn” etc do not imply “pony” because they’re not restricted by bodyplan, and “pony” is restricted by both species (equine) and bodyplan (zoomorphic).
“Unicorn” etc do not imply “pony” because they’re not restricted by bodyplan, and “pony” is restricted by both species (equine) and bodyplan (zoomorphic).
And yes, character tags do not imply sex exactly because R63 and various sexless/ambiguous transformations/versions of characters are much too common for misimplications to not be a problem.
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