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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Shiny Bug
The Griffon gave a small bow of respect. “It is understandable.” She said to the pegasus, before shifting her attention towards the alicorn. ​”I apologize for the intrusion, Your Highness. Princess Twilight Sparkle, correct? I have heard about you in the Griffon lands, and have come to aid in the solution to the growing divide within the Griffon community. However, with the security, I may be useful to you in more ways than one.”
As the Griffon spoke, they could get something of a look at her; She was slightly shorter than most Griffons, with silver feathers, hazel eyes, and reddish brown fur. She overall did not seem that remarkable, physically at least.
Then again, not everyone holds their scars on the outside.

Hearing the front gate opening, Plant Man began making his way towards the entrance, curious about the new arrival.

Texty walked, if in a roundabout manner, towards the Map Room. He did hear the entrance open, but figured that everypony else had it covered.

Matias: I noticed the room and looked over to Bubbles “Woah, hold up, Bubbles”
Bubbles: “Hm?”
Matias: I looked back to the room and walked in “Ah, Vigil! Good morning to you and…your friends?” I heard Bubbles coming in behind me
Bubbles: “I don’t recall seeing them here last night”
Matias: “And what the heck is that thing you’re holding?”

Blossom: Zip “Hey, did you just hear that, Buttercup?”
Buttercup: Zip “Yeah, sounded like something opening”
Blossom: “Opening for what, though? A new arrival perhaps? Maybe we should-”
Buttercup: “Uh, Blossom?” Points
Blossom: Turns “Oh! Good morning, Texty. How are you today?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Twilight: “the Divide is unfortunately directly connected to a few modernization projects we have undertaken there, and with the new alert condition, a number of these measures in Griffonstone will be activated. if you can indeed soothe the more traditionalist side that would indeed be an incredible help.”
Whistler: “deeply incconvenient that a certain problem chose now of all times to announce themselves.”
Crystal Unicorn: “ah, guten morgen, Frauleins. what dear Silent Vigil is just finishing to calibrate here, is an adjustment i made to my magnum opus. these devices were rendered, back home, to aid in a war againt mass produced murder machines, by rendering the wearer able to duck under the swings of the reaper’s Scythe.”
Changeling: “by which our mildly unhinged friend here means to say, he could ressurect us, irregardless of how severe the lethal wound.”
Helmeted Pegasus: “doesn’t help with old age though and if you were sick before you’ll be sick after.”
Giant Yak: “but with peace gone, life is dangerous again.”
Vigil: YOu could just lead with, we were hoping giving Shelly one thing less to fear she may open up a bit more, the normal lifebelts need extra power from the Doc's machinery, this one runs by absorbing the magic in the air.

Shelly stopped in her tracks when she saw that Vigil and Bubbles went into the nearby room
Shelly: <<I wonder what got their attention?>>
Soon, along with several newer voices, she heard a familiar tone in the room. Her ears perked up and she walked inside, passing by Bubbles and Matias. She noticed the device in front of her and asked up to Vigil. No doubt the others surrounding him would be confused by her squidtalk, however
Shelly: <<Is this…for me?>>

Gerald galloped down the corridors, breathing hard at the speed he was going
Gerald: “You felt it by the entrance, didn’t you?”
Stranaii: “Yes and we are not far from it now
Gerald rounded another corridor to see both Whistler and Twilight were standing in the entrance-way
Gerald: “Ergh! Why is it that I’m always late to this?”
Stranaii: “Perhaps you should exert yourself more in physical sessions
Gerald: “Oh shut it…”
He galloped over to them
Gerald: “You certainly got here fast, Princess. I was on my way to tell you that someone was at the entrance”
His head twitched, Stranaii taking control for a few seconds
Stranaii: “We felt a presence through the shield, it was looking for someone”
His head twitched again as Gerald took control once more. He looked over to the Griffon newcomer
Gerald: “And I can assume that was you we felt. How does a Griffon like yourself have access to psychic powers? Who are you, exactly?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
Texty smiled and chirped. “Ah, good morning nymphs! I am doing great, I got a great night’s rest, so I am feeling fantastic!” He said. “And how are all of you?”

“What the Griffons lack is a leader, one that can rally them together and forge a new nation far more stable than before.” The Griffon said. “And I might be able to help with that. Not only do I have experience as a leader, but after quite the effort I have found something that will ensure my legitimacy among them.”
Then, she turned to the one questioning her, Gerald. “I can tell from the curious technology of your guard here that this is something you have encountered before, and some word has gotten around about strange ponies that aren’t really ponies. Myself, I have not always been a Griffon. As for who I was… That is a long story. I was once a guardian of peace, before a galaxy-wide war threatened our Republic. I went to fight. Whoever I was… Died. I returned only to be exiled by my own kind. The ensuing conflict I was forced into became the crucible that rebirthed me. I have had numerous titles in my lifetimes, but the one that will suit this moment is Meetra Surik.” She said.

Texty crawled through the top of the doorway onto the ceiling of the room. “Did we miss anything?”
Upon seeing the changeling, Plant Man lept in the air almost five feet with a yelp. “MERDA SANTA!! That is a huge bug!”
Shelly blinked her eyes with confusion
Shelly: “Talk about waking up to weirder things…
Gerald: “Now stay calm, Plant Man. This is just our friend, Texty. He’s a changeling, a shapeshifter if you will. Although, in his case, he can’t do it at all as he’s blind”
(I guess Texty was too preoccupied to notice Shelly’s magical readings last night? Also Shelly, Matias and Bubbles are off in a different part of the castle, unless if this is a different squid pony who showed up?)

Geralds eyes widened at the name as a few tears started to form
Gerald: “Meetra…Meetra Surik. I know about you. Well, not personally but I heard of a version of your tales in my own dimension. The people you trained during your travels, they proved essential to the rebuilding of the Jedi Order after it was nearly wiped out. You stopped Sion; the Undying One. You stopped Nihilus; the World Devourer. Hell, you stopped Kreia; the Lady of Betrayal from killing The Force itself! You saved the galaxy from certain doom!”
He bows to her before standing up again, a smile now on his face
Gerald: “You are most welcome here”

Shelly was shocked. She didn’t think this world had the technology to do such a device like hers did. She tried speaking but she was choking up with tears of happiness
Shelly: <<I…I don’t…I don’t know what to say?>>
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “You do seem a bit like a monk… and if Gerald is willing to vouch…”
TWilight: “you are connected to something… old… wounded… and yet so full of benevolence… is that how the jedi feel? the deltas really understated it.”

Bubbles: Tears up “Aww, this is so sweet”
Matias: “I couldn’t agree more…but how does one attach this particular device to Shelly?”

Buttercup: “Lucky gnat…”
Blossom: “Buttercup!” Turns back to Texty “Sorry for my sister’s comment, Texty. We didn’t get a full nights sleep like you did cause of…unfortunate circumstances the previous evening”
Buttercup: “That’s an understatement…”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
“It is perfectly alright.” Texty said. “I hope you will be able to sleep better this next night.”

For the briefest of moments, Meetra had something of an odd expression, one hard to place for how fleeting it was. “Seems you know me already. At least, a version of me, shrouded in legends. May I come inside? I have an object that may make me a target once again.”

Plant Man neared the entrance, and saw the griffon that was once Meetra Surik. “A visitor? She doesn’t look like a threat at least.” He said.

Shelly smiled…and immediately galloped over to Vigil and gave him a hug
Shelly: <<Oh thank you, Vigil! I’m so glad your dream self proved me wrong last night>>

Gerald: “Damn right I’m willing to vouch, Whistler. We’ve got a Jedi on our side and a pretty powerful one at that”
In the corner of his eye, Gerald saw Plant Man approaching and turned his head to meet him
Gerald: “Ah, Plant Man! Good to see you. Come to see the new visitor have we?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Changedling: “zat would be why i am here, gentlemen. all these devices can shrink and easily attach to any clothing you may wear. that technology has been there since the days in our old world but Wind Whistler has indeed perfected it.”
the next moment the device shrinks down, looking now more like a hairpin that can easily be fastened to Shelly’s tentacle mane.
“we accounted for their shapehsifting too, of course.”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “by all means, i can tell the eyes of a veteran when i see them. what exactly are you talking about though.”
Twilight: “if it is not too much trouble… or too close to personal… may i Ask you more about the force later?”

Matias: I gave a sage nod “Okay, that is some pretty cool tech. Now we just need one that can let Shelly, both, talk and understand us non-inklings” I looked over to a Vigil “Not that I don’t appreciate a magical body change method already available but I just think that a translation device would be easier to do so we don’t have to rely on you or Bubbles so much” I swirled around to her “No offense”
Bubbles: “None taken”

Buttercup: “Hope so…anyways, time to go check what that noise was” Zip
Blossom: “BUTTERCUP, WA-…” Groans “She can be so impatient…” Turns to Texty “Sorry for the short chat but we’ve heard a noise down by the entrance. Either one of us present is leaving or we have a visitor coming in. We’re gonna check that out to see what’s happening? I’ll see you soon, Texty” Zips off down corridor
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
Plant Man walked over towards the griffon to introduce himself, but paused. “You look… Tired.”
Meetra ignored the comment and began examining the plant robot. “Is this… It is, a droid! I have never seen one like you before!”
Plant Man blinked, and decided to put his concern to the side for now. “My name is Plant Man, Designation DAN-001.”
“Well, Deeyay, whoever built you certainly had a flair for the flamboyant, but they knew what they were doing.” Meetra said. “You’re really advanced compared to what I’m used to.”
Plant Man almost looked like he could blush, if he had the capability. “Oh, well obrigado, meu amigo.”

Texty blinked as the children flew off. “Oh, well, if there’s a new visitor, I’m sure they’ll end up here anyways. May as well wait for them.” He said to nobody in particular.

Shelly took the device and attached it to her hair tentacle, her smile still wide with joy
Shelly: <<I feel alot safer with this enabled>>
She goes into squid-form to see if the device would fall off her. It did not and she turned back into her pony form
Shelly: <<Now its starting to feel a bit more like home. Only thing missing is some good old splat guns>>

Gerald: “Well then, lets not keep you waiting outside for much longer. Come on in”
He looks over to Whistler
Gerald: “Jedi are like monks combined with wizards. They were the guardians of peace and justice in The Republic”

Buttercup: Zip “Well then, guess it is a newcomer after all”
Blossom: Zip “Buttercup, you can’t just rudely fly away when we’re-” Notices group in front of her “Oh, good morning everyone” Sees newcomer “A griffon! Wow!” Flies over and examines her “All those mythical creatures I learned in school are coming to life in front of me! This is amazing!” Calms herself “You must be what the sound by the entrance-way was about. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Blossom and that’s one of my sisters and fellow crime fighter, Buttercup”
Buttercup: Uses wings to give equivalent of two finger salute “Hey”
Blossom: “My other sister, Bubbles, would be here to greet you too but she’s busy with another guest right now”
Buttercup: “Speaking of which, what the heck’s taking her so long…?

Bubbles: “Splat guns?”
Matias: “Its a type of weapon that projects coloured ink across the field. Their squid-form can be used in conjunction with it to go faster and also refill their backpacks, which feed ink to the weapon”
Bubbles: “Oooooh”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “oh i have been briefed on them, how it connects to generals in a war eludes me, but being a scientist that moonlights as force commander i shouldn’t judge.”
he turns to her.
“no offense of course but i hear the deltas are from a time much different to yours.”

Scout: “sounds like the new line of squirt guns you can get at Cheese Sandwich’s store. i think they even come with backpack tanks.”
Soldier: “ah, such wonderful contraptions he builds…”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
Surik held her tongue. At this time, Gerald’s perception of her will be useful; She can correct him on several preconceived notions later. Though, from what the other had said, it seems time displacement may be a factor; She had no idea what a ‘Delta’ was, and if this information is from the future…
Then her efforts may have been in vain, and the perfect imbalance was destroyed. No matter; She can rebuild here, she would simply need to find a suitable counterpart.
She would need to find a Revan.
It was then that new fillies flew in, and started talking quite a bit, something about mythological creatures, something about fighting crime? Regardless, they were simply children, and she could not bear any ill will towards them. “Hello, Blossom, Buttercup. My name is Meetra Surik, I have been displaced here from another time and place.”

Gerald smiles at them
Gerald: “Glad you could join us”
He turns to Whistler
Gerald: “Yeeeah, I’d say there’s a huge time difference between her and them”
Geralds head twitched as Stranaii’s royal tone took over
Stranaii: “And I would say that the four of them are but mere clones…where as this Meetra Surik is something…far more”
He turns to Meetra
Stranaii: “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Stranaii Satau. Once the former Emperor of the Zedhean Alignment, I have been…reduced to living as an essence within this other individual known as Gerald Dalton”
He turns to Twilight
Stranaii: “And I would remind the Princess that we planned to obtain me a new body this day from the Mirror Pool”
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