
Matias: I see where Boomer was “So he was trying to sneak his way back up to the castle? There’s no way he could’ve got here on his own considering all the patrols that are meant to be on-guard…unless-” I noticed something flashing on Boomer as he’s about to be pounced on by the Orthros and bear “What the hell?” I quickly saw Gerald go wide eyed and turned around right as I could hear faint yelling from the blue Rowdyruff “Oh this isn’t good, is it?” Suddenly, I saw a green wave of energy emerged from Boomer and struck the Orthros and Bear “Yep, this is not good…”

Bubbles: Sigh
Blossom: “I’m sure it wasn’t her fault, Bubbles”
Buttercup: “Gee, what makes you so sure?”
Blossom: Goes to open mouth but notices big flash of green light in distance “What on Earth?!”
Buttercup: Notices light “Oh great, a lightshow now?”
Bubbles: Connects dots together in head and gasps “That’s the same color as the ones I saw in the storm clouds!”
Buttercup: “Wait, you mean the same thing that took away our powers?!”
Bubbles: “The same!”
Blossom: “But the position of that green light. It’s like being projected from…”
All 3 PPG: Wide eyed and gasps “THE CASTLE!”
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Shiny Bug
(Question. If the thing is anti-magic and whatnot, how would a magic shield stop it? And what exactly can I post? There’s not exactly enough time for my characters to do anything, not that there is anything they can do.)
(I suppose while I’m at it, I’m confused how this one kid character is suddenly able to channel it when it seemed to be a different sort of phenomena that comes from the sky earlier. It doesn’t seem consistent with the previous uses is what I’m saying.)
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Shiny Bug
(The post before seemed to imply Boomer was, by accident.)
(To explain my confusion about it, the order of events seem to imply it’s coming from him, especially since at no point did it say anything was coming from the sky like the previous times, leaving Boomer as the source.)

OOC: The idea I had going was that when Boomer got directly struck by the teal green energy, from the earlier capture of HIM (And supposedly lost his powers), the energy was absorbed into his body (Since the Rowdyruffs and Powerpuffs are powered by Chemical X and Chemical X has alot of mysterious properties still so its a possibility). When his powers started to return, combined with the aggressive sound-waves of the Orthros from earlier, it triggered the stored energy within Boomer.
But yeah, I may have made it so it’s impossible for Twilight or the others to react in time so that’s my bad. I’ll go back and re-edit it so there’s some actual time for our characters.

OOC: Edited so that the wave only hits those that are immediately in front of it (The castle being far back enough so that the wave peters out before it reaches it).
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Shiny Bug
(Good enough I suppose.)
Texty felt his horn spark a bit when he pulsed, frowning as he heard the commotion. “What’s going on?”
“Something’s about to hit the castle!” Plant Man said. “Gh… I’m not fully recharged yet, I can’t help…”

Meetra frowned. “The last time I saw green like that was when I revisited Malachor V… And that energy gives me a similar feeling.”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
as the wave blasted over the orthros, rather than a two headed guard dog about to bark boomer into the next week, there were now two equeally confused german shepherd dogs stuck in the amp vest, which had also shorted out.
the Grizzly similarly was toppled over by the energy and Bloodrose barely managed to duck away from that.
“my my, been holding out on me hmm? very well, while you can deliver on power the deal is on, let’s see what more the other two can do.”
sure enough she made her way up the stairs again.
(to note, all living beings have some amount of magic, in equestria at least, and conventional eyes cannot see the commandomare.)

Whistler: “i certainly hope that is not the same energy, Malachor 5 created things that were plainly WRONG, and all that from nothing but mass death.”
he waves the Deltas to follow along, the regulars had the town handled now.

Vigil: “uh… i honestly wouldn’t know how you think of me… but if my suspicion proves right someone else might…”
having reached the palace he waves to the bat pony guards standing before a side tower who step aside.
“that dreamworld probably was visited by a close friend of mine… princess Luna can explain that part better though.”
the second the words “friends” and “danger” entered the blue pegasus’ ears she put on the speed, her trademark of blasting the sound barrier ringing out around them as she can barely stop herself from slamming into the castle.
inside things were not much better, the wave had petered out before hitting the castle, but it had been enough to break the hold Twilight had on the spell.

Boomer was catching his breath and getting up from the ground as he just realized what he had done to the Orthros and Bear
Boomer: “Woah…that was cool”
He looked at his hoof, noticing a crackling surge of green energy flowing through it
Boomer: “I don’t recall being able to do that before? Unless…”

Gerald: “Okay, this is a major code red right now!”
Stranaii: “I’m afraid it’s even worse
Gerald: “What do you mean?”
Gerald froze up when he heard a nasally voice coming from back inside the room
Brick: “Well, well, I’d love to hang around and chat but it seems we’ve got a reunion to make!”
Butch: “Huahah! Yeah, Rowdyruff Reunions Rule!”
As the bubble containing them failed, they flew out of the room and out of the balcony, past Gerald and Matias; the former being blown back by the sudden speed of the Rowdyruffs, causing him to cling onto the balconys edge

Boomer was about to fly up to the balcony when he saw Brick and Boomer fly out of the castle first. He soon flew up to meet with them
Brick: “I don’t know what the heck took you so long or what you did to free us, Boomer…but thanks
Butch: “Heheheh! Boomer saved our skins!”
Boomer blushed in embarrassment
Boomer: “Aww, thanks guys. It’s nice to be appreciated for once”
Brick slapped Boomer in the face
Brick: “Hey, don’t get all emotional on us!”
Boomer rubbed his face as he noticed the Powerpuffs arriving back via a rainbow pegasus
Boomer: “Hey, boss, maybe we should retreat for the time being”
Brick: “…did you just give a suggestion?”
Boomer: “…yes?
Brick: “Well you’re lucky I was thinking the same thing! Come on boys, we’ll give him a good licking another time!”
The Rowdyruffs flew off at high speed back to the forest

Just as they began to follow Whistler, three coloured lines in the sky suddenly passed over them and the town
Thunder Force (Scorch): “Seems those kids are flying over alot”
Rapid Haste (Fixer): “Which ones though? There’s two groups now”
Night Hunter (Boss): “We’ll focus on that later, squad. Lets get to the castle!”

Shelly: <<Being visited by individuals in your sleep? Isn’t that an invasion of someone’s privacy, though?>>

Matias: I notice Gerald panicking “Hey hey, stay calm. We can’t afford to lose our cool right now!” I see Gerald asking a general question “I me-”
Before I could answer, I heard the two Rowdyruffs behind us. I soon went wide eyedOh helvete…”
I got pushed into the balcony railing as they zoomed past us at high speed “Son till en tik (Son of a bitch)!”
As I recovered myself, I heard Gerald yelling for help as I saw him clinging onto the edge “Hold on, I’ve got you!”
I grabbed onto Geralds hoof to stop him from falling

All 3 PPG: Clinging onto Rainbows fur as they come to a sudden start and stop
Blossom: “Girls, are we okay!?”
Buttercup: “Ugh, I’m think I’m gonna be sick…”
Bubbles: “That was…fast”
Buttercup: Notices the Rowdyruffs meeting up before flying off “AH DANGIT! THEY GOT AWAY!”
Blossom: “Lets worry about them later, Buttercup”
Utonium: “Girls!”
All 3 PPG: “Professor!”
Blossom: “What happened here?”
Utonium: “I don’t know how but Boomer somehow managed to free the Rowdyruffs from their magic bubble!”
Buttercup: “How the heck did he do that?! I thought our powers or theirs can’t break those stupid magic shields?!”
Matias: I grunted as I tried to pull Gerald back onto the balcony “Hhhhhgh! It’s, rhgggggh, something to do with Boomer!”
Blossom: “In what way?”
Matias: “Rrrrgh! He seemed to be glowing with some sort of green energy!”
Bubbles: Gasp “Just like those storm clouds back in the forest…”
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Shiny Bug
Texty frowned as he heard everything going on. In a way, he felt helpless, and almost useless. “I did not wake up today expecting this…”
Plant Man galloped over to help Gerald, shooting out vines to grab onto him and further ensure he wouldn’t fall. “Nós pegamos você!”
Meetra, following the troopers in the rush to the castle, saw the pony nearly falling off the balcony. She internally thanked her eagle eyes as she reached out with The Force and gave him an upward thrust with the flick of a finger.
“Ai, meu Deus!” Plant Man exclaimed as Gerald suddenly went from slowly bring pulled up to nearly flying into the air, landing safely onto the balcony. “You were light as a feather for a moment, amigo.”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “nice throw meetra, now time we get in there.”

Vigil: “Surprisingly, no. See, there is a second real layered over reality, for lack of original terms, the dream world. In it, command lies with the side of you that never lies to you, even if it doesn’t speak, your subconscious. and when you need a little outside influence to get through your dreams intact, that subconscious cries out. Dreamwalkers, and their astral body double, react to these alerts, with only limited ability to stop themselves from doing that, so for instance if your subconscious wanted to help you and call in help, one such dreamwalker, vigilant, my astral self, would get pulled in he probably didn’t say or do much in the end, just gave you a second opinion on your sense of self, probably based on what he saw in your mind, what your subconscious, chose to show him.”
they had entered the tower proper, and it was already feeling off, a warm darkness surrounded them, and what looked like bubbles with images in them danced around in the air.
“the princess herself is asleep, and the door to the dreamworld open, we see a few images, but no alerts at the moment, good, that means she has time for us.”

Twilight: “that green glow… i do hope that was all he did with it, for his sake too, no telling what could happen if it stays in him.”
the princess shook her head, for now the priority was making sure everyone was alright.

Bloodrose: “tiresome brats… well, i have a different task for now, and what an opportunity, most of the problems the prophet foresaw up in a crystal spire, and so many demo charges to go.”
what she probably hadn’t realized, a certain changeling could probably feel her out now that the devices hiding her own magic had shorted out, only her optical invisibility remaining.

After being flung up, Gerald indeed landed safely…right on top of Matias
Gerald: “Well…it could be worse, my friends. I would be either dead or severely injured right now”
He got off of Matias and helped him up
Gerald: “You alright after that?”

As Vigil was explaining the subconscious, it’s ‘command’ and astral body doubles, Shelly suddenly had another flashback to her coma-induced dream
“You’re NOT alone though Shelly, and you’re not trapped. you just had to go further than usual to respawn. do you remember the cave and the pool? equestria’s water is a bit different than the sea here.”
in the bay the lights of inkopolis shine on, as the statue falls apart and sinks again.
“A lot of people care, and they want to help you too.”
Shelly: “I…I don’t-”
???: “Oh, I do think you understand now…”
Shellys eyes widened as she slowly turned around to see the friend she saw back in her closet, back when the dream had begun. A new flood of tears came out of her eyes upon seeing her
Shelly: “R…Reesi?”
Reesi: “Come on Shelly, we now know that I’m just a figment of your imagination”
Shelly: “But…you looked eyeless…horrifying last time I-”
Reesi: “Because you were scared Shelly. Most of your mind was in denial after what Vigil told you, its why you imagined you were back in Inkopolis again. I represent the part of you that accepted that truth, the part of you that learned to move on”
Shelly: << So thats what that was… >>
Shelly shook her head as she needed to focus on the ‘here and now’ of the situation. While Vigil was talking, she was looking at the dream bubbles around her
Shelly: <<Never thought I’d imagine that a dream realm would have such significance in this reality? In mine, it’d just be for the ‘escapism’ of it>>

Matias: I fall back due to the sudden fling of Gerald before looking up to see him about to land on my position “Oh jävlar…”
I get pushed to the floor by the landing of Gerald as he says somethingThat’s nice to know but can you please get off!? It’s hard to breathe when you’re sitting on me!
I felt my chest become lighter as Gerald got up from me before he then offered a hoof. I took it and he asked me if I was okay “Well, my bones aren’t broken so I’ll take what I can, I guess”
I said with a slight grin on my face before turning my head to see the Powerpuffs back with the Professor “Wait, why did you come back with the help of Rainbow? I thought you could fly back to the castle?”
Buttercup: “We would’ve done that, dingus, but we’ve lost our powers!”
Matias: I was shocked “WHAT!?”
Utonium: “WHAT!?”
Bubbles: “It’s true, Professor! Those clouds I mentioned, they had the same green energy that we later saw Boomer use to free the Rowdyruffs!”
Matias: I thought for a minute “That teal green wormhole from earlier, after HIM was contained. Maybe, when it closed, it left some residue behind that interacted with the Everfrees’ own self-created clouds. Why this energy suddenly gave Boomer the ability to cancel out magic and superpowers though, I have no clue?”
Blossom: “I’m sure we’ll figure it out in time, Matias”
Bubbles: “My immediate question is, why was Boomer over here and not in the forest like Miss Fluttershy’s animals reported?”
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Shiny Bug
As Meetra followed the others into the castle, she frowned. There was that nagging feeling, the Force trying to tell her… something. Something was off, she could sense it, but she wasn’t quite sure what yet.

Plant Man frowned and walked over to Texty, who looked in his general direction after flashing his horn. “Amigo, not all of us are meant to serve in battle. You have your rightful place, and your own abilities. That flashing you do with your horn, that images the room for example. I bet few others can do that.”
Texty gave a little smile. “I suppose, though it’s really just to give me a slight semblance of what others can do with sight.”
“Well, is there anything you can do with that that someone can’t do with sight?” Plant Man asked.
Texty hummed. “Well, I suppose if I put a lot of effort into it, it can allow me to ‘see’ around corners. In fact, I could potentially see at least half the castle at once if I really concentrated, though it tends to disorient those around me when I try it. It’s a pretty strong pulse.”

OOC: While waiting for Cerebrate, I’ll add-on a little segment.
Gerald turns to where Texty and Plant Man are
Gerald: “Considering the current ‘How did Boomer sneak his way over here from the Forest?’ mystery going on, I think your ability might come in handy…because I’m getting the suspicion he did not get to the castle by himself…”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Shiny Bug
OOC: Definitely something I can work with once I get to my next post. I also have an aside I want to do once this event is done in order to start really setting up a big storyline I want to do involving Plant Man. I think I finally got it fully figured out where I want to go with his character.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Vigil: “Escapism is one aspect, but your dreamworld often constructs itself like a map of your own mind, it looking like your home city is pretty normal too.”
he leads her further in.
“your subconscious does a lot of heavy lifting when you’re awake already, but when you sleep it coordinates the cleanup of your thoughts but you’re not really here for that you’re here for-”
“… him.”
sure enough the slightly translucent form of an inkling walked up to them, hands behind his head, dumb grin on his face and a charger strapped to his back.
Vigilante: “Hey again Shelly, nice to meet you again, feeling better?”
Twilight: “if he dodged you on the way here, he was either invisible, or moved instantaneously.”
WHistler: “the obvious point would be, someone that knows to teleport, or turn invisible, was helping him get here.”
“and if the unpleasant conclusion that leads me to is correct, texty, we may need you to take a look over the castle, right now.”
(sorry again for being so late.)
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